Goliath (2016): Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Goliath (2016): Video Game Overview
July 25, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Goliath (2016): Video Game Overview
The number of games about survival and resource search is so large that any similar project with the “craft” and the bribe main character automatically starts to be calculated to the next harsh “sandbox”. Those who do not like this genre or already a member (which is not!), run by and risk not to notice anything really unusual, interesting. For example, humorous Action / RPG about robots and animals developed in Novosibirsk.Goliath (2016): Video Game OverviewAs in any self-respecting RPG, there is a dungeon where even such Mahina can crawl.
Stay alive?

However, the authors Goliath And at first, as if specifically limited us for the nose. The game begins with the fact that the plane, which is flying the main character, the subdominous young man in the name of Gromov, tolerates wreck over an unknown area. Come into consciousness, thunder detects themselves with an ax in his hand somewhere in the forest and sees the inscription shining above his head: “Give it to the arrival arrival”.

He immediately offered to chop trees, collect brica and branches, shoot on some birds and breed a fire where you can, for example, fry mushrooms and turn branches in coal. It seems that everything is clear – now they will still say about the need to feed and take the grommet on time, put it to sleep and ensure that he can’t picked up “angina, scarletina, cholera, diphtheria, appendicitis, malaria and bronchitis” ..

However, at this moment it turns out that the second surname Gromova seems to be Kulibin. He knows how to make a mechanical goliaf, in the cockpit of which our hero do not need to worry about food, sleep and sores. All his thoughts – about how to get out and find the second pilot. And for this you will have to explore a strange, broken into the fragments of the world, get acquainted with its inhabitants and rub into confidence in representatives of different factions.Goliath (2016): Video Game OverviewIf you came to a new location, conditionally, at the tenth level, then the monsters will always be about the same level.
Lucofred and Goliath

That is, the game quickly turns out of one-sided “survival” in a full-fledged Action / RPG, in which, in addition to the branching system “Kraft” and “pumping”, and battles, and numerous quests, and dialogues, and even humor inverse with a moral choice.

Hedgehole stylistics Goliath in spirit Borderlands, and selection of local intelligent population with which Gromov has to deal with. Traveling between fragments, he will meet his ardent foxes from the forest fraternity (sort of local elves), Puzzy Steellers led by their leader named Lüchefred. And get acquainted with the sect of religious robots scientists who believe in the creator of the mechanisms and, it is clear, immediately rank to those and Gromov with his handmade goliats.

We need to find out the secret of each of the three factions and become your own. And for this you will have to increase your reputation, performing numerous tasks, – work under the gang of the colorsoids, where everyone considers itself the largest and most important boss, to learn the recipe for potions in Fox-drug addict, help local alcoholics and football players and even learning tongue trolls. This, of course, is not a level of parody South Park: The Stick Of Truth Or, for example, Penny Arcade Adventures, But B Goliath Sometimes a smile “suddenly touches your eyes”.Goliath (2016): Video Game OverviewExhibition of achievements of the national economy ..
Image – nothing. Reputation – all!

The same with a moral choice and nonlinearity. Novosibirskaya Whalebox Studio, It is clear, N BioWare and ne Obsidian, But she tries … As a rule, solutions are simple, without long branches, and are based on how we want to see Gromov. Either he does not pay attention to the troubles of the inhabitants and behaves, to put it mildly, ugly, or vice versa. For example, Gromov will meet the steelmaker, whose brother has started a little animal – a nasty marsh monster and now lives in solitude. During the fulfillment of the quest, while we feed the creature, it grows and eats the owner. And then you already decide, tell the truth or deception to pull out money from the “quest” – allegedly at the request of Brother.

In addition, you can try to handle and keep in dialogs or, for example, the furtively attack on the fox-security officer to improve the contents of the chests. All this reduces the reputation, but it can be raised enough to raise enough, performing typical quests for the delivery of resources. Somewhere in the middle of the game war of factions will begin, and we will have to accept some1. Well, the final is solved, which of the three groupings will help Gromov to get to the goal.

Robot for work

But in the game itself the choice at first is small. All the way we fight and something rubbish, a stake, we tear and collect. And then let all these stones, branches, bricnos, mucus, skins, claws, ingots, coal, mushrooms, berries, and so on either on the creation / repair of goliaths and weapons for them, or on the production of even more advanced resources, or on the manufacture of anyuseful items, potions and oils that can be used in battle.

True, it is first necessary to put on its base (again for the collected resources) special buildings: the laboratory, where the same potions and oils, garage for goliath, weapons for “craft” of all sorts of swords and crossbows. And gradually these buildings you should improve.Goliath (2016): Video Game OverviewGet out of Goliath and switch to Gromov stands if you want to quiet somewhere.
But with battles, everything is not so simple, as it seems. Initially available the easiest, wooden goliath. But as new types of fur types are opened – stone, iron and crystalline. All of them differ not only by skills that can be used in battle, but also resistant to environment and specialization. For example, Iron Goliath causes a very big damage in the near battle, but susceptible to the environment – rust under the rain, attracts lightning. But the crystalline, on the contrary, too fragile for hand-to-hand, but they published very painfully throws with ball lightning and swinging enemies with electricity.

Goliafov does not happen much

Depending on which parts you collect your Goliath (there is a head, torso, hands-legs), different feeds of fur, such as fire or snowy. And they also react differently on Wednesday and weather conditions. Wooden risks to light up from overheating in the desert, but in the water he, on the contrary, regenerates. Fiery in water and in cold locations is not restored, but it is almost invulnerable to heat (if only not to beat it with a cold!) and may set fire to the enemy.

Here and there is a choice of which Goliath, when and how to use, what a weapon and with what a spontaneous damage to him. Switching between Machina allowed right in the battle. And even better if it turns out to collect a team of several giants who will run after you and fight autonomously.

In general, fight, “swing”, to make and explore a lot. Even in the fortieth level, you can experience problems with the next story “boss”. Therefore, the authors allowed to move freely between the fragments and return to the already open worlds to make the resources and “rolling” on weaker monsters.Goliath (2016): Video Game OverviewEach type of goliath is a set of combat skills.***
Actually the only problem Goliath – Technical implementation. Immediately after the release in Steam, there was a lot of problems, including “departures” and even the lack of sound, because of which the developers had to cancel the weekend, cook patches and translate everything to the new version of the Unity engine. However, most sores of Novosibirsk have already cured, and now you can recognize: Goliath – The game is interesting, big, bright, with a good humor and the original concept, which proves that the Russians do something else other than online and mobile applications.

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