Shadwen: Overview Video Games

Home » Game Reviews » Shadwen: Overview Video Games
June 29, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Shadwen: Overview Video Games
Recently, the Finnish Studio Frozenbyte Go no matter. The audience with love belonged to the first two TRINE, However, when creating a third developers could not understand what exactly attracted players. They for some reason added extra three dimensions, made an adventure extremely short and allowed a lot of mistakes, fix that no longer had the opportunity. All this led to poor sales, and this, in turn, – to the release of glued skull Shadwen.Shadwen: Overview Video GamesAfter a couple of seconds, the guard will unfold and leave. No one is not visible!
Together more fun

That a new game Frozenbyte created in a terrible hurry, said the developers themselves. Because from the moment the announcement before the release of the final version, less than six months passed. It is not known how bad the studio is financial position, but the appearance Shadwen In its current form indicates despair and desire to survive in the market. Although the authors are satisfied with the result, they call the game “Real Stealth” and as if they do not see any drawbacks in it.

In fact, Shadwen represents the boring stealth action that would not hurt to go out to start in “Early Access” Steam and breathe there for about a year. But the creators decided to offer the audience a crude version, which is torture torture. Although interesting ideas in the game are still, they are invisible under the pile of minuses.

The game tells about the Shodvkin – the girl hired to kill the king. On the way to the castle of the heroine, I notices the girl Lily, which the guard is about to arrest for the stealing of the apple tree fallen from the tree. The child must be protected and saving, but how? And here the first moral choice appears: to overeat their work man in front of the girl or somehow distract the guard, so as not to injure the children’s psyche? And make such solutions will have to each step.

Let’s not try to understand the storyline Shadwen – The story loses any meaning when, due to the persistence of the girl, the hired killer takes a witness with him, instead of refuse and go on their affairs. We’ll have to put up with the absurdity of what is happening and carry a child behind you, clearing the path and running from one point to another for almost two tens of levels. The ending will depend on how many people were shodven in the presence of Lily, – the game allows the murder of several guards, but if their number is great, the final will change.Shadwen: Overview Video GamesSometimes the game looks beautiful, but on this its advantages ends.
Something the local gameplay is similar to The Last of US. Instead of a man here is a girl with a rather long oblique, and instead of Ellie – an annoying girl who can not stand up for herself. I perform all the work: She and the guards distracts, and orders gives, and the items standing on the way. Lily moves away from one bush to another, if no one sees it, or unfolds and runs in the opposite direction, noticing the danger in front. No one can see or kill her, even if she runs all under his feet, so it’s not necessary to worry about it.

Almost every mission you can go without murder, but for this will have to try hard. Sit in the bushes, moving barrels and boxes, noise and lump up the enemies so that the girl runs forward. The problem is that the game does not reward for this: the only thing that changes – dialogues during the download of the next chapter. No bonuses, no glasses, nor a worked system of karma, which somehow affects what is happening – there is nothing. So why try? Dialogues, by the way, are also strange: if I didn’t kill anyone at the next location, I will not kill anyone, Lily will like the earlier earlier and will not remember all these atrocities.

No motivation

Stealth here is primitive as much as possible in bad indi-games. By and large, except for hide and seekers in the bushes and drawers, Shadwen Suggest nothing to offer. The enemies respond quickly to the steps heard, go from side to side and instantly raise the alarm, seeing the main heroine. The gameplay does not receive any development, since all opponents look equally and constantly carry the same crossbows and swords. You can pull the boxes to themselves for each other for each other so that they fall into the head no suspect guard, but even this will not give any emotions.

Arsenal Heroine At first also. She carries a dagger with him, to kill which is capable exclusively from the back or on top, and knows how to cling to the rope for the wooden beams – developers, speaking of this opportunity, remember the zoya from TRINE. However, there is nothing in common with her – if Zoya had grace and elegance, then this character awkwardly moves, it is inconvenient, and sometimes it is spinning around the rope with a wolf due to early physics. Over time, the girl learns to create traps and other devices that make a lifetime easier. But before that moment, it is unlikely that someone will come.Shadwen: Overview Video GamesPile of boxes and I want to drop the guard.
One of the key mechanics that distinguishes Shadwen from other games of the same genre – the ability to stop time. When Skodven does not do anything, the world around also freezes, as if in Superhot. You can press a separate button so that the guards “came to life”, and you can move and achieve the same result. It cannot be said that it somehow helps, – locations are not so huge here in order to study them and work out. Yes, and without an understanding of where the guards walk with which periodicity, it will not be possible to evaluate the situation.

But here you can releasing the time if something went wrong, and the return allow you to return even to the very beginning of the mission. When the guard notes Skodven (or finds not hidden in time the corpse of his colleague) and raises an alarm, the game stops and offers to return a few seconds ago to prevent failure. Although this function is very convenient and eliminates the numerous loading screens, it comes against the bases of stealth action. The player understands that the error will not lead to any punishment or a fine, and therefore can try various options and sooner or later to achieve success. Here you do not feel the tension from what you are about to notice or that your plan turned out to be unsuccessful – it’s enough just to turn off time and in a couple of seconds to return to the previous position.

Yes, and the enemies themselves in Shadwen so stupid that there is no pleasure to mess with them. Hearing noise in the bushes, they will not get to check who sits there – apparently, the rules allow them only to rub their knees about the foliage and displeasant to go to the post. And from the level of complexity their intelligence does not depend. The difference lies only in the interface and prompts – in the standard mode, the guards are highlighted when they are alarmed, and there is no such option on “hard”. But the ability to wind time makes any location more or less easy.Shadwen: Overview Video GamesSilhouette of the girl is visible from everywhere – it will help her find if the poor thing is stuck.***
Unfortunately, Frozenbyte Hurried with release Shadwen, and instead of a good game we got a boring adventure, almost all components of which are made bad. What after that the creators will take TRINE, Nobody knows, but to produce something similar in the future – it means to put a cross on your reputation, and so applied after TRINE 3.

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