Exception: Video Overview Games

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June 16, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Exception: Video Overview Games
The Miloid Grandma includes a laptop, opens the browser and sees ads with free presents. Not knowing how dangerous such advertising can be, she presses all buttons in a row and involuntarily downloads several viruses affecting the operating system. To help her there is no one, except for one brave process, which takes the initiative to his digital hands and decides to clean the laptop from the bad. For him, we have to play in a dynamic and bright platformer Exception.

Antiviruses are not needed

Zaguka is absurd so much that even the developers do not particularly want you to delve into what is happening. Before the start of passing, you ask whether you want to see the entrance video or immediately start the game. The same happens with the rest of the video – after the completion of the next chapter, the similar question is asked, and the “Skip” button is first, so that you can quickly click on x and go to the next test.

Well, okay, nevertheless not for the scene Exception Created. She is reminded by gameplay Strider, Film decorated “Throne”, – This is a fast platformer overlooking the side of the Armed with the sword, the main character runs, jumps, destroys opponents and jumps through dangerous obstacles. The main task is to get to the yellow cube, and you can do it either run past everyone, or destroying every informer and studying the search for collectible items.

Distinctive trait Exception – The fact that location is periodically transformed when you are a trial to certain objects. At some point, the floor becomes a ceiling, and the previously unattainable platforms rotate 90 degrees together with everything else, and it becomes possible to jump on. All this is accompanied by beautiful effects, the environment is changing at your eyes, and to predict how the level will look like after contact with these objects, will not succeed. Already later, when re-passing, you understand what to expect, but during the first attempt it remains a surprise.Exception: Video Overview GamesAmong opponents there is no one who would cause problems and interfered.
At the same time, it is difficult to say that this excellent idea was embodied in life in the best way. Many levels (even those that come across late steps) are too short and can be passed in less than a minute – during this time you see the transformation of the card once, a maximum of two. The authors say that they did not set themselves the task of making the game difficult, so the fact that after death the level is starting re-, is not very annoying – after all, a considerable part of the stages ends quickly. However, if the locations were a bit more larger and turned in the course of passing into something else, Exception would have benefited from it.

But when this feature is used on a complete coil, you get great pleasure from the platformer. You get into a closed space, you kill a couple of viruses, touch the object to the molded in the air, the camera away, and the walls with the ceilings are moving quickly, forming a completely different figure. Previously, you ran through the floor – now you need to climb up the ceiling. And the character here can scramble with jumps on the same wall that is very convenient and saves in many situations. Through what seemed an earlier obstacle obstacle, now it’s easy to jump. And all this – under the sounds of an excellent synthing, which sounds continuously and is not restarted at the beginning of the following level.

For each individual stage, an assessment is put, which, apparently, depends solely on the speed of passing. Also issued any bonus medals (for eliminating all opponents, the rapid murder of several enemies, the use of some techniques), but their meaning and value are not explained in any way. The maximum score is four stars, and in the overwhelming majority after the first attempt you will receive only two or al1. It encourages immediately to press the “Re-” button and look for ways to complete the passage faster – either find the wall at which you can climb immediately to the goal, or will remove the destroyable secret passage at all. Hunting for collective objects is also exciting, especially if they are outside the “boxes” in which you pass the whole level.Exception: Video Overview GamesDisappearing platforms, trampulus, torn lasers – with a variety of everything in order.

Software errors

The only thing that can spoil the impression from Exception, – This is physics of the main character. He does not jump, but as if flies, and at first, the simplest plots may seem difficult due to the unpredictable behavior of the character. Remember the old games in the open world, where collectible items were on some high turreka or pipe, and you tried to jump onto it from the wall, but after a time I flew through the top? Here, exactly the same thing happens, and even if you just try to jump and touch the object hanging in the air, then surely misfier and lose the precious seconds. You can get used to it, but in the later stages, when moving platforms-trampolites begin to appear, the difficulties will become more.

To other shortcomings you can attribute the character and fights with bosses. As the levels passing, you get experience and eventually unlock one after another new skills. However, they are all so useless that it is even difficult to imagine, in what situations they will be useful. For example, you will learn to clamp the shock button and throw the sword, but it will not affect the speed of passing. Or make a jerk down for which it is necessary and the button “down” clamp, and the jump, which is also hardly someone will be used. The last level can be passed with the same set of abilities as the first, it would be better if the appearance for the character was given or some fun filters.

Useful these skills can be in battles with bosses, but the likelihood you will simply forget about these frills and limit yourself to jumping and conventional blows. IN Exception There are a pair of excellent episodes with large opponents, but in all other cases there is to fight with not the most original opponents that use the same techniques and fall apart after several thakov. This impression does not spoil, but the inventive mechanic battles clearly lacks.

Not the most dangerous obstacles can quickly become a problem.
Exception, Despite its name, do not call an exceptional platformer, but there are elements in the game, thanks to which the levels pass one by one and you do not notice how fast time flies. Here, more than hundreds of stages – some were not very high quality, some are pleased with the environmental transformation. Running the head in a digital store for the sake of this game is not worth it, but when it wants something like Strider, some bright and fast platformer, where you do not need to be distracted by the plot, buying Exception Discount will not be the worst decision.

Pros: Stylish picture;Soundtrack;an interesting idea with level transformation;a large number of stages;Constantly emerging desire to restart the level for the sake of high marks.

Minuses: The character does not jump, but as if flies, because of what the simplest action can cause problems;Some levels are so short that interesting transformations simply do not have time to appear;Useless character improvements.

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