Pixeljunk Monsters 2: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Pixeljunk Monsters 2: Video Game Overview
August 19, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Pixeljunk Monsters 2: Video Game Overview
At some point it might seem that studio Q-Games Works on dark times. For a long age, she produced niche, but beloved in the narrow circles of Arcade – and suddenly decided to dedicate for five years to create an experimental The Tomorrow Children. During beta testing, the game it was clear that the team turns out something nepherty and very strange, and the audience did not imbued – after 10 months after the project is launched, it was announced that the server closes.

Fortunately, nothing terrible happened, and Q-Games Returned to what he can best – to the creation of a variety of games series Pixeljunk. Although I personally would be happy to continue Pixeljunk Shooter, Release Pixeljunk Monsters 2 I didn’t want to miss me too. Still, in the genre of Tower Defense outside the mobile platforms today, few are coming, and sometimes I really want to play something like that without microtransactions and pop-ups with advertising.

Innocent protection

The essence of Sicvel is the same as in the predecessor. On the forest, ticks attacked evil monsters, and defenseless Chibi may die in the blink if the brazing leader Tikimen will not help them. Taking on the management of them, you will go to several regions and complete 15 levels, in each of which you need to protect the chibs standing in the entrance to your home. If the monster is cleaned to the construction and at least touch the crowd of residents, you lose one of 20 “lives” and worsen the result.

What to do to protect the wards? Option is only one – to place the edge of the road at which messengers walk, defensive towers. Tikimen owns magic, allowing him to turn any tree in the weapon, as he did it in the first part. That’s just with the transition to 3D the number of trees has increased significantly, and therefore the construction of the construction on the site of one tree leads to the destruction of several standing next to it.

Therefore, the player not only saves gold used to buy structures, but must also follow the number of trees in potentially active zones. Not all the towers are equally useful – they are divided into three categories, and if one of them come in handy in the fight against any monsters, the rest are used either against flying mandes, or against running. Buildings that are related to air defense will stand idle, even if the tens of spiders run past them. And the Mortira will not throw the nuclei of volatile mice and other warded evil. It is always worth it to have money in stock at least one ballast – her arrows can fly in any opponents, and if one of them runs past all the towers and from minute to minute kill Chibi, save the situation will still succeed.

Mostly money falls out of the defeated opponents, and in calm moments you can try to shake all the trees around yourself in the hope that some more coins will fall apart. Some buildings in addition require precious stones – to get them in the same ways: destroying monsters and looking for them in foliage. Typics for which both currencies are needed are stronger, but if gold you spend exclusively on the towers, then the stones are different applications.Pixeljunk Monsters 2: Video Game OverviewWith such defense monsters, it is unlikely to go through.
The most important of them is to improve defensive structures. All your balleys, mortars, guns and large hives have experiences experiences that are filled with enemies. You can speed up the process by stones or ending around any of the towers without pressing any buttons – in this case, Tikimen will start executing the dance and strengthen the construction. Unfortunately, in Pixeljunk Monsters 2 There is no detailed list of improvements – if the gun pumped up to the second level, you will not always understand what it is now different from the usual. But sometimes changes are obvious – for example, machine guns for the murder of flying monsters upon reaching the fourth level shoot without pauses, which makes them very dangerous.

If pumping from the first to the second level occupies counting seconds, then from the fourth to the fifth (maximum) experience will be needed so much. Especially if we take into account that by the time this tower will stand ten more and they all need to be improved. And the conditions in different regions are distinguished: in the second of the monsters, the coins will be stopped at all (good is not forever), and at the later stages will begin to appear to appear.

There are one more subtlety – all levels are divided into several stages, and after everyone you get bonus gold depending on how much money is in inventory. If you spent everything to a penny, then a penny and will give. This forces the player with the mind to approach his finances – not to arrange more towers in the first stages than is required. And most in Pixeljunk Monsters 2 Surprises greatly balanced complexity: when you feel the shortage of gold, this is only your wine – I did not get additional coins on time and unevenly distributed the towers on all tracks.Pixeljunk Monsters 2: Video Game OverviewFirst-person view is absolutely useless – except for screenshots.

Difficulties of defense

One of the main flaws of the sequel is called the inability to look at the entire level at once. You cannot remove the camera, but no one forgives it with a stick to move, and, in my opinion, this is quite enough. If the enemies are outside the screen, it will be reported on time, and the missed coins and precious stones will also remind themselves before disappearance. Problems may occur only at a higher level of complexity – each mission has three of them, and on the second and third monsters go at all the ways that on the first.

A little annoying the need to replay the mission from the very beginning in case of failure. The fact is that for access to a new location, you need to collect several rainbows, and they are issued for the ideal completion of levels for any complexity. For the perfect passage you need to save all Chibi – as soon as the monster fit them, you can immediately press pause and restart the mission. And when this happens on the 10th or 14th wave, the damn it is hurt – not so much because of its non-historicalness, how much because of the need to repeat all previous stages of defense.

On the other hand, the method of samples and errors over time you will start more efficiently to arrange the towers and with the mind approach to improve them, and at the same time remember which monsters for what paths are walking or flying. There is no random generation here – which was the ninth wave last time, such it will be when restarting. Taking into account the diverse conditions, unlike each other’s cards and the lack of a large stock of coins to pass the levels I did not bother, but still it is a pity that they did not add a little more.

It grips and the mediocre progress system – from time to time you will be given a special currency for building and improving a certain number of towers, hundreds and thousands of killed opponents and much more. And it is possible to spend this money only on masks for the main character yes on the shield for his back. Since the player in the plan of shopping does not limit in anything, it can immediately choose the things you like and forget about this store forever. As a result, the currency will be copied to infinity, if the “Achivka” for the acquisition of all items does not interest you.Pixeljunk Monsters 2: Video Game OverviewWithout dancing to make the towers will be very hard.***
But playing B Pixeljunk Monsters 2 Anyway interesting. And look at it nice – Cudsshers from Q-Games They know the lot in a stylish picture, so the world has a bright and cozy. Sikvel did not bring anything new in nor in the genre, nor in the series (if not considered the transition to 3D), but at the same time in it enough depth so that it was not a pity to spend several pleasant evenings behind him. And elevated levels of difficulty will be a test even for long-standing fans of Tower Defense, at least those will be angry due to the need to start the level again after the fatal error.

Pros: Good game in many forgotten genre Tower Defense;a fascinating process of building and strengthening towers;Balanced complexity;Pleasant graphics.

Minuses: few levels;Missions are very long, and to lose the very end always a little offensive;Safety cosmetic subjects.

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