Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview
September 19, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

As you know, large studios do not make classic horror. Alone in the Dark dead, Silent Hill Lies in the crymer, and the authors Resident Evil produce modern remakes and experiment with format. For help, as always, indie developers come. For more than a week, Horror-Tusovka is squealing from fear and delight, playing in Tormented Souls – this is a thing inspired by the classics from the 90s and created by the Unknown Chilean Studio Dual Effect exclusively on the same patterns. And these enthusiasm are fully justified.

The beauty and the Beast

The authors Tormented Souls well know what veterans are eager – fans of classical issues Resident Evil. We play for a sexy girl in a short, playfully wrinkling when running a dress, which, like Jill Valentine in a recent RE3 remote, I immediately want to sit. Five minutes after he started, she really turns out to be naked in the bathroom, a large hose is inserted into her mouth and … however, leave fantasies. Everything is really bad – the girl was deprived of her eyes and seem to prepare for a terrible operation.

Having noted, dressed and taping the bandage to the place where the right eye was before, Carolina Walker is complete determined to find out what is happening in this damned old house. Here, in the mansion of Winterlake, she went to find out the fate of two missing girls, but, as you can see, and herself was in danger.

Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

With such a bow in this terrible place? Boldly. Anime revised, apparently ..

Gradually, including from the studies found and diaries, we learn about how girls appeared on the light, about their parents, about the strange events that took place in this no less strange house equipped with the hospital. We also learn about sects, experiments and even sacrifices – in general, full set.

Yes, there is our unexpected discoveries and intrigues. Who is this priest who occasionally meets us, gives advice and calmly eats soup in an abandoned mansion, complete monsters? And why Carolina can enter the mirror and move to another place?

Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

Black mirror?

But in general, the script corresponds to the traditions of the genre, and many of your guesses made in the middle of the passage will be true. But it does not interfere with interest to follow what is happening, and then replay the final segment to get a good ending – all of them three.

Of course, the characters resemble dolls and not too deeply spelled out. And Carolina sometimes looks like a fool. Even left without an eye, faced with monsters, she will ask for a conversation with the same priest: and he doesn’t seem to him, they say that there are strange things? Repeak Scripts Re from Capcom just tried to give more lively characters. But Tormented Souls nevertheless no longer about heroes, but about the atmosphere, gameplay and riddles.

Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

Suspicious he is some kind.

How before Ikak is needed

Game process also complies with GOST. We manage Carolina overlooking a third party with a fixed camera. Yes, the control scheme itself can be called more modern, and the camera is slightly more dynamic, but in general the sensations are all the same. And even inherent such inconvenience scheme here cause resonance in the shower.

When you enter a new room and you only hear, but you do not see the approaching enemy, immediately becomes not in itself and I want to go back back. Guide weapons on sounds and start nervously shooting in the other side, listening, fell or not. It causes a lot of emotions. First, nostalgia: immediately remember sleepless nights for the first Silent Hill And Resident Evil. Secondly, really nervously and scary. Especially since the monsters themselves are ugly (in the good sense of the word) the design is immediately forced to remember Silent Hill.

Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

Working with sound in Tormented Souls Gorgeous. Only in safe rooms are included calm and very pleasant music. Here, as a rule, can be stored on cassette tape recorders (only so, no checkpoints!), but you first need to find and put a bobbin – everything according to the laws of classics.

According to the same laws, you have to save ammunition and first-aid kits, constantly checking the inventory and rejoicing every new find. Moreover, crafting cartridges can not. In total, there are four types of weapons in the game – first only guests are available and the lombing, which is best to finish enemies, saving ammunition, then shotgun (you need to find and assemble it parts) and a sort of shocker. Yes, negly, but not empty.

Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

Inventory is also a classic way.

Make us uncomfortable!

Finally, Carolina is afraid of darkness. If you stay in a few seconds, then darkness will absorb the girl and the game will end. Therefore, it often has to run with a lighter and light the candelabra to illuminate the plot and lure the monster on it. And take a lighter into one hand, to another – a nose-party or a lomik girl cannot or does not want – you need to switch between equipment every time in stock. And only in the second half of the campaign we will be given a flashlight, which can be attached to the jacket, freeing your hands.

Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

And here and light, and the monster can be seen.

Because of this, in some places you will not immediately fall: if, for example, there is not only dark, but also the enemy blocks the path. Turned on the lighter – it remained unarmed, pulled out a noseway – absorbed darkness. Yes, for all modern rules it is inconvenient and in general. But in this case it is clear that the authors did so intentionally to cause even more nostalgia and at the same time voltage. And it works – I don’t want to scold, but I want to find a solution, how to get into this z1.

Think to survive!

Naturally, B Tormented Souls Fullly classic puzzles. Most of them are related to how to get for the next closed door and open the next lock. To one door you need to choose or even collect the subject of the right form, to the other – to attach the handle and catch it the right rhythm, to the rest and approach it until time is useless until you understand how to solve the swirling puzzle. We also finish the electric boors, change the fuses, set pressure on systems, twist the valves, having fun in the classic mini-game “plumber” and select the numbers to the code locks.

Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

Tips are sometimes located in the most prominent place.

Plus exercises with objects that need to be combined in inventory. Some puzzles are easier, others are more difficult. There are also classic, again, from the 90s, conventions: You can search for a long time, how to cut the rope on the hatch, although somewhere there is a kitchen where the knives are lying – naturally, no one will allow us to take them.

In any case, it will not be boring. Somewhere annoying not very understandable logic – although it turns out that there were prompts, and logic, if you figure it out, is present. Somewhere fantasy authors: In one situation, you need to measure heart rhythm from the statue, in the other – insert a plastic heart into a doll or sew your hand to the mannequin, acting on the principle of Voodoo magic.

Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

Game translated into Russian.

All this is framed not the most modern, but worthy picture, in which first of all, I want to celebrate the chic design and detailing of the environment at the level of large AAA-games. I can not even believe that all this did a small Chilean studio. Except that the facial animation (more precisely, its absence) in the rollers and cat-scenes slightly cuts the eyes, but sometimes there are small techniques.

In addition, the “New Game +” mode would not be prevented and the opportunity to unlock some buns like a new costume for Carolina to stimulate us to re-pass. Although it’s not too much and immediately I want from the team, which already already gave us very unexpected and therefore an even more pleasant little masterpiece?

Tormented Souls: Video Game Overview

Here you can see pictures of Caravaggio.

Tormented Souls Eldestly oldskal and in many ways is not too convenient. But at the same time causes a storm of delight. Although there is nothing to be surprised. First, the control and behavior of the camera is still upgraded, and therefore they are quickly used to them, and even on the gamepad, especially. Secondly, we all missed the classics – this is today as a sip of fresh air (albeit with the taste of naphthalene). And most importantly, the authors did everything competently and with the soul – in the Tormented Souls truly scary, atmospheric, interesting and almost not typical of indie. Perhaps the best horror of the year many will choose this particular game, and not Resident Evil Village.

Pros: The plot is generally traditional for the genre, but watching him anyway interesting;more than fascinating classic gameplay;Many mysteries;Excellent design and environmental details;According to the laws of the classics, the built-in voltage atmosphere, which, among other things, is created by the excellent work with sound.

Minuses: Characters are weakly spelled out;few weapons;There are technical problems;few incentives for re-pass.

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