Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

Home » Game Reviews » Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games
August 18, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

We have not seen any more saucers? About aliens? About zombies? We can, about how a feminist and transgender shoulder shoulder fight with male stereotypes? And about disassembly between rats, frogs and mosquitoes were? Now, thanks Tails of Iron, – eat. But what does all this mouse look like?

Son Zaottsa

As you already understood and see how to screenshots, Tails of Iron – It is a two-dimensional, very beautiful, manually drawn (it is generally a British chip Odd Bug Studio) Action at the junction of the metriculum, platformer and soulsla. That is, almost the most popular genome hybrid on today.

Only here we play the rat – more precisely, for the young rat king named Reggie. He climbed the throne at the most tragic circumstances – the elderly crowned father killed his toads and frogs on his eyes. The city himself was plundered and almost destroyed, and Reggie turned out to be one of the few survivors. Now he is understandable, you need to take revenge, defeat, restore and return to the former glory – all on the list of the average hero.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

Everything like people.

First of all, he must save and return his brothers, whose frogs from the clan of the green wart dragged. One of the brothers – the royal cook, the other – Kuznets. And after salvation, you still need to rebuild the dining room, where the dishes prepared by the brother increase the maximum health supply, as well as a blacksmith – there are new weapons, shield or armor for us.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

All communication occurs through artistic whistles and such pictures.

King of the simplicity

At first, all this intrigues – let it be disassembly between rats, frogs, worms, mosquitoes and crots, but a dark, even a tragic atmosphere, just like in Dark Souls and her like. Yes, and drawn everything very stylish.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

It seems that the smell of blood and Gary is now leaving from this picture ..

Then, however, jokes, light irony and funny names begin to arrive, which, however, is normal for such animal setting. It is not scary.

But when the economic vehicle is tightened with the detuning of industrial premises, the mood and atmosphere is not so that they will disappear, but they saw. The fact is that we are forced forced to undergo side tasks to earn gold on construction work. And these quests are exclusively under the carcake (destroy the lair worms / splits camp of scouts and all in such a spirit) and unfold plus-minus in the same locations.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

Tasks are issued on the bulletin board, and they can be repeated.

First, they will ask you to earn eight gold (one “soup” gives from two to four coins), then ten. And when you, sweating, will bring everything, and you will say: let’s collect another 30 gold with the same Makar, – it wanted to become the very rat that will run away from this ship. Thank God, the story of Reggie develops not only from voluntarily forced work, but such situations will repeat, knock out of the general rhythm and mood. Reggie sometimes, and he himself, it is about the fact that the king is forced to run and perform tasks.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

The authors also iron, but still make us engage in routine.

Rat bations

The gameplay itself pleases the queue forward the combat system. Control battles B Tails of Iron practically does not happen, especially at first. The authors immediately make it clear that it will not be easy: Lee joke, almost the first our serious fight in the game – and immediately with the boss! And in the future, even one or two ordinary (seemingly) the enemy can quickly cut off Reggie His “Iron Tail”. You have to ride, block and counterattack.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

Get around the back here is very useful for health.

At the same time, the game seems to make two essential crossings. First, there is no endurance – you can beat and dodge how many. Secondly, color indicators flash with special attacks: the red indicate that you can dodge, and yellow – that it is better to block it. But fights and opponents are arranged so that it is not that much easily facilitates the situation. Many opponents often participate in battles. And when someone is on top or bottom throwing into you or sleep with something (it must be blocked), someone is going to taare, someone prepares “red” or “yellow” attack, then focus and correctly do everythingThat is simple.

How Nikolai Carpol would exclaim, where … yours, block?!

And then, you need not just block the blow, but to do it on time to stun or discard the enemy to the ground. This is especially important in the fights with bosses that do not care about the fact that we have no “stamins”. They are still all the strong and with their chips – they can spit with poison, call the lightning and jump on us through the whole arena.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

At some point, zombies will appear.

It is also important to choose the equipment to competently. By the usual attack, we use one-handed weapon and shield, with an alternative, get the two-handed. Spear, for example, beats quickly and in a straight line, and a heavy sledgehammer can be overlooked from top to bottom – when you meet with flying tweaks it is useful. Yes, there is always a bow or crossbow, but the arrows have a property to end.

And weapons and armor (light, medium or heavy) differ not only by the indicators of damage or protection, resistant to certain types of enemies, but also weighing. And in theory you need to decide whether it is worth sacrificing maneuverability for the sake of higher parameters. I did not notice a special difference in the speed of movement, but, perhaps, simply because I did not allow a very strong advantage.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

Right in fights you can apply poison on weapons.

It is equipping that we develop a character throughout the game. Plus the above-mentioned dishes that increase the reserves of health – the ability to cook them and eat it mostly in the plot and not too often. But there is no experience or shower, and we do not get new levels, respectively.

The problem is that among the items there is practically no something unique, with special properties like an additional natural damage – but a lot of exemplary equal trash. And even in drawings, the blacksmith often does what we do not need. Order a specific thing and see what happens, it is impossible – the forging each time resembles a lottery.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

Find here reference to The Elder Scrolls?

Rat race

The services of a blacksmith so we use infrequently. And merchants mainly makes sense to buy bottles with poison, which can be applied to weapons. The reserves of arrows and juice of beetles, restoring health, as a rule, we replenish in the process of research of locations. There, and useful equipment we find without any drawings.

Fortunately, as in any subway, in Tails of Iron Many pathways – you are free to deviate from the main goal and go to explore the surroundings. In the process, you can stumble upon an optional boss, a skeleton, compressing a useful shield, or on a chest where you will find a statuette – perhaps it will help to open one very important door.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

Yes, there are its secrets.

In some places it will be possible to get only after you find a heavy weapon, able to break obstacles, or learn to avoid damage from poisonous evaporation. In general, everything is standard – sometimes even too. There are not enough more interesting moves, fantasies, unusual abilities opening access to new locations.

Lack of normal teleports system. IN Tails of Iron Many often have to return to where there is a chest with equipment – only there we can change weapons and armor. And there are such chests or in settlements, or at the points of the preservation, and that far from all.

Tails Of Iron: Video Overview Games

But the map is convenient.

Tails of Iron is good with its atmosphere, graphics and combat system. Everything else or too trite, or not brought to mind. Another thing is that the game puts just on the atmosphere, a picture and battles – I was enough to play, lose, tolerate and go into battle again. But the game did not fully implemented their potential.

Pros: a gloomy atmosphere;dramatic tie;high-quality combat system;Complex and steep bosses;Picturesque hand drawn graphics and atmospheric music.

Minuses: many identical, boring quests;in many ways extra backtrack;The mass of about the same equipment of the equipment, from which it is not to get rid of.

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