Hood: Outlaws & Legends: Video Video Overview
More recently, marketers could add a strange PVPVE abbreviation to their press releases and interest this audience. Now, when such games like dirt, and the plank of their quality is not much rising, you need to take another. For example, take an unusual historical era or make the heroes of famous (including fictional) personalities. The Middle Ages is suitable for this, and the name can be put in the name Robin Hood – Apparently, it appeared Hood: Outlaws & Legends.
Rich too cry
Unfortunately, like many other stillborn multiplayer entertainment, Hood suffers from many sores. The most important is only one mode: “robbery” on eight. There is still a training in which it allows to break through the four for workout against artificial intelligence, but it can not be considered. The only mode is not a sentence, the royal battles are somehow survive. But in this case, the game requires a lot of variety, and here it is missing.
Each participant of the match is a robber who should steal from the Gold Power to give it to the poor. The essence is simple: I appear on the map, we are looking for a sheriff, we are imperceptibly taking the key from him, we open the treasury and endure the box with gold. Then we put this chest on the winch in one of the specified places and begin to turn it. Progress is maintained by achieving each of the seven divisions on the swan scale. Cheered to the end – won.
Twist the swan until the rest are busy.
Opponents are constantly swaying on the location: first the minor guards who are killed by a pair of blows, and after the stealing the chest, strong ambals begin to appear – it is better not to enter into the near battle. All of them are controlled by artificial intelligence and raise anxious if you are noticeable. And, of course, players of the enemy team are found, whose tasks are exactly the same: find the key and bear the treasure. Wins a detachment that feeds the winch to the very end.
It does not matter what made any of the teams until the last moment. For example, your group can also steal the key, and the treasury to open, and the chest attributed, and six divisions to fill in joint efforts. And in the end, the entire enemy squad at the last moment will attack you, all will overcome and feed the winch to the end, spending counting on it and won. It may have been logical to offer two different swans (and it is strange that two teams are engaged in the same thing at the same point), or simply take into account all earned progress and not reward those who decide to do something only at the endMatch.
As a result, as such, PVPVE is not here – mostly it is PvP, a kind of team fight to death. Weak guards no threat represent – you can put a block and beat them off their attacks, and sometimes it’s easier to run past. Strong simply go there and annoy it, and if you wish, you can cut off with explosions or blows from behind. Players are much greater danger, here only the quality of the local PVP is very inferior to competitors. Compare Hood with some For honor generally offensively with respect to the last.
Opponents stop before death – in these moments life swears before their eyes.
Came, saw and gone
Gameplay depths no. On the map there are three checkpoints for the rebirth that can be captured and selected from the enemy team, there are drawers with additional ammunition, and … everything. You can still open the doors and lower the ropes to unlock short paths to the chest and points, but the design of the cards, even taking into account this remains unfriendly to the player. If you do not know by heart where to go, you will constantly rest in the walls and fences or climb the stairs that lead to dead end. In addition to locations, it is often not a ZGA – a gloomy Middle Ages, nevertheless.
The most offensive thing is that the game seems to be about stealth (even pebbles can throw), but outside the starting learning no one in the bushes is hiding. Your random companions run in full support and waving sledgehammes that at the beginning of the match, eliminating the guards, that at the end, when players begin to fight with each other. It is understandable – it is desirable to find the key and treasury, regroup and be ready for the attack of opponents. Of course, if you collect friends and talk in voice chat, Hood Surely will play new paints, but the game is not the cheapest – it is necessary to convince comrades. And this is not so easy – there are more affordable alternatives. But the cross-platform multiplayer is supported.
Two John probably nobody will not expect.
Some diversity make classes, which in the game four. Everyone vary not only by a tiny arsenal, but also by “Utmai” – they will dump along the match. Robin’s tramp is armed with a long bow, but in the near battle almost defenseless. Marianna Hunt can become invisible before applying attacks and silently eliminates any purpose. Mystic named Tuk attacks the enemies with a kitie, a spiked ball on a long chain. Well, John’s debosshire – soil muscles with a sledgehammer in the hands.
At first I assumed that you can’t take the same heroes – four classes for four players. But the developers did not make everything for the first time on the wrong logic, so nothing prevents you from taking any1. Balance because of this, of course, suffers – the same john can be considered almost an obligatory hero in the detachment, and if you have two of them, the victory is almost in your pocket. He hits a lot on earth, bluntfully stunning those who stand near him. And his “ultra” increases the resistance of the damage and gives unlimited endurance – the archers will not be able to do anything against such a strong.
Yes, there is also “Stamina” everyone has – it is impossible to beat non-stop, and the forces ends always inappropriate. But this is not the worst thing – much annoying the terrible registration of hits, because of which he flew exactly in the goal of the arrow or who pierced the enemy, a sledgehammer’s cryptoon will not cause any damage. Of course, this happens every time at the most inopportune moment, and opponents can win due to a lousy network code and good luck.
Due to limited endurance, moments arise when two enemies stand and look at each other.
For what they offer to suffer and end the matches? On the earned currency, you can buy the design of weapons and suits for all heroes – nothing, however, will not be seen because of dark cards. For participation in matches, fragments of legends are opening about characters, which are absolutely uninteresting, and collective baubles are unlocked for the silent elimination of enemies – it is even smaller from them. Well, for new ranks, they give skills that have simultaneously positive and negative effects – for example, you will be able to carry the chest faster, but you will slowly capture points. In general, the progress system is also very boring.
In the future developers Hood: Outlaws & Legends Promise a lot: and new cards, and characters, and regimes, and even some fun with a slope in PVE. But it is not necessary to evaluate the promise, but the product in the present form, and so far the game is not impressive. It is difficult to imagine, for which the players will participate in absolutely identical matches in the same mode longer than one month. Now the project resembles an additional multiplayer mode, which goes to the campaign, as it was with the old Assassin’s Creed. And as a separate paid game, it seems like a very unfavorable offer.
Pros: not the worst idea;The grim atmosphere of the Middle Ages;Support cross-platform multiplayer.
Minuses: one sole mode and only five cards;Matches are too similar to each other;PVE-component nails to the classic team combat to death;Stealth is not needed by and large;Balance problems;Finding frequently gives failures.