Cadence Of Hyrule: Crypt Of The Necrodancer Featuring The Legend Of Zelda: Video Review Games

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October 12, 2022
9 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Cadence Of Hyrule: Crypt Of The Necrodancer Featuring The Legend Of Zelda: Video Review Games
Contemporary Nintendo reluctantly allows you to use your characters in other people’s games, but when it does it, it turns out something special. We have already seen how Ubisoft managed to unite mario, insane kapes and step-by-step tactical battles in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, And now the cores of developers caliber smaller. Independent Studio Brace Yourself Games, which several years ago became famous after the release Crypt of the Necrodancer, You can say, made your own two-dimensional The Legend of Zelda, adding mechanics from their past game.

Communication with past

In the case of such a project, it was most important that the atmosphere is fully consistent with classic “zeldam”, and with this task the authors coped immaculately. Over the past year I was overlooked A Link to the Past three times and during the game in Cadence of Hyrule Sometimes there was a feeling that I do it in the fourth time. So much attention is paid here to every detail, it is so nice to hear familiar sounds when receiving new items or raise the rupees dropped out of bushes, and the opponents are similar to those that we saw in Zeldah.

But the main achievement is, of course, music. Composer Danny Baranovsky (Danny Baranowsky), which you probably know on tracks from SUPER MEAT BOY And THE BINDING OF ISAAC, worked over to modernize the famous motifs from old The Legend of Zelda, And he got beautiful, crown remixes. As ordinary “yelds” are completely transformed, if you enable the soundtrack and in Cadence of Hyrule playing on the road without headphones will not be so exciting. And the point is not that the gameplay is closely related to sounding compositions, although this is a very important detail.

The main idea of the game is identical to the one that was in Crypt of the Necrodancer: You fall into a new location, you see opponents and must win them or try to pass by them to the following z1. You need to do this, moving in rhythm of sounding music by clicking on the responsible for moving the buttons with certain intervals. If the rhythm is broken, the harsh punishment will not follow, just the character will stop for a second and will become vulnerable. And if you go correctly and not get damage, is a great chance of falling out bonus items as a reward for accuracy.Cadence Of Hyrule: Crypt Of The Necrodancer Featuring The Legend Of Zelda: Video Review GamesOnce all the enemies are defeated, the music becomes calmer.
Enemies also make moves in accordance with the music, and the festyry here is very big and diverse. All opponents differ by the habits: someone first wakes up and only then beats, someone sleep a couple of moves is electrified and reassured for a while, someone is invisible until you turn away. Some can only be injured in the side, of some – in the back, there are exploding individuals, there are caring from under the ground. Tactics need to be changed on the go, quickly responding to the appearance of a monster or soldier, especially if you do not want to lose the bonus.

Light life in Heirul

Sadness only how fast the game becomes light. At first, when your hero has only three hearts, he dies only from the pair of hits because of the small health stock and because of the weapons, with which it is necessary to approach opponents. But as soon as he finds a spear, problems instantly disappear – with him you can damage even if there is an empty cell between you and the enemy. Interest in the game is not lost, because it is not in the battles alone happiness, but you begin to catch myself thinking that you don’t even follow the movements of some monsters – just send weapons in their direction.

Fortunately, until the final it does not continue. In the plot of Link (or Zelda – you can choose a hero immediately after training) was sucked by the villain Octavo, who closed the Castle Khairul seal. To enter the castle, you need to defeat four minions octavo and pick up musical instruments from them, after which you help the king return the world’s greatness. Bats with “bosses” turned out very intruded, and after you open a castle, the game again becomes a little more difficult and even offers new interesting mechanics.Cadence Of Hyrule: Crypt Of The Necrodancer Featuring The Legend Of Zelda: Video Review GamesPrediccinent will indicate the way if you do not know what to do.
Traveling around the world in search of four bosses literally overflowing events. Then you will find yourself in settlements and be able to talk to the inhabitants, at the same time by how to participate in uncomplicated trials. Then you will meet musical mini games, during which you need to reproduce melodies. There are constantly shops with goods, somewhere hidden the restoration of the health of fairies, ready to improve your weapon at the same time and add the effect like poisoning when hitting. Much is generated here by randomly, thanks to which the new passage (if you want to go through the game for another hero or with other conditions) will differ from the previous.

Items that appear in the arsenal of the hero strongly help him explore every corner. With the help of bombs, you can blast the walls covered with cracks, finding there Secrets. Approximately for the same shovel and torch – the first allows you to get rid of fragile barriers, and with the second one we manage to set fire to the hemps, interfering to pass. Over time, the inventory is increasingly filled, Link or Zolda finds a glove to raise boxes and plates, hook for quick movement to standing near object, various bows, swords and much more.

Looking for secrets

Part of this will be useful not only for the passage of the main story, but also for stripping a card by 100%, and this includes collecting each fragment of the heart to increase health. One of the reasons why Cadence of Hyrule Over time, it becomes easier, it is also in too much “lives” at the hero – when there are more than ten years, and the hearts fall out of every third opponent, they stop to appreciate them a bit. There is a dilemma: on the one hand, I want to look for collectible items because it is interesting (in the case of some even you have to break your head slightly), and on the other – the game will be easier and easier to get to the castle.

At the same time, the developers clearly did not try to make the game of the same hardcore, what was Crypt of the Necrodancer. For death, for example, almost do not punish – almost all things remain in your inventory, weapons also disappear. Only shoes, rings (and those, and others are easy to find), rupees and keys needed to open some doors and chests, but usually they can be found nearby from the object closed on the castle.Cadence Of Hyrule: Crypt Of The Necrodancer Featuring The Legend Of Zelda: Video Review GamesOpponents hide behind the wall – it means that it can be destroyed by a shovel.
Another currency – diamonds – persists and is used in the so-called “Death Shop” where you get after death. There for a small fee you can buy valuable things with which you want to continue the journey. Spade with special characteristics, a powerful torch increasing the protection of the ring – if there is something useful, it is better to take it. Diamonds are issued in cases where you fully clean the screen from opponents, and they can be twice as much if not to break the rhythm during the battle.

Something sore?

If you want a hardcore and constant fear to make an incorrect step, before starting passing, it allows you to include permanent death regime, whose name speaks for itself. Well, if the game, on the contrary, it seems difficult because of the need to press the buttons on time, the rhythmic element can be disabled in the menu. In this case, you will not have to listen to music and move in accordance with it, and opponents will walk only at the same time with you. But, in my opinion, this regime makes the game less interesting – after all, it was not so conceived.

Not every game should be difficult, and there is nothing wrong with that Cadence of Hyrule – First of all, adventure, not action with complex tests. Is not Crypt of the Necrodancer With elements of “Zelda” – this “Zelda” with mechanics Cotn. There are all the elements that the fans of a guy in a green cap expect from such entertainment, and for six or seven hours here you get great pleasure from the atmosphere, music, “dance” and pleasant surprises. And after the final, I want to start the game again, choosing another character, and complicate the conditions.

When you fully disassemble in the gameplay, the levels are easier.
Cadence of Hyrule – the excess proof of the fact that the creators grew up on classical games, many of whom have previously dreamed of working in Nintendo, can create something worthy on the basis of famous brands. The Japanese are selective, but once again their choice falls on suitable groups. Surely in the future, when publications and players will draw up lists of the best parts The Legend of Zelda, they will start to include in them and Cadence of Hyrule – An excellent pattern of what a miracle can create third-party developers who have fallen out to take advantage of such a unique chance.

Pros: The atmosphere in the spirit of classical Zeld;Excellent remixes familiar fans of melodies;Spacious world with a bunch of secrets, collectible items and other surprises;A variety of opponents, many of which require a special approach;Inventive bosses.

Minuses: In the middle of the game becomes noticeably easier;high price.

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