Destiny 2: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Destiny 2: Video Game Overview
December 16, 2022
11 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Destiny 2: Video Game Overview
Destiny, she likes someone or not, at the moment is unique in the genre of MMO-shooters. “Grind”, non-stop shooting, weapon fetishism – on these three pillars there is a mechanic of creation Bungie. It was stupid to wait from the second part of the change of concept or some unexpected gameplay solutions. The developers did exactly what the players were waiting for, – corrected mistakes, decorated everything and all, added a bunch of pleasant smallest things in every gameplay aspect.Destiny 2: Video Game OverviewBright modifiers are obtained from bright engrams.

Vects, Exo, Kolas ..

Original and unmanned “ENT” Destiny. Creating a unique universe, the scenarios laid out on full and prescribed many years, rich history of the local world. It seems that fans worked above Gomera, – Events here for epitity hardly inferior to “Iliad” and “Odyssey”.

However, the connoisseurs of these events with fire are not rally. For, as in the case of the first part, from the game itself it is hardly possible to pull out ordered information – everyone interested has to get acquainted with “Laura” in the network.

Despite the misfortune of general information, the first and most valuable gift of developers fans turned out to be the plot. The land again enslaved evil forces, again the last hope for the guard, and again the good races will have to defend their place under the wanderer. Let the script absolutely not represent anything, now he is at least clearly filed.

Now we always understand what creatures are headquartered by the headquarters of good, why their faces are pulled by anxious wrinkles and why the billion should be empty to rescue the world. The joyful moment was the appearance of a distinct antagonist. Head of the Red Legion Gow gives pathetic dialogs, is scattered with parangian glances and gesticulates patheus. Quite typical such villain with exorbitant ambitions. But it is nice to watch him thanks to the good-quality rollers.

Destiny 2 became the same epic tale of the great acts of races, peoples and heroes, and in their shadow there are separate actors with their motives and characters. The story issued so linear, predictable and full of sad dialogues, that by the middle you just start ignoring the context of what is happening.

Yes, Destiny does not need a subtle psychological game or dashing scenic. But to revive and improve the plot could ordinary stories, drama, personality. In the courtyard of war – but there is no sacripted scene on the planets, transmitting the tragedy of events. The portrait of each character is schematic: Ripped – a noble warrior, GOOL – unprincipled evil, Cade – merry … However, none of them is involved in what is happening. So it turned out that the prescribed world, epic and scale in Destiny 2 There is, and with an angle of a simple player around only templates and flat characters.Destiny 2: Video Game OverviewSome landscapes are traditionally magnificent and beautiful ..

Eh, fateful ..

But it is our associates that act as a mechanism that gives a non-stop shooter at least some meaning. They are frightened by the waters without silent, trying to join the guard, in which direction you need to sow chaos. “We will have to destroy the three ancient plasma panels generators, pre-destroying psi-energy fields above them, feed on the force from the portal of the fallen,” if a similar briefing marks interest in you, then you are lucky. For something is reduced to such a 90% of all dialogues.

In case of Destiny On the perception of the gameplay it affects weakly. After all, as a shooter she is unreserved. Sensations from weapons are the same as in the first part – each “gun” has its own character. The enemies are smart, numerous and varied. Dynamics and entertainment of battles at height. Sound accompaniment is also not lagging behind: and musical themes, and effects from hits, like smudded balls, exactly fit into the process. It is very pleasant to shoot, thanks to which the endless slaughter is not bored even without decent narrative design.

Reason to arrange a shooter here more than enough: the story campaign is only a drop in a sea of different entertainment in Destiny 2.

Public events – seeing local mission-triples in which all those nearby heroes can take part. Compared to the first part in Destiny 2 they are conducted more often, but meaningfully became more diverse.

“Adventures” – stunning additional tasks, which, in fact, are branches of the main plot. Pass them – strictly necessarily, because these are tens of hours of gameplay with unique locations and monsters. Each of them has its own scenario and dialogs. This is a great way to not only learn knowledge about the world, but also improve the hero.

“Straights” – cooperative tasks, each with its small storyline and a powerful “boss” at the end. While there are only six of them – in a couple of days, repeated passage will be bored. But since “Straits” is one of the main sources of useful things, a variety here has a primary value. Let’s hope, the nearest DLC will fix the situation.Destiny 2: Video Game Overview… and some created haters Euclidean geometry. But they are also beautiful.
At first, you will always have a reason to shoot in the name of any good goal. When you get to higher levels, you will open the doors to “adult” entertainment. In general, the user gets access to new activities gradually, as the character develops. And it is very cool supports the gameplay rhythm: passing the campaign and reaching a two hundredth level, you recognize that adventures are just starting. Ahead and complex “dusk raids” (who could come the idea to introduce a timer in them?), and “meditations”, and ordinary tests, and “raids” … by the way, the first of them, “Leviathan” turned out to be very worthy.

Fashionable sentence

The content required to eliminate more than a hundred watches from your life here is plentious. But the main motive forcing the players to wake up with the idea of launch Destiny 2, One will always be one thing – the thirst to put on the hero with the best armor and find the most powerful “gun”. After the scene line is completed, the real struggle for weapons will begin. New opportunities will open to improve the character, which will gradually turn to the legendary and exotic “mud”, as well as search for engrams, the decipher of which will give both functionally useful things, and exclusively cosmetic trash: gestures, dancing, ships, and so on. Enjoy the Guardians and for real money – cosmetic microtransactions are provided for sewing modists.

The updated equipment system is convenient, but calls some questions. In particular, the hero can carry with him three types of weapons – the usual, energy (to eliminate shields) and power. For the third slot, not only grenades and all sorts of plasma guns are intended, but also sniper rifles, “Schrian” and swords. This is a rather strange decision, because in the third “pocket” we can have “cannons” of various purposes (both for melee and long-distance). In addition, you feel ridiculously you feel when you can’t take more than ten cartridges for a shotgun (let both of the slaughter) and are forced to treat them as a seeak supersnaps.

Assortment of weapons and clothes in Destiny 2 Just huge. It is understandable – the social element obliges to give players the maximum space for “customization”. System of classes and subclasses swore from the first part. For each new level, we give one point designed to improve the skills. But the holistic development of the character is now expressed by an indicator of force on which all active items are affected.Destiny 2: Video Game OverviewWe really need herald? Truth? Not! We need action and “meat”!
You can get a new “LUT” by several ways: knocking out a random “gun” on the battlefield, performing tasks, increasing the reputation among fractions. Improve the range offered by the merchants can be due to the “Tokens” or planetary resources. Engrams from now on there are a fixed light indicator, so that they need to decipher immediately after receiving. Things falls much more than in the first part – the path to cherished equipment has become easier and clearer.

The same applies to the weapon improvement system. Each thing has a set of initially active elements, but we can also install different modifiers. The influence of clothing on the individual characteristics of the hero here is insignificant – by and large the value of the subject is fully concluded in the weight gain grade. I am glad that the process of “Grinda” is felt far less routine – thoughts “Well, after how many light years of extermination of fallen, I will turn something?”Almost does not occur. Saved the developers of user time and on the transitions between the planets – to go to orbit now not necessarily.

In general, like smallest things to be called Destiny 2 excellent work on bugs, very much. Some of them, however, individual players may seem dubious. So, the system of merger allows you to increase the parameter to the soul of the rifle, putting a stronger “gun” on scrap metal. However, a lot of valuable fragments is spent on the procedure, saving which you can immediately buy a first-class “trunk”. Is the merger from this point of view – a big question.

Galactic community

Mainly dignity Destiny 2 It is that, although all of her gameplay boils down to a pallet in all directions, the developers managed to change this process as much as possible. The long shelf life of the project was provided by the well-working charter mechanics, many types of weapons and enemies, as well as the social component. Destiny – Fun first of all multiplayer: without having a combat group, you not only can not start certain tasks, but also do not experience the entire spectrum of emotions.Destiny 2: Video Game OverviewHeavenly Atlas – Clear, and most importantly, comfortable.
In the game, the clans finally appeared officially. Performing tasks, their members improve the banner and get different bonuses. The innovation facilitated the life of lonely guardians, because in the “Twilight raids” and “raids” there is an option to pass with a mentor – advanced participants of a clan can take with them the task of a novice.

PVP battles have undergone small changes. The number of team members decreased to four, and the cards became more compact, due to what the speaker increased. Added several new modes, “sharpened” under command interaction. In general, without communication with the opposing agents, the chances of winning are significantly reduced. Proper use of the abilities of three classes and coordination of displacements mean much more than the ability of a separate player to make “Heddshot”. Although this skill is quite important – especially with gamepad in hand.

The presence of many other guards significantly revives the world – each of them is engaged in his business. Anyone can be invited to the group, to demonstrate to him any gesture or explore the property ht.

But admire not only the content of the inventory run around the guards, because the locations themselves are simply incredibly beautiful here. Technologically, the second part left only Nonngo on the predecessor, but the design here is so great that the eyes never cease to rejoice, – each planet is distinguished by a flavor and is ready to satisfy your aesthetic requests by the majestic spectacle.

Huge destroyed ships, covered horizon, massive and mysterious buildings on the satellite of IO or dead landscapes of the Earth – large-scale locations not only give space for battles, but also inspire the user to research. There are also secret venues, and hidden chests, and new “abandoned territories” with useful things and strong enemies, and simply curious from aesthetic point of view. Map is understandable and easy to handle.Destiny 2: Video Game OverviewRained and the Empire of Kabalov Pala.***
Destiny 2, definitely better first part. However, the ideal game is difficult to call it. In some sense, she became the hostage of its own setting. Setting in which actors are races, peoples, planets – but not separate characters with their stories and characters. Create the scene-taking plot, drama, dialogues in this situation are extremely difficult. Namely them Destiny 2 Lacks: In order for meaningless shootings to turn into a struggle for independence, the development of the guardianship is to the birth of the legend of this world, and an empty leader on the walkie-talkie – in fascinating and important conversations of heroes with original views and biographies.

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