Gravity Rush 2: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Gravity Rush 2: Video Game Overview
June 20, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Gravity Rush 2: Video Game Overview
Whole generation of Japanese video game developers, having acquainted with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, began to insert “sandbox” wherever neither. Final Fantasy in the open world, Metal Gear in the open world, now here Zelda in the open world – and all of them are not at all what world recognition gained. And more often “not those” – in a bad sense. GRAVITY RUSH 2 – from the same song.Gravity Rush 2: Video Game OverviewTogether with Kat in the settlement of mines and Sid. But even among the work, he remained lazy.

“There is no more attracted”

Although you need to admit that the world of the game itself is beautiful. He is remembered. He is not enough for what. Farming in the air islands and airlodes. Gravitational storms and alien creatures. Invented language and monumental architecture of cities. The queen of gravity, Kat, begins his second adventure in the flying village of Banga, where most of the inhabitants mined a meager paja of shaft worker. Once here from the city of Hexeville in the gravitational bore, the heroine lost his girlfriend Raven (in the Russian version it is called a jewel) and the cat haze. Without an animal of Kat cannot control attraction, and therefore is in the slave position.

The topic of social inequality, the superiority of some and the plight of others passes the red line through the first two chapters. We will see the class struggle, meaningless cruelty on both sides, even we will be before the moral choice – but the story will not receive decent plot turns and closer to the third chapter will give way to dig in the past Kat. It is very offensive, because, first, not so much video games are able to stick to their topic to the end, and secondly, if the starting half does not require acquaintance with the first part of the series, then to understand the subtleties, the second is better to fly through Hexeville on PS Vitaor in the remake for PS4.

In addition, the plot is still being served in comics. It could be understood when limiting the original game, but at a powerful console at least sometimes you want a more advanced narrative format. And in general, all GRAVITY RUSH 2 Looks simple. Characters are sustained in manga-style, scenery look at though nice, but do not differ in diversity. The difference with the original remote is felt, but from an important exclusive I want more.

Dizziness from success

Of course, when the mining, which is happening with the change of gravity, the development of parts retreats to the background. When Kat flies or hits the enemy in the air, the most important thing is not to feel dizzy: so everything is rapid. The control is quite simple, but in missions where you need to follow a moving goal, desperately lacks the ability to change the trajectory sharply.Gravity Rush 2: Video Game OverviewRun around the ceilings and walls is still interesting.
The developers have tried to diversify the tasks of our cat. Numerous “bring-feed” with different variations remained, but now there are significantly more missions with secretive passage, and by side stages are two times more than the main. Stealth turned out to be different: somewhere it looks appropriate, and somewhere illogic and annoying. But the mysterious plates turned out to be the most sad – they usually reduce the destruction of opponents or the collection of jewels. And in general, the gameplay does not cause strong emotions. It seems everything is done well, but something is missing.

Maybe the combat system is too simple – here you just need to press one button for kicking your feet that on Earth, in the air. Even with a pair of additional styles – weakening gravity and reinforcing it – most of the nested “missions” are not very necessary. Although the technicians themselves fit very successfully into gravitational logic – all the fights in the air are becoming easier in the lung, lunar style, and powerful opponents are much faster to destroy the reinforced, Jupiter.

True, the “grafting” exclusively in the course of the plot is impossible to collect. Mascots that enhance KET can be mixed only in the middle of the third chapter, for maximum improvement of abilities, too many crystals need, and special techniques can be used once a hour. The opening of the new mechanic is simply not encouraged!

And also, perhaps, trouble is that GRAVITY RUSH 2 – the game is not difficult. Up to the last episodes, if you die, then from the problems of game-design, and not because of opponents. For example, there is a mission, where you need to stop the rocket flying into the building. Before you start with open text, it is not necessary to attack them directly, while the only way to have time to catch everything is to beat the part of the shells by sacrificing. It is good that such a bit, but there are backup situations – the tasks for dragging people or items can cause a yawn, and the outcome of some missions start predicting in advance.Gravity Rush 2: Video Game OverviewThe provocative clothing of the heroine is not doing anywhere – it has become even more!

Potemkin cities

People and items are the main components of the “Sandbox”. Flying from one soaring island to another, Kat may fail to collect crystals to enhance the abilities. And receive optional tasks. Everything. Up to the most recent chapters in the beautiful antigravitational world nothing to do. Here the vessels reminiscent of the “blade running” and the “dark water pirates”, but if not to go to an additional mission, where they need to jump, it’s just a scenery.

Here you can talk to the elected passersby, but besides the disclosure of the plot, these replicas will not give anything. Here you can teach the defeat on the market by raising the boxes in the air with benches, but you can not capture the police station and get a search operation in response. Sided missions remain, batoes for time and online fun. These marks on the map a lot more than plot.

Yes, it is in secondary tasks that the wildest scenes are found, like a job with a cascadener in a sexy nurse costume. Yes, there are outfits for Kat and items in her house. But the house opens only at the end, and the whole side part is torn off from narration. Even in Final Fantasy XV Stupitsky Quest with Noodles gave one of the story missions. Peace GRAVITY RUSH 2 Beautiful – but does not live.

It seems to other players must inhale in him a little life. We are looking for treasures using the pictures left by people and make the same. Photographing and get “Likes”, convertible in glasses hams. Compete with the ghosts of other gamers in small competitions. Unfortunately, I was rarely able to meet with other people, but most likely, with time, the situation will be corrected and will become more interesting.Gravity Rush 2: Video Game OverviewPerhaps setting – the main reason to get acquainted with Gravity Rush 2.***
GRAVITY RUSH 2 claims to the status of a large blockbuster, but according to the structure remains portable entertainment. The open world is worse here than in the first GTA, and practically do not need. And the story is not enough that it is appropriate to be primitive, it is still rolling in the banality for the middle. Not that the second series of Adventures Kat is bad, but to get to full hits with a price tag for four thousand rubles, she needs to turn off gravity and fly a few kilometers up, while studying new tricks in the air.

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