New Pokémon Snap: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » New Pokémon Snap: Video Game Overview
December 13, 2022
12 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Games in which you are sent to safari – it seems that the idea lies on the surface, but almost no one tried to implement it. It is understandable – if you offer a photo oxide on existing animals, then there should be a lot of them. Yes, and everyone needs to draw and animate, and for such a difficult project, it is unlikely that someone will take. With Pokemones In this regard, just easier if they are fiction. A similar experiment was carried out back in 1999 on Nintendo 64, and now they tried again.

Make all the work

At the beginning NEW POKéMON SNAP We get to the region of Lental, where you get acquainted with Professor Mirror and his assistant. They work in the laboratory, and their task is to study all types of Pokemon and learn more about themselves, and about the entire ecosystem of nearby islands. The character immediately gives the research chamber, with the help of which all seen seen has been to be photographed, and these pictures professor will evaluate and enter into a photodex.

In addition to the protagonist and professor, there were no characters, so the plot was very schematic. Here the situation has changed, but not much: new heroes appeared, there were more videos, and some dialogues are even voiced – after PokéMON Sword It looks unusual. But the story clearly does not deserve to play for her, – as, however, in all the Ploomon games. Professor, together with the assistants, is trying to understand the nature of large glowing Pokemon (in the original – Illumina Pokémon), so immediately at all the islands does not allow and everything needs to be learned gradually – that’s the whole story.

New Pokémon Snap: Video Game Overview

History is not as serious as it seems at first.

Like the pardon of attractions

Much more important than the gameplay, and NEW POKéMON SNAP In many ways, it was possible thanks to a unique idea – from her, in sensations, could squeeze the maximum. Falling on the level (within the limits of them there may be several), we sit down in the vehicle and can not control them – it goes ones. We only turn the camera in different directions and watch the living creatures by clicking on the A button when we want to capture the moment. Trips take no more than five minutes, and you can restart them at any time or interrupt.

Usually games about Pokemones do not allow you to see how these creatures behave in wildlife. Parts with top view (including already mentioned Sword or Let’s Go) Strong in this regard are limited – there all pokemon live in high grass or run away on the road in the hope that you fight them and place them in your Ineaker. But where you can see how Laipards jump from stone on a stone? How to look at an emwing, galloping from a branch branch? Where to look at the bored Cagucira or on a hurricane?

New Pokémon Snap: Video Game Overview

This and apples do not cheer.

IN NEW POKéMON SNAP allow you to find yourself in the world of Pokemon, watch them and find out how they live, and not just read descriptions. Here I swims together with small Daclets under the stone bridge, here the Buffalants graze in the meadow, here the Pikipek knocks the beak on the tree trunk or looks out of the hollow, here the mantins are sailing under water, and nearby Quilfish and Finnons. Everyone lives their lives, everyone has their own business, and we are not just observed for them, but we can interact with everyone – for this, as we have new items, we are given new items.

The scanner is needed to celebrate Pokemon nearby and carefully study objects on location. Soft fruit (similar to an apple) allow you to throw in any direction. Instead of the flute from the last game, here is just the ability to turn on and off the music. And the glowing spheres, unique for each region, make pokemon shining and “ignite” flowers growing here, then there. Locations are different – and the desert to visit is to have, and the jungle, and in water will give to swim, – but things always remain amonges and the same. Moreover, it seems that they are very little, situations they generate a lot.

New Pokémon Snap: Video Game Overview

Almost perfect.

With fruit seems to be obvious – throw it close to Pokemon, and he starts it. With some creatures really so happens, but not with all. Someone is afraid, someone will not pay attention. In someone better throw fruit – let it be wanted or getting angry. The same with the scanner – you just wanted to scan the area, and someone responded to him an unexpected way. Or music – one at all as if he does not hear anything, and the other is started in the dance. It happens that to achieve some effect one item must be used every time you see Pokemon on the way to the finish.

It was necessary to do.

World full of secrets

The more part of everything in the game is scripted – if birds flew over her head at a certain point, they always will fly. However, less alive this world does not, especially thanks to a set of surprises, which raises each individual location. When for the first time you visit it, you see only a small share that it can actually offer. The better your photos, the higher the level of the researcher, and the amount of live life depends on it. Plus, locations have night versions, where creatures can be completely different, and those who slept in the afternoon wake up after sunset.

To find the most interesting features help the assignments – a professor and other characters regularly twist them, no matter how hinting the player, that, just traveling from the start to the finish, he does not really see anything really. You will be asked to photograph a certain Pokemon when he laughs or stands on the front paw, or will be offered to find someone in high grass. There are more difficult tasks – for example, take a picture, on which one pokemon sticks out with another or grabs it and takes it somewhere. Here the experiments begin: in someone it is necessary to throw a fruit at the right moment, somewhere you need to activate the scanner, attract someone music and so on.

For the sake of a good picture you have to repeat the process, restarting the expedition.

All this is complicated by the fact that the descriptions of the orders are sometimes too vague. One of them says that the Physician Bird does not come close to people, but it can be brought by fruit. It would seem, – throw a fruit so that it goes closer, and take pictures. But no, it takes more actions, but what – guess yourself. Unfortunately, the game does not report on completing the task before you go to the laboratory and show the photos of the professor, so you have to hope for good luck and only assume that you did everything right. Plus, if you have already been made the desired snapshot before getting a task, the game will not consider it and will have to take pictures of Pokemon again.

Work qualitatively

It helps the snapshot rating system, which has changed a little since the original. The number of points depends on several parameters. Important posture – if Pokemon jumps or flies, it is better than if he is just worth. The size of the being in the photo is important – if you took a picture from afar, then you get a little glasses. IMPORTANT The direction of the view is especially highly appreciated by the photos on which the creature looks into the chamber. It is important that Pokemon is located in the picture. Well, the environment matters – here and the background is preferably beautiful, and other pokemon would be better to hook in the process of shooting. In the original bonus glasses awarded photographs where several identical creatures were captured, and here such a strange rule is no longer.

New Pokémon Snap: Video Game Overview

Without a normal background and other pokemon glasses give noticeably less.

For each Pokemon in Photoodex you need to do four photos with different estimates. One star is given for the usual photo where Pokemon stands or go somewhere, – nothing happens there. But snapshots with estimates from two to four stars is more interesting – there is some kind of action, and in some cases such photos are required in orders. Although without these tasks sometimes it turns out to guess what is required of you. Everything comes down to the use of objects, and if they do not help, then you just start to watch the pokes and not to lower the eyes from them – you never know what they start to do when you turn around.

Of course, the system of estimates is imperfect and sometimes gives failures. It happens that you made a beautiful picture that turned out better than the previous one, but professor has a vision problem and it puts an assessment below. Or for some reason, similar photos deserve a different number of stars. However, this does not spoil the impression, because it does not affect progress not much, and in most cases agree with the estimates of the expert. Still, it is a pity that from the pictures made in the process of the expedition can only be given only one for each Pokemon, – constantly think that it would be more points if I chose the eighth photo instead of the sixth. However, this is also an insignificant trifle.

New Pokémon Snap: Video Game Overview

Before passing photos, you can see how many stars they pull.

B90s there was no such thing

If the pictures seem to be especially successful to you, you can edit them and save themselves into the album, pre-configuring brightness, focus, filters and a pair of other parameters. And then it will be possible to decorate the picture with additional elements – they are just issued for the execution of orders. Frames, bonus filters, stickers – can boot into someone crown or emphasize the dynamics of a frame with thin black stripes. Snapshots allow you to save on the console (and share them in social networks), or simply download to the internal network where other users will be able to evaluate them, and you will get inspiration before the next expedition.

New Pokémon Snap: Video Game Overview

Offensive snapshots can not be loaded, but this one is not considered?

As a result, it turns out a game that is able to captivate even those who have never noticed love for photographing. In full seriously, you begin to pick up the angles, keep track of whether Pokemon is in the center of the frame, trying to catch the best point – I do not want to instead of the face of the Pokemon in the picture there was his back. Well, trying to improve the results – even among the pictures with one star there are those that deserve only two thousand glasses, and there are much better, with four thousand. And you do not want to have unsuccessful photos in the collection, although it does not affect anything, in fact.

Very funny to pass the game in portable mode, turning into different directions along with the console, – the feeling that really hold the camera in your hands and get into an alternative reality. But in the stationary mode, it is possible to play, of course, it is only desirable to increase the sensitivity of the sticks, and then with the standard settings, the turns are too slow. But by pressing on the cross, you can turn sharply to all four sides.

New Pokémon Snap: Video Game Overview

Pokemon in the game is more than 200, and in the past Snap there were only 63.

NEW POKéMON SNAP Reminds old albums for stickers – to fill them in, it was necessary to buy sets with random content and hope that there are no duplicates. In my childhood, I was just an album with animals;True, it was not possible to assemble the entire collection of stickers – and sorry, for it was a chance to win a car! New “Pokemon” such a prize is not offered, but to get all the pictures here will succeed without excess investments. Formula Snap can be improved, and with the decisions of the professor, evaluating pictures, you agree not always. But in the current form, the game gives great pleasure and squeezes almost all juices from an unusual idea.

Pros: still an original idea that has developed;the opportunity to observe two hundred Pokemon in the wild;Many secrets and surprises on each location that help find numerous orders;The region seems alive, despite the scrapping of many elements;The process of improving photos and results is strongly fascinated, as well as filling the album;A sufficient set of settings for editing pictures.

Minuses: The descriptions of the orders are sometimes too vague, and it is difficult to guess before solving the puzzles;Professor is not always able to appreciate good photos.

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