Giraffe And Annika: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Giraffe And Annika: Video Game Overview
May 27, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Giraffe And Annika: Video Game Overview
Adventure with jumps, riddles, speaking rabbits and completely without a fight, but with dance batmers against bosses, where the main role is played by a cat girl with ears and a tail, as well as a boy named Giraffe, – Well, lovers of anime-milot, yesAnd just milots, sit down comfortably and listen to our story about a wonderful game Giraffe and Annika.

Fell, woke up – Giraffe!

So, the girl really cat ears and tail, and the boy (with the ears, by the way, he has the same problem) is the name of Giraffe. They are not immediately found. First Annika was a normal girl, but then together with his cat somewhere quickly ran, stumbled, fell, hit his head, woke up – but he saw no plaster and doctors, and his tail, the mysterious magic island, and, actually, giraffe.

The boy seems to be vaguely familiar, but she can’t remember exactly. Giraffe explains: in order to reveal the secrets of the island, you need to collect three fragments of stars that are hidden in local dungeons and special locations. In the process, we encounter a nice, but seemingly an evil sorceress lily, who is vaguely familiar.

In general, leitmotif in the plot Giraffe and Annika The search for lost memories. Still, falls and blows head without a trace do not pass! However, the proportion of sarcasm – in fact, in this story there is its own charm, and the mystery and final impact turned out to be not just cute, but also truly emotional. Let it be a bit predictable.

Island of Miracles

Naturally, the mysterious magic island inhabit the magical creatures – speaking frightened, no less talking stone figures named Mrs. Saves, who perform the role of preservation, and a funny ghost-carpenter, ready to fix the bridge, if we bring it the necessary resources. There is a family of rabbits, the mother of which will ask for a certain time (before the evening) to find her kids who ran away who. And in gratitude, will shift the word in front of the talking turtle, on which Annika with a giraffe of the famously will be inserted to the right place.Giraffe And Annika: Video Game OverviewThe plot is served in pretty comics.
Especially in search of inspiration, an artist similar to a very large open chicken, will ask to run and photograph a statue of a local goddess. There are other funny characters in their own way, who will definitely be asked to bring them something or do, and in return we will get a useful thing to study the island: the camera, the clock … or a new dance dress.

Access is allowed

Research island B Giraffe and Annika Built on the principle of metriculum. Somewhere until time until time we will not fall until someone cannot help. Or do not learn to jump, swim longer under water and so on. Somewhere the path blocking multi-colored doors to which you first need to get keys. Somewhere will have to make a small rabbit and drawer to solve a problem and climb.

Some tasks will work only at a certain time of the day, so small asylums are scattered for Annetes, where she is free to sleep until the morning, until the evening or until the night. Well, in general, there are many interesting things on the spot – you can, for example, bring gifts from special altars, for what you need to find a tip, in which sequence put an apple, carrot and melon. The same fruit vegetables, by the way, serve us first aid kits. You can search for treasure cards, dance and film, open chests with images of cats or anime girls. And then you attribute them to the local gallery, where at any time allowed to admire the collection. I’m saying, not a game, but myself myself ..

Dexterity instead of power

Yes, on the island of frank enemies and battles as such. But in the dungeons where we, in fact, are looking for snarches and solve other important plot tasks, they appear. These are different flying or spikes with something uncertain, but they don’t have to fight there – we are or running away and jumping a lot, to be accumulated in crystals scattered throughout (the benefit of them is very much), or hiding behind the boxes, for example, sailing on the boatpast enemies. In general, fall into the water at first there is much more terrible than to meet with the opponents – the Anniki sinks at first very quickly.Giraffe And Annika: Video Game OverviewFrom white heads with red eyes you just need to run away.
Naturally, in the dungeons you have to solve riddles and overcome obstacles. Somewhere under the firing, we move boxes to jump higher (and not only);Somewhere quickly running on the boards slammed under the legs;somewhere carefully jump from one moving fleet to another;Somewhere ride on the trolley;somewhere dancing to get the opportunity to use the stairs (no matter how strange it sounds!). And in some locations, the cat helps us – indicates the path, presses on the plates and removes magic barriers.

In general, the dungeons are different, themed – there are classic dark catacombs, and, on the contrary, open, shrouded in white Location location, and, I would say, water rides, where we swim on boats and looking for a steering wheel for the ship to take the saved rabbit (yes, rabbits are due to famous reasons a big offspring).

Dancing with the Stars

This is how, running, jumping, hiding and dodging, solving the challenges and overcoming obstacles, we must reach the local boss, which causes a witch Lily. And then the battle is finally begins. But it, to put it mildly, not quite ordinary. In essence, this is a dance mini-game in which we need to be laundered to music or in time to beat the Boss Boss “Right” balls, or donate from the “incorrect” damage.

The faster and more carefully do everything, the faster the opponent’s health falls. Otherwise falls our. At a certain point, having received enough damage, the boss and lily begin not to scream from pain, but to dance. And so – several times before the final victory.

In addition to the lily itself, then a big crab will dance against us and even a robot.

It only sounds just in words, in the game, even at the normal level of difficulty, it turns out (well, my personally) is far from immediately and not everything. You have to get used to pulling reflexes and train, good at any time, even outside the dungeon, you can open a special book, see your best results and try again.***
Carrots, rabbits, girls and boys with ears and tails, pictures of cats, zero battles and dance battles … “Ugh you, how to play it?”- Undoubtedly, someone will say. But in fact the authors Giraffe and Annika not only put on the best feelings of the connoisseurs of anime (and in principle of good, cute, nyashny adventures), but also implement a lot of well-working and interesting mechanics, the main one of which is a study in the metricular style.

Pros: Emotional plot;The island is really interesting to explore, gradually opening something new;a variety of dungeons with unique scenery and obstacles;Unusual battles with bosses in the form of dance mini-games;very pleasant, easy music;In general, the game looks very colorfully.

Minuses: someone may not like the absence of battles and really complex mysteries.

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