Metro: Exodus – Sam’s Story: Game Walkthrough and Guide

Home » Game Guides » Metro: Exodus – Sam’s Story: Game Walkthrough and Guide
October 19, 2022
16 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Metro: Exodus – Sam’s Story: Passage
Metro: Exodus – Sam’s Story: Game Walkthrough and Guide
After starting the supplement you will be entered into the case. American Sam, one of the members of the Order, left his friends on Baikal to go to Vladivostok and try to find a way to swapping the ocean. His goal is North America, San Diego, Native House, where the hero is waiting for the Father.

Arriving in Vladivostok, look around and go ahead. So far there will be no new mechanic. Kill the enemies inside the building, then climb up and talk with the captain. He will ask to lower the weapon: Hold H to do it, or do nothing. In this case, Sam snatches the weapon from the Captain’s hands. You need all the way to please the captain to unlock the achievement “Hard Principles”.

Rancing on the rope, you will be attacked by the wing. Shoot in a monster to knock him down. Also attack the accumulations of volatile mice that will try to crash in you. Inside the van are ammunition. In the end, when you apply enough damage, the koplan will reset you from the platform. Move the only route, enter the inside of the building and fight the locals.Metro: Exodus – Sam’s Story: Game Walkthrough and GuideLocations look great.
Will not come out and after some time will be taken to the submarine. And this is the only way to cross the ocean. Job with Tom and his right hand with Clim. You can agree to a longer story, choosing alcohol, or do a short history. Get out of the cabins, go to the bridge and follow the room on the left. This is Arsenal. Here you will be given an automatic and detector, which allows you to detect mines (red dots), improve equipment and modifications for weapons (green points). The detector will not only show points, but also to issue a beep if the object is nearby. Take off the pistol. If you run the shooting gallery and some of the targets, you will get another row of incendiary cartridges as a reward. Get out of here and go straight to the boat.

Open the map. It marked three points with the help of “question marks” and one big “cross” (story marker). Consider all this in order:

one. Pool “Dolphin”. Swim forward until you find yourself inside the desired building. The communion to the pier with the checkbox and climb up the top. Kill multiple scapions and look around. On the floor on the left there is a note. Enter the next room. There is another corpse and a closed door. Follow the room with a swimming pool and jump down on the boards floating above the water. Over them go to the flooded room (you need to go up) and raise up the stairs. Here you will find improved body armor and modifications for weapons. There are many resources. You can open the door from this side. Continue moving the only route and squeeze into the room with a lot. Kill him to get a night vision device. Get out of here. Gaps try short way back. You do not need to kill them. Run quickly to the boat and swim away.

2. School. Swim forward and to the building on the left. This is a school. Only the first tier is available here. Complete along the corridor and inspect several rooms. In the far room there will be a piano. There is a note and your first melody. All melodies hang exclusively on the walls!

3. Cinema. Swim to the building opposite. On the pier there is a truck with a chair. Sitting down in such chairs, you can make Sam play on the harmonica. He will lose those melodies that you managed to find. Enter the cinema building, but keep in mind that there will be a huge number of enemies. To the right of the central entrance there is a spare door. She leads to the toilet with a hole in the floor. Go down across it and in the basement will find modifications for weapons. In the cinema itself you can go upstairs to find the projector and a room with video recording. Taking a video from the shelves, place it in the projector and view the documentary. So you will receive a kinoman achievement. In addition, near the room, where there was a video, outside the window there are boards leading to a locked room. Surride there and kill the enemy. The melody hangs on the wall, and there are modifications for weapons.

As soon as we study all these places, go to the residential building on which the marker indicates. In this house hides the captain. Enter the flooded basement and climb a little higher. On the next floor there will be a closed door of red. Nearby there is another door. It will lead to the apartment with a balcony. Navigate to the far balcony and move the cabinet to get to the next apartment. If you break the cans in the wall on the left, then find a niche with an improvement extending the battery life.

Keep climb up residential building. Where it will be necessary to move on the overall staircase, somewhere – through neighboring apartments and ruins. As soon as you get to the kitchen, where there is a yellow tube with a hole in the floor, look at the windowsill on the right, go. Having done it, descend down the pipe, finish off three scapions and enter the room with the captain. After the cat scene, come out after the captain. He will ask to help with a log. Again to achieve you need to do it. If you ignore, it will cope with it, using a pipe as a lever. Move the captain until you find yourself on his boat.


After some time you will be attacked by enemy sniper. When the captain stops the boat, choose from it and enter partially flooded building. Go ahead, kill the two gays and roll to the right, on the staircase. Rising along the steps, go to the right to detect the protector. Climb on it and arouse under the table on the right, in a cache with modifications for weapons. Return to flooded building and in the far room, find the rope staircase. Climb with it to the second floor to detect a note there.

Carefully deal with the building in which the crude. On the way will have to kill a lot of opponents. Having done it, start climbing up. You can act secretly by looking for bypass on the boards outside the building, or pierce the way upstairs by the fight, destroying mounted locks on the doors. In the end, you will get to the apartment with a cortex – thereby sniper. You can choose any option – kill the crushing explosive or stun. It does not affect anything. Be sure to select the weapon remaining from it (at least modifications). Go to the captain boat, but go past her to the left, in the room with a workbenk and melody.

Refuge Captain

Follow the boat further, climb the captain to the top, on the elevator, and enter his room. Sit into the chair nearby and wait for the light turns off. Captain will try to get up, but he will have a knee. Sam will have to go to him. As soon as the captain gets a moonshine and asks for a snack, you can give canned or silent. The first is important to win full captain trust. In any case, the continuous cat-scene will begin: the captain and Sam are pretty thicken, drinking a considerable amount of alcoholic.Metro: Exodus – Sam’s Story: Game Walkthrough and GuideGullya with captain.
Waking up the next day, pick up the Molotov cocktail. Listen to the captain and go down to the workbench floor below. There will be other cocktails. Be sure to create them so that in the inventory there are 5 Molotov cocktails. They are needed to charge traps in the building. There are five traps. It is not necessary to charge them, but if you want to win full trust of the captain, then you must do it.

Go down and set the first trap in the corridor. The same staircase leads to a locked door, so you need to learn this corridor. In the room on the right, you can get through the hole at the bottom of the wall. In the apartment on the left you can get, moving through a stroke wall. Having done this, move forward and in the room with a piano, look for a melody on the support. Go out and get to the corridor, where you need to charge the second trap.

Having done it, descend down the next staircase. In the nearest corridor there will be a third trap. Charge it, use the window and get to the room with a pair of garages. On the left door, but there is a passage in front of the picture and the cabinet. Select them to detect a secret room with a strengthened helmet and weapon modifications.

Follow the corridor and find a place for the fourth trap. There are modifications in the next room. Punch further and descend below on another landing. Before leaving the staircase for the floor, install the last fifth trap. If installing all traps, you will unlock the “Trapper” achievement.

Scouts, Police, Gaps

Selecting out from the building, look around. See the narrow passage between two living houses on the right? If you go there, you will find yourself in the ambush bandits. Kill them. But instead, you can go to the river to the left of the buildings to discover the boat. Swim on it forward until you see the pier. The communion to her and go inside the boat where there is a crazy man. He will tell that he had previously had a car dealership, while the rights to him were not selected by their native brother. A man will say the first part of the sequa code.

Chosen from here and swim further, gutting to the shore on the right. In the opposite side there is a destroyed building with scouts. Learn to them and listen to everything you need to know about local attractions. In the room with scouts there are cartridge peasons that improve the body armor. Taking them out, go out and go ahead, to the workbench. To the left of the workbenk hangs a melody.

Taking it, go back to the building with scouts. Hold it to right to detect a bridge leading to a long building. There are several gays in the ruins of this construction. There you will find a closed room. To get into it, go to the room to the right of the door and arouse under the table. Having done this, a hotel is a room to assemble the PNV amplifier.

Return to the scouts and look right. See the building? This is a former police department. Swim there on any boat (right or the one on which they sailed here, through the car) and kill all the gangsters. On the second floor there are modifications for weapons.

Swim again to the island with scouts. Go to the workbench where a melody hung on the wall. Left have a pass with a bridge. Run on the other side, pass through the cars and find yourself in the landfill. A little further than you attacks the koplan. Shoot on it and accelerate cushing bats, as they did before. On the corpses on the sides you can find ammunition. Be sure to run away from the mountains from cars for which wings appear. Total Kryblan Trupinet Three of these “Stacks”. When this happens, the victory will be practically in your hands.

Killing the enemy, go ahead, left and roll to the right. So you get to the garage with the second brother. After listening to him, you will get the second part of the cipher. Go back and right. Before the field, go to the left side to find the auto show “Right Steering”. Go inside the building ahead, get to the corridor with two cabinets through the garage. In the near, the melody hangs on the wall on the left. In the distant is the safe, which you can open only if you listened to both brothers. Inside lies a note that is a note. Get out and show this document to two brothers who are sitting at the table in the garage right. Dealt with it!Metro: Exodus – Sam’s Story: Game Walkthrough and GuideSecond brother.

Lair Bandits and Shrimps in Water

Cross the minefield with small monsters. Having done it, the stairs are taken into the building, on the second floor, and on the right of the right, look for a note. Go on. On the staircase, the door will be right to the workbench. There you will find a melody. Follow below until you get to the next building, where there will be a closed door. To open it, to the left of the door are looking for tamblers. Switch them in this order: the third, first, second. Sign in the cache and take the unloading vest for equipment (improvement of body armor). Get to the building with a boat, killing all opponents. On the second floor there is a lever. Pull out for it and go down to the boat. Slow on it follows only after you make sure there is enough filters for gas mask!

Swim ahead and stop at the pier inside the building. Further sailing is not worth it, because shrimp attack you. Instead, come down on the pier and take a note. Go to the end, climb upstairs and find the valve. Turning it, activate the electrical shield on the left. Having done this, pick it up on the ground weapon. So, shrimps you burned, so you can return to the boat and sailing through the building.

Captain and Medpunk Team

If you go forward, then you will find a medpark. But first move to the left to find the island with corpses. Name of body and listen to the recorder on the tape recorder. Having done it, follow the island deep. Climb the bridge and see the first corpse of the sailor. This is a member of the captain team. Talking to him, decide to continue learning the island that you need to conquer the trust of the captain. Go away from the corpse of the sailor on another bridge and go on the meli, killing shrimps. Find a second corpse, then skip under the bus and climb the top of the top of the Starripoma. After listening to the recording and talking with the captain, go through the rope down.Metro: Exodus – Sam’s Story: Game Walkthrough and GuideTorp Starpoma.
Swim by boat to the left edge of the map (instead of a story marker), past the silage towers. There will be a medical club. Inside there are two enemy. Climb upstairs and find a note near a guitar and a melody on a piece of paper, nailed to the door of the toilet cabin.

Fire station

Saying to the shore near the fire station, first climb upstairs and on the bus on the right. There is a workbench. Exit back and go to Kung ahead. It hangs a piece of melody on it. Choose a nearby canister and fuel the generator near the bus. Starts faucet. Go down to the marina and move through the pipe leading in the subway. In the cache you will find modifications for weapons and light brightness lamp. Choose from here through the hatch.

Move to the fire station. In addition to the central entrance there are many side. Everywhere installed stretch marks and there are tied gay. On the latter you can not pay attention. Having missed the building, killing or not killing enemies, climb on the second floor and get to the long room. You can pre-disassemble the gun on the main gearbox, since it contains modifications. In the far, Sam will detect the necessary protective suits. Having done this, climb the steps slightly above. In the following room, you can find an enlarged filter (helmet improvement) and note. Follow the roof of the fire station and ride down the rope.

Fuel search

Having done this, inspect the building on the right. Dehydrate mines, in the distant room, find the latest note. Go towards the marker until you attack the koplan. His wings no longer allow the monster to fly. He will attack you from bushes. Follow the dust rising above the trees to understand where the koplan is currently located. Also, if you hear the sound of the wings, forget about the time of the wing: Shoot on trying to bile bats. Fight better day. Winning, move forward, not turning anywhere. Let the marker stay right, as the way forward will lead you into a separate building with workbench and weapons modifications. Taking them, go out and go to the marker. While waiting for the captain, kill two shrimps.

Swim with captain in a submarine bunker. When he stops, depart into the next room and activate the electrical shield. And in the next room, inside the locker you can detect the armored cell (improvement for the helmet). Kill spiders while moving deep into the bunker. Go down on the elevator, try to kill all appearing electrical spiders. While they are alive, using a lighter to scare up ordinary monsters. When you activate the right remote, follow the place where you need to run fuel loading. Twice will appear electric spider. Kill it to continue the loading process. Having done it, go on the elevator. He will fall down. Get to ventilation and wait for the electric spider will create a voltage jump, because of which the screw will stop spinning. Pass past the blades, kill the electric spider and follow the boat to the captain.

Final part

It remains to return to the submarine. Captain will give you a detonator who can take advantage at the very end. It turns out that the climate betrayed. Take advantage of the room nearby where there is a workbench. Then go through the only pass and go to the right. Going to the edge of the submarines, go to the right wall. Possible to the marker, killing many opponents. The task is simple, but the enemies will be much. Anyway, you will reach the clima. Win it, choose how to do with a submarine. Both endings are easy to see by loading the last saving. Best preserve before room clima.

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