Cosmonautica: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Cosmonautica: Video Game Overview
July 11, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Cosmonautica: Video Game Overview
The number of games that have reached the release, being in the trendy “early access”, is not very different from the number of those most long-suffering birds that have passed from the last forces to the middle of the Dnieper. There are much more examples of a non-serious relationship of developers to their promises – probably it is very difficult to force yourself to work on the product, which has already brought the main cashier on pre-orders. Here we have hundreds of promising beta versions that are not in a hurry to become a full game at all.

The opposite example is always happy, and it will be just about that case, and the release has taken place – far from the only dignity Cosmonautica.Cosmonautica: Video Game OverviewOne of the girls did not reveal with other crew members. Have to seek replacement.
The best crew is sunny

From the name it is clear that Studio Chasing Carrots Created something science fiction. This is true;Is it possible to argue about “scientifically” – no seriousness here and does not smell, it is understandable from the very first minutes of the story campaign (part-time being learning for novice astronauts). The will of Fate Player turns out to be a captain of a small cosmolider, and he will figure out the origin of a mysterious container with an unknown content, producing aboard. Assist in this can a robot parrot N1L and a diverse crew.

It is the crew members always in the spotlight. They can be hiring and dismissed by selecting the optimal composition. In addition to specialization, each cosmonaut has its own characteristic features that affect relationships with other team members. Let it look slightly simplified (the vegetarian will be friends with a vegetarian, but never – with a meat lover), but still influences the effectiveness of the team’s action. Everyone can get sick or, on the contrary, to inspire, working with a doubled force, everyone needs to pay salary and follow the increase in skills – you have to try on the role of this captain.

Player Vain choose the route of movement between space stations in orbits Planets, visit Star Systems, fight with pirates, trade and perform various tasks. But how exactly it will happen, depends on the crew. Analogies S The Sims will not be superfluous – every team member has its needs that must be satisfied in a timely manner. Eat, sleep, quench other interesting needs – All this is necessary time and place (the starship without the toilet on board will not fly far), but there is no need to distribute orders to each thanks to the WachT system. We have anything, and the ship is still!

Each subordinate can be assigned to its occupation in each of the four available WachTs. For example, in the first and third repairman, it reaches the wear equipment, the second is cleaned, and the fourth rests. This setting allows you to get rid of the microcontrol, and nevertheless, life on the ship does not subscribe for a minute – as in any other similar game, it sometimes sometimes is interesting to just watch.Cosmonautica: Video Game OverviewIt is hardly worth counting on a victory in battle, having only one machine gun under the control of an inexperienced arrow.
However, it will not be able to sit too much – to move through the plot line of the campaign (or, if you run free regime, not to remain without livelihood), you need to act.

Have Space Suit – Will Travel

Except for missions developing a campaign history, then a player in Cosmonautica must entertain himself. There are no strict borders here, you can fly where your eyes look – there would be enough money and the strength to beat off the enemies. Funds for capital accumulation is enough: trading, task execution, blackmailing other pilots, in the end. Each Planet does something and something needs – for example, if there is a hospital here, then at the local station there is a high demand for medicines, and the artists guild will provide the cheap export of works of art. It is better to trade in the presence of a great truth, and you will not get such not immediately, so you can find other profitable classes – there are missions for the carriage of passengers, and the hunt for the heads, and the delivery of smuggling.

It is possible to spend earned on improving our interstellar ass or on the purchase of a new, more spacious, comfortable and durable. On the shipyads, there are enough various for the purpose and execution of ship compartments – from Galuna to machine-gun turners, and they can be placed as a soul.

It is worth remembering that during the flight the team should do something, and not sit without. In addition to obvious pilot or engineer, the profession of scientist is very important. It is he who in his laboratory is engaged in the discovery of new chemical elements, allowing to acquire new compartments;He also studies the surroundings of the planetary system so that they become visible on the map;And only he can open the way to the new Star Sector.Cosmonautica: Video Game OverviewA small crew where everyone is busy with his business.
The most, perhaps, the main loafer on the ship is, of course, the shooter. If he does not have additional skills like repair or cleaning, it is engaged only for all days to his person – lies on a galley and sleeps. But when the ship faces an enemy, it is from gunsmiths that depends whether the ship will come from a fight with a victory. However, other crew members also take part in the battle – the pilot manages the movement of the ship, the hacker hacks the Systems of the opponent’s starship system, and the repairmen will quickly eliminate damage. Nevertheless, space battles here far from most important. Cosmonautica more about trade and accompanying adventures than fighting to death.

Bird-talker is distinguished by intelligence and smartness ..

Artists who worked on the creation of visual design, obviously drenched inspiration from the science fiction literature of the last century, not embarrassed to joke over the outdated stereotypes. The style of the game is one big parody of Patosic Space Operas: All these are typical for early fiction aliens, cosmic ships, resembling submarines, cumbersome Spacks and a completely non-serious design of stations and premises create an excellent atmosphere of a solar adventure. Along with excellent music all this reminds some funny mix of works Shekley Robert Sheckley, Douglas Adams (Douglas Adams) and Kira Bulychyova, And sending to the latter you can notice, if you do not be lazy to read dialogs in the campaign.

For the pretty and stylish design, however, you have to pay. Management here is far from the ideal, the developers clearly lazy to make it more intuitive. To perform the simplest action, you have to do too many movements, and the large size of the interface elements only interferes. And all because Cosmonautica – Product cross-platform and oriented primarily on tablets. Save a slightly saving system, which allows you to synchronize the passage. For example, starting the flight on the computer, you can continue the journey at any time on your mobile device.Cosmonautica: Video Game OverviewSystem map. Not only the planets are visible here, but also other ships with which you can also interact.***
Simple, but a pretty game, even if not claiming something more than becoming entertainment for several free evenings. The very thing is, if there is nothing to do and you need to kill a certain amount of time, – fantasy without an ever-step pathos, with a magnificent decor and a funny atmosphere of space travel.

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