Mad Max: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Mad Max: Video Game Overview
October 6, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mad Max: Video Game Overview
And you noticed that the games on the films died like a genre? Previously, any little bit large blockbuster was in a pair with a slight “helper” – as a rule, the ugly arcade or blind on the knee. Now the concomitant products moved closer to the “casual” audience, on mobile platforms.

The game industry, of course, did not lose much from such a transformation, but personally it grieves me. After all, there were always quite good examples Peter Jackson’s King Kong or The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. In addition, the games left, and the children’s desire to be the main character of a good movie – it remains. This is what successfully exploits Mad Max from Avalanche Studios. Of course, the developers say that the game has a very indirect relationship to the brilliant “road of rage”, but we are all understanding with you.Mad Max: Video Game OverviewNeither Miller (George Miller) nor his followers worried about how in the new Stone Age we manage to build so monumental structures.
Madness on the road is not lying

Initially, the game was to go out simultaneously with the film, but the start was detained: the release was thrown back on outdated platforms, pulled the visual effects (although the pastgenic roots sometimes get out) and polished the moments that the press at the exhibitions responded negatively.

Nevertheless, the “ears” of the fourth film here at every step: the style of cars, the appearance of opponents, an approach to scenery and in general to the level of violence and madness. Really noticeably interaction with the team of cinema, which Avalanche mentioned in numerous interviews. Therefore, the transplant is behind the wheel of a virtual “interceptor” after watching Blu-ray it turns out completely “seamless”.

Gamers got a typical open world according to the laws Ubisoft, Although actually Warner Bros. A huge territory broken by zones, staged plot missions, a crazy number of additional tasks and markers in the district. Most of the time will have to be drove on the car, periodically leaving breaking someone’s face or pick up the canister with a benzak.

The plot game does not represent anything special: before us is a typical episode of Road Mugi, which begins anywhere and ends with nothing. Max beaten and selected the car, so he has to merge the forces with a crazy hunchback named. Together heroes want to collect “masterpiece” – the best car from ever created. After the “interceptor”, of course.

“Masterpiece” is not a specific car, but the conditional name of your vehicle that has to be meticulously designing during the game. “Customization”, of course, more modest than in Need for Speed, But strictly functional: with difficulty getting your first body at the very beginning of the game, you gradually open new and new modifiers and opportunities. Improve armor, install studded discs, “pump” exhaust pipe … It sounds magically, but in fact there is no creative space.Mad Max: Video Game OverviewWhatever spoken, and correctly “rejected” frame always looks cool.
The variations of the technical characteristics of the usual “upgrades” are not offered, and the next pipe is always better than the previous. The only question is exactly what it is to improve first. “Pumping” occurs due to scrap metal, sometimes you need to task or beat more enemies.

Interesting begins with access to “Archangelas”. As soon as all relevant details are collected, on their basis, you can collect a unique “build” of the car, concentrated on something 1. “Speed Demon” says for himself;he does not have protection at all. But “AVRELIAN SMARE”, on the contrary, crawled by spikes and taranium systems, so that when a collision breaks the neighboring “cars” in the shreds.

In addition, it is possible to earn any wreck on the battlefield and bring it to the garage for personal use. Such machines also possess some characteristics, but weaker than “archangels”;The main bonus is that enemies begin to accept you for their.

Over time, the main character itself is developing – the jacket, Superudara, shotgun and beard are getting better than ten, fifteen, twenty percent. In addition, in the game of internal achievements: “Eat worms ten times,” “kill thirty vultures” – all this is increasing the personal rating with “Lizards” to the “Warrior Road”, opens up new “upgrades” and admits to plot missions.

I have already said a hundred times what madness is

Move along the plot, memorize relationships with characters, watch videos, listen to dialogues – you can not even think about it. The script is held in a few hours. In addition, the story is simply disgusting: the pathetic sweats on the drama is not able to call at least some emotions, and most of the game generally represents just the path of the hero to Gaztaun, the local gasoline capital.

Starting in a small hangar on the edge of a global card, we are gradually moving upstairs. The affordable territory is assumed, divided into regions, in each of which own “the level of danger”, its visual style and its type of landscape.

Possible allies are sitting in several fortifications with charismatic leaders. Max will reach the fortress, comes, greets and receives another pack of tasks: Find gunpowder, Selitra, Great pile of metal or beautiful toilet. In general, the forts also need to “pump” for some ghostly bonuses.Mad Max: Video Game OverviewLocations at first glance are interesting and varied, that’s just the same equal.
If it seemed to you that there is too much characteristics in the game, statistics, menu items and numbers, – you did not seem. You can understand all directions and nuances of pumping in all three or four hours. But I will save you time: meaningful, strategy and sense in local development. In the end, you will have to just raise the card. The game of 80% consists of almost aimless ride on empty from one marker to another.

But the most interesting thing is some incomprehensible way this is what the “crazy Max”. The map is not just sleeping, but it is clogged to the Events: at every step there are small locations, where psychopaths store good (it is also a few species), snipers are sitting on the towers, signs are placed on the roads, and if you take additional quests, you will have moreand on the tramplines, for example, ride. Internal perfectionist never allows you to drive by.

Separate entertainment is forts, gasoline stations, strengthening and other. There Max organizes a whole assault. First, hiding behind the cliffs, you need to remove snipers. Then – to collect cartridges and deal with protective flameams, towers and other. Inside – fight in the style of Batman with a dozen enemies, run around the territory, collect / blast / kill “bosses”. To the campaign on the latter, too, it would be nice to prepare, search for scouts that will reveal the weaknesses of the enemy.

The main thing is that technically everything is implemented quite decently. Fights pass smoothly, the hero is controlled well. On the car in general, Gorbun is always sitting in the trunk, which allows you to perform several actions at the same time, so that the storming of some convoy is the entertainment at the level Flatout. Walking along the highway, in a slowdown, we break the wheel to someone, shoot a neighbor in a benzobak, and sneak myself to the truck himself, to push it from the road to the abyss, and then land the top ..

Sometimes you find a plank on the sand and deserve a whole underground complex under it, and inside – the drawings of the tank, who has long been looking for. And this place is unlikely to be marked on the map. The search for objects occurs with the help of anesthes: you need to rise on one of them and independently, with binoculars, view the area in search of interesting points, so not everyone can notice.

It turns out that the game really works like Road Movie. Performing some kind of completely symbolic background quest, you drive in the endless of the empty, admire the beautiful landscapes and binds to endless alterations. Looking for water, which instead of the first-aid kits, save the cartridges, break out other people’s cars for the sake of new parts, collect scrap metal – in general, constantly engage in those things that rocated in everyday life. And there is a unique charm.Mad Max: Video Game Overview“The police reported a breakdown of the festival of paints by some madness”.***
It turns out a very strange situation. Mad Max – Weak game. Everything you need to do in it is just riding on the map and collect trash. There is no story, nor a stunning attention to small things or interesting situations. But the main mechanics work well, and sneak cars on the road – fun. The fortresses are so asked to capture them, and the tower on the hill is not marked on the map, so you need to turn immediately and check. This is the hour, two, five … Empty game! Dredging! But run again half an hour still pulls – collect cartridges and pounce on the nearest convoy.

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