Conan Exiles: Video Overview Games

Home » Game Reviews » Conan Exiles: Video Overview Games
May 23, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Conan Exiles: Video Overview Games
Online – “Sandbox” Conan Exiles I went out in “early access” in the early 2017, and in order to go to a full-fledged release, she took her one year and a half. All this time, the company FunCom Grinding the survival simulator in the wild lands of exiles and finally brought to the state in which he was not ashamed to show people: the bugs in the Early Access were complained of almost all players. It is also important to note that Conan Exiles – This is not the first game of Norwegians in Setting Hiboria: before that they already did Age of Conan – MMO in the harsh world of Conan Barbara.Conan Exiles: Video Overview GamesCool signature about outstanding features of the game.

Valley of missing women

The game the game is very simple. The protagonist – the seniorist sentenced to the death penalty tied to the cross and left to die in the desert. He checked for a long time: the criminal suddenly saved Conan himself (apparently, it was necessary to somehow justify the name of the game, because the legendary barbarian never appears in it). But before seeing a wonderful release, we need to create a hero, choosing its floor, race, appearance and religion.

Religion – Important Mechanics Game. Belonging to the denomination provides unique recipes for equipment, sacrifices allow us to call for a huge distressful avatar of the elected God. First, the game gives to worship only one deity, but then their quantity can be increased. I, of course, is not a bore, but where it is in Hiboria, it is seen that the minions of the set will at the same time reward praise the Sunnelikom Mitre, although their teachings completely contradict each other!

Well, it is impossible not to note the unemployed editor of the protagonist – only lazy spoke about him, – in which you can play with the size of intimate features of characters. Is it done only to attract attention to the game? I can’t come up with another explanation.Conan Exiles: Video Overview GamesNo, well, who is so crucified on the cross?! Nails are not visible (and beyond the brushes, and not, as expected, for wrists), and the legs are not even connected!

Treasures Gualura

After creating the hero, we are published in an open seamless world. IN Conan Exiles no learning and everything has to comprehend yourself. No in the game and quests in the direct value of this word, however there are goals that are spelled out in the upper right corner of the screen. They help to get acquainted with the main features of the game.

First (and, and what sin, later, too, too), the player will have to panic a lot with the collection of ingredients for the “craft” of things. First, it will be simple stones and branches, then more rare resources: Star metal ore, for example, or demon blood. To search will have to explore truly beautiful locations – deserts, jungle, snowy valleys, swamps and even volcano. Unfortunately, resource collection is somewhat tired. Useful items on the road are not lying, and instead of admiring the scenery of Hiboria you will basically cut the trees, prick stones and hunt animals.

On how the tool is produced resources depends on what happens at the output. If you beat the tree with an ax, then it will remain wood, and if you prick, Kirk – Bark.

And also the character needs to drink and eat not to die from hunger and thirst. Animal Hunting Provides Hero Impregnation. And for complete comfort, you can (and even need) to build a house or at least a fortress of your dreams.

Comparison comes to mind with last year The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. IN Conan Exiles You can also climb on the sheer cliffs and cook food in the bowler. It can be said that we are given to play a sort of severe “Zelda” – brutal and with naked televisions.Conan Exiles: Video Overview GamesIn order to make this armor from the skin, I needed a few evenings “Grinda”!

People of black circle

If at first I had a question, why tie this simulator survival to the setting “Conan”, then over time he disappeared by himself. Yes, first I thought that from the Hibori world in Conan Exiles Only the name, several races and gods. It seemed to me that there were almost no “Laura” in the game (compared to the same Age of Conan, where were even quotes from books!), But actually it is not. There is even a hidden storyline, and carefully examining the location, you can find a lot of texts about the world. After a tenth of hours I can safely declare that the fans of Hyboria will probably like it!

Another unusual game mechanic – slavery. In order to make a slave, you need to dull the enemy to the loss of consciousness, then tie it and make the wheel turn. About the same as Konan twisted in the film about himself. Slavement system is needed for the organization of the economy. Warrior’s slave can be forced to guard the house, the slave is manufactured by improved weapons, and the dancers remove the dancer, which can be picked up in the ancient ruins.Conan Exiles: Video Overview GamesThe inhospitable world of the game is not an empty “sandbox”: the lands of exiles are beautiful and filled with objects – temples, caves, camps of wild tribes.

Right rascals in the house

IN Conan Exiles There are several modes – PvP (each of the players took off the conan personally from the cross!), online-PVE and single campaign. You can play alone, but it is difficult: quickly kill. Player Limit on Server – 40 people. Although the potential of the game and opens in a multiplayer, a single campaign is also good – you can only play for her.

After death, the experience and ability do not disappear anywhere, but the character remains in the literal sense with his naked back. Only those objects that remained in the chests. If you, of course, do not play a single campaign on an easy complexity level. In addition, in the multiplayer when changing the server, each time you have to start with the creation of a character – it annoys.

List of changes that appeared after the release Conan Exiles, An impressive: the number of resources, recipes, monsters increased. New – excellent! – Animations, deities, beomes: volcano and swamp. Above the game really worked for glory.Conan Exiles: Video Overview GamesThere are no classes here (in the end, it is not RPG), but there are skills and recipes, which can be opened for experience points.***
I’m not a fan of the genre, but Conan Exiles loved with all my heart, because in it literally everyone will find an exercise to taste. You can, for example, explore the ancient ruins, and you can unite with other players and rebuild a whole city. At the same time, the beauty of the Haybori world and its harsh spirit (which is only sacrifices!). It is necessary to emphasize that, while some survival games do not leave the “early access” for four years (Dayz, I’m looking at you), Conan Exiles was finalized to a decent state in just 15 months, let the remaining bugs and slightly lubricate the impression.

Pros: Excellent adventure with lots of content;There is an official translation into Russian (but not without mistakes, of course, “I will remember Laugh for a long time);You can play both alone and with live people.

Minuses: tedious and one-day resource collection;Artificial intelligence is very mediocre;The game is somewhat outdated in graphic.

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