Neverinth: Video Overview Games

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October 5, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Neverinth: Video Overview Games
Ragnarök, Valkyrie, Cute Anime Girls, Dark Souls, “Rogalik” – you see, from one combination of these words, it becomes together, well, at least interesting. Obviously understanding this, authors Neverinth connected everything in one game. We understand what they did.

What it looks like Dark Souls?

Many, though not every1. First of all, the plot here plays an even more background role. We only give us a general introductory about the fact that the Scandinavian gods died, so as the last hope of defending the world tree, Igdrasil called for three strongest women. If they cope and wish everyone, they will receive the right to become legendary valkyriy.

Well, then we are moved to the test room – this is our base where the girls come from will make their bars in three different regions that open up gradually. There we run on Vitivato sprawling in different directions corridors to the exit, to a meeting with the main boss of the region. After victory, a new large location opens, where in the next passage can be immediately teleported from the test hall.

On the way, naturally, fighting with enemies, periodically find new cool equipment (mostly weapons and magical jewelry), as well as consumables (not only the potions of treatment, but also throwing daggers, bombs and others). Plus, there are mystical keys from closed doors, where especially strong things and modifiers / mutators are hidden. The latter add useful effects – shock wave or damage to all attacks or, for example, scattering the barrels with gunpowder during evasion.Neverinth: Video Overview GamesThere are even modifiers adding an exact copy of the heroine that repeats all its movements.
The souls fall out of enemies, more precisely, the essence, which is here and the currency for buying equipment, and analogous experience. For her special statues we acquire upgrades for the basic characteristics of the character, including power, dexterity, protection, good luck and health. And this is not only a banal increase in these parameters, but also passive bonuses – for example, regeneration, reduction of endurance consumption when performing certain actions, more efficient work “Terechilok” and so on.Neverinth: Video Overview GamesDo not pay attention to the version number – it is considered already “formally relazing”.

And girls are pretty? You can see everyone?

Yes, all three girls in Neverinth – more or less animeic outfit and with multi-colored hair, although it is much more modest than accepted in Japanese or oblique games. Dead gods, Ragnareuk – here not to hentai and showing mod. Yes, and it is usually cold in Helheim … No, you can unlock new suites and change, but everything, I repeat, in the framework of decency.

All three only conditionally should be attributed to different classes – the red-haired tank, Synevenlask, the paladin, and the third, the most anime-rapid killer.Neverinth: Video Overview Games
But by and large, they differ only in the initially available weapons and those techniques that can be carried out with this equipment. All such receptions are two: the shield and sword of the paladins allow you to block the blows, as well as throw a shield into enemies;With a roller, a fast killer is able to use a powerful attack, parry and at the same time put on the enemy a bad label (repeated special work beats it more pain than without label). Well, a huge sword of red analogue of EBBI or throw opponents into the air, or in a jump with a force beats on the ground, tilting opponents.

Most of all, of course, I liked the fast killer. Here is a trailer about it separately.

But this separation conditionally. After all, on the basis of or at the levels, any girl can change his weapon and take it seemingly non-core – and then she will spend those receptions that “tied” to this blade. For example, a quick killer, changing Katan on a huge two-handed sword, will throw enemies and beat on the ground.


And vice versa, redhead will be saved to break the enemies with a special skill sk9.


The only thing that remains with the girls even when changing weapons is the levels that we scored for this character, playing for it (basic characteristics are enhanced on each automatic), and different evasion styles. Redhead just jumps, Synevensk – rolled. And the rapid killer is gently and almost instantly steels to the side, leaving the attacks. That is why I most often chose her.


In addition to evasion to all girls, the usual and powerful attacks of weapons are available, as well as their special so-called EX-analogs. They are faster and more powerful, but in addition to endurance, life is also spent. More precisely, take it off. During such attacks, the health scale itself begins to be allowed, but then it is gradually restored to previous parameters. Therefore, it is important to calculate everything here that during the beating of enemies do not die. By the way, such an ex-analog is also.


What is different from Dark Souls?

As you probably already understood, Neverinth – This is “Rogliam”. This is the main difference from the games FromSoftware. There are no bonfros, for whom we persist, we are treated and resurrecting opponents – our girls only buy upgrades, and all. And after death, they lose both Essential stock, and all the equipment (only recruited levels remain), returning to the base so that from there you can start a new race. That is, to run to the grave for lost essences do not need.

After each passing, the game counts, what tests we passed – how much damage caused, how many times were killed how many killed and so on. If the test passed, then the award is forever unlocked the subject that will now be available in the following races. In general, everything is according to the classics of the genre.Neverinth: Video Overview GamesThe same items here too.
And if “Rogali”, then the case is of particular importance. During the new race, the location of rooms and enemies is changing, but most importantly, the quantity, quality and place of finding equipment and consumables.

In one race you can quickly find very cool things and modifiers, in the other they will come across less often and not with those effects. Once I found already three mystical keys, but almost no doors they open. Another time everything happened exactly to the opposite.Neverinth: Video Overview GamesI was lucky – almost immediately got into a room with cool equipment.

And kill as fast?

Although, of course, the skills of the player himself, his ability to correctly use weapons and shy away, whether he knows “timings” and “patterns” attacks, as rolling from statues – all this is also of great importance. Especially in battles with bosses. I largely passed the first boss due to the fact that I had a very successful modifier, which scatters the powder barrels during evasion. True, from such barrels and to suffer easily.


But finishing, I then won it and heroes without such bonuses. In general, in fights with bosses, which, of course, always have their own tactics, you need to look for vulnerable places and dodge. Otherwise, it will be like this trailer.

In general, it is certainly not difficult Dark Souls, but also light walks do not wait. Unless you return, pretty riding, for the first location – there are enemies and truth will die quickly. But in subsequent opponents become noticeably stronger, there are also mini-bosses, with which even the pixed girl is not always easy to handle.

Agree, the language does not turn to call it a mini boss.

That is, in general Neverinth – the thing is more affordable and less gloomy, but the challenge of the player she also regularly throws.

Here the truth is … Tetris?

Yes. This is another interesting “chip” Neverinth – Here you can and need to fill in magic crystals special totem amulets. And this process is something, indeed, reminds Tetris.

Collected crystals after processing in the test hall turn into the figures from the game Alexey Pazitnova. And they must be properly inserted into the slots on the totem, and preferably in color and so to completely close the slot – passive bonuses from them will be better. And if you want some kind of figure to remove, you have to remove it forever. Therefore, having accessible crystals before your eyes, it is better to plan in advance what, like where.Neverinth: Video Overview GamesAs you pass, new versions of totems and new slots under them.

Play or not play?

Neverinth Possible to passibly. There is also an invigorant rand, but also the player’s skill, as I said, important. There are cute heroines, spectacular techniques, their own for each weapon, a number of interesting and in their own unusual mechanic like ex-attacks and tetris-amulets. You can talk about control about the control and not chib to turn the heroines, but in general there are no critical problems with control.

What B Neverinth It’s not enough now. Just three conditional classes, three regions with bosses – will be not enough. But on June 17, he took place, as its developers, “Formal Release”: The game came out of early access, but it will clearly develop and expand. What we hope.

Pros: In general, fascinating and able to challenge the gameplay at the junction “Soulslayka” and “Rogalika”;Many pieces of equipment and modifiers;There are interesting ideas;Pleasant pictures and design;great music.

Minuses: still not enough content;not all right with control.

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