Dark Bestiary: Video Game View

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June 27, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dark Bestiary: Video Game View
Among the games created by one person, often come across small, and sometimes big masterpieces. Dark Bestiary from Ivan Karlashenko – Not a masterpiece, but all connoisseurs of step-by-step RPG would recommend with her at least familiarize themselves. Now I will explain why.

The power of a word. And Breda

Purely externally, and, Dark Bestiary, As you yourself can notice, it does not particularly pretend to. All in Spartan, but at the same time does not scare. Well, there is a picture with some figures – and okay. And there is still a text filed without any visual excesses, but it just scares – how juicy and atmospheric is described by the madness of the main character, which forced him to go in the footsacks of man in black. Here, read yourself.Dark Bestiary: Video Game View
Grapomania, and even with punctuation errors? Maybe. But in any case, such a text plunges into the atmosphere. And therefore, in that very “dilapidated village” we come in the appropriate mood. And there we are meeting gloomy and not very talkative people who are by a happy coincidence of circumstances are the owner of the Harchevni, the merchant, the alchemist and the blacksmith-artisan. As they say, everything is for you, lovers of “Rogalkov” and RPG.

It is exactly from here that we are taking out the surroundings in the surrounding forests and fields where we celebrate evil spirits, werewolves, gourdalakov, revived stones, bald fairies, deep monsters, mournful widers, lived dead and other evil spirits. And also – a strange hunter who became a victim of the same madness as we. At first he hides from us, then helps, but in the end falls under the curse of the witch. As you get in dialogues with residents of the village there are new topics.Dark Bestiary: Video Game ViewPeople are gloomy here, but also can laugh. How not to be contracted without a christmas?

No (well, almost) accidents!

I told the above about “Rogalik”, but in fact Dark Bestiary – Not really he. Yes, in Hardkore mode, the death of the hero permanent, but all combat bars are manually made mission with clearly prescribed conditions, awards, dialogues and enemies. Yes, the location of the monsters or the properties of altars, giving temporary effects, but there is no special random.

Yes, and the number of plot missions is limited – their exactly 21 pieces. In addition to the campaign there is still patroling for the Grend of money, a treasure search script (you first need to find a map) and especially the complex “nightmare” mode, which is blocked by default.Dark Bestiary: Video Game ViewMissions passed can be replayed.
So, in general, it is rather anxcounted / rpg with classical step-by-step battles using action glasses. And it is this certainty of missions – one of its main advantages. Because there always put difficult conditions for survival, which suggest clearly selected passage tactics. And that such a tactory can be a lot – the second most important advantage Dark Bestiary.

Cool Solyanka

At the start, we choose the hero of one of the four classes (warrior, arrows, magicians and a hunter), but no one will force only certain class talents and skills. On the contrary, the game pushes to combine different, creating unique character builds. Before very often after the victories and achieve new levels, in addition to equipment, resources, talent points and characteristics, we are issued to the choice of a bunch of skills, calculated and at the closest battle, and on the distant and magic, and on the call of allies.Dark Bestiary: Video Game ViewDo not like the proposed set? It can be updated.
As a result, it pulls to experiment. I, for example, was an archer, which at the same time was blossoming with bright magic and knew how to call the ice elemental elemental. And it has always had to decide – leave more purely rifle skills or add more magic with a call for undead.Dark Bestiary: Video Game ViewSkills, as you can see, a bunch, and cells under them only 10.
Available skills really much, so before each battle you can experiment and change the active set. Accordingly, different tactics are used in battles. In different ways, it is allowed to develop and talents – if you, conditionally put on an archer with a burden to magic, then in addition to purely rifle things, it is logical to pump and witchcraft. True, talents, in contrast to skills, put there and here – it is impossible.Dark Bestiary: Video Game ViewThe more often we use certain weapons, skills or magic, the more bonuses from this we get.
It is important here that, developing talents and applying skills, we get new titles in the relevant areas. That is, the shooter causing a snowy storm will also become an elementalist. And almost all skills give bonuses if they use the hero of certain ranks of a certain level. For example, throwing an ice boom, as an elementalist of the third level, increased the spontaneous damage by 5%, and as the arrows of the second level, added to this elevated 6% chance of a critical strike.

Why do we need a blacksmith?

Naturally, B Dark Bestiary It is also necessary to choose the equipment correctly, there is a trade, a black market, kraft by recipes, alchemy, the ability to improve forging objects, insert precious stones in them (if there are no slots, then you need to create), transmutations, mixing different ingredients, stones and things.

Some write that all this throughout the story campaign practically did not use – they say, they picked up the right build and the mustache did not blow. I, apparently, did not quite correctly picked up, because sometimes I created something, and improved, and the transmutations even indulged.Dark Bestiary: Video Game ViewFor many craft operations, you must first create certain tools – inhibitors, stabilizers and hammers.
But in general, it is necessary to admit that the game rests more on the combination of talents and skills, and all this trade and craft part has been worked aslee. For example, it is not very clear why spend big money on a new bow with indicators almost like mine and with bonuses that my also have. And the whole road was offered to me exactly the bows, crossbows, muskets and pistols.

Tactics – everything head!

True, all this is true for precisely the story campaign. But in more complex modes “Patrol” and “Nightmare”, it is much more common to use the services of village artisans and generally the opportunities that offers a game. Including buying food in Kharchevna, giving temporary bonuses to health and damage, and activate relics, which pump together with you and also “hang” for the character. Additional gain. Dark Bestiary: Video Game ViewAlthough in plot missions there are especially difficult situations and bosses – each of them has their podlans here.
In difficult cases, it is necessary to correctly use the tactical capabilities and points of action. Success here to a lesser extent depends on the conditions of the environment, and more from understanding, when to use skills (they all have a recharge), whom to beat first, when and where to retreat and so on.

In this case, we, in time, teleported and applying a powerful skill, got rid of the enemy in one move.
As you can see, with all your minimalism, Dark Bestiary It offers enough rich opportunities in terms of build build, tactics, selection of skills and all this tactical role-playing kitchen. Everyone who likes it is welcome. Although the game, of course, requires more polishing the balance, add content and so on – by this and the author promised to engage in the release of his creation.

Pros: advanced mechanics, rich in tactical opportunities, and on the character builds;History is simple (as well as the entire audiovisual series), but atmospheric;pleasant music.

Minuses: The handled part is worked out by worse combat and role-playing;The picture, of course, looks primitive.

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