The Solitaire Conspiracy: Video Game Overview

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July 22, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

The Solitaire Conspiracy: Video Game Overview
Developer Mike Beitle (Mike Bithell) Always masterfully tells stories without resorting to a steep schedule, but creating stylish and memorable adventures. Whether Thomas Was Alone, in which the player very quickly began to take care of each geometric shape, or Subsurface Circular about communicating with each other robots – although the descriptions and screenshots of the game seem simple, in most cases they have something to surprise. And if earlier history, one way or another, were associated with artificial intelligence, then in the case of The Solitaire Conspiracy Bitelle I went to another way and created a spy thriller.

Spy rescue

As you can guess the images decorating this article, this thriller is not quite ordinary – here to play solitaire solitaire once again. The main character wakes up in the secret location of the “flow” – an independent network of spies, which “protects innocent” and “is on the side of good”. Some Jim alignment, operator, coordinating agents during operations, is associated with it.

It turns out that its access to the system was blocked by a dangerous man named Soliter, because of what Jim cannot give orders to his agents. Those literally turned out to be thrown on the mercy of fate and do not understand what to do next, and the plans of the Soliter are not known to anyone – it is probably planning to destroy the spy network. Fortunately, the coordinator managed to find a workaround – for new agents the system is not blocked, so Jim issued the appropriate rights to the chief hero. He can not amount to tasks, but can perform them than he and to do throughout the game.The Solitaire Conspiracy: Video Game OverviewFramed videos Excellent – here not just broadcast talking heads.
History is served in video format with alive actors. Jim played a misconception journalist Greg Miller (Greg Miller), who was well born in the role and frankly replays only in a pair of episodes, – those who are sympathetic, will certainly be satisfied. But the second actor, humorist Inel Tomlinson (INEL TOMLINSON), disappointing running when they say each replica by eyes, as if televofler is located in a meter from him. In episodes S Miller This is not at all, because of what moments with Tomlineon a little lubricate the overall impression.

The script, as you should expect, excellent – and the characters are spelled out great, and the story intrigues. Except that the ending tumbled slightly, but the rest of the plot holds at the screen and does not take a lot of time – it will take no more than three hours. It’s great that every party in the card is preceded by a description of the mission – we are not visible to any of the briefings in the briefings, but we can imagine. In one of the tasks, the agents are sent to the weapon auction, where they will drive around the finger of the accomplices of solitator, tieting rates to their accounts. In the other – go to the abandoned underground base in the Gobi desert to find out why it is so interested in soliter.The Solitaire Conspiracy: Video Game OverviewEach agent can use the ability only once per game. And so that it becomes available, the ace of the same suit must be put in the center of the table.

Master Card

To put an end to the activities of the villain, the player needs to be achieved in the system of the 15th level – simply speaking, once again go to the mission and earn in them experience. Gameplane every task is a classic soliter with some interesting innovations. In the center you can see four empty places, and on the left and right of them in randomly scattered cards. We must sort these cards by moving them into the center, starting with the ace and twos and ending the king. Put one card on the other too, but only on the one that is higher for seniority. That is, the eight allows you to put on the nine, but not on a seven or fourth.

The main difference between the local solitator from the usual lies in the fact that cards do not have the usual masters. IN The Solitaire Conspiracy Maps are associated with various groups, and Vallets, Queen and Kings are agents with their own unique features that are triggered when they are transferred to a stack (sometimes the effect depends on the map of the card to which agents fall). The first we receive a grouping, whose members explode a stack – cards spreads along the neighboring rows to get deeply buried twos and three things became easier.

When you guide the cursor to the agent card, a beautiful image of a character appears next to.

There are only eight detachments unlocked here as passing. Some sort the stacks so that the younger cards are below, others, on the contrary, raise them upstairs. Another group sends to the center the next card of that suit, which was transferred to the agent, which is also very useful to learn the aces and other younger cards. Some spies are shuffled with a stack, and in the case of them, the outcome is not always favorable – you can make a situation only worse. It should be borne in mind that the abilities of agents are activated automatically when they are transferred – no one will specify whether you want to use them.

An ordinary solitator available to Windows owners from time immemorial, in itself is quite fascinating, and in The Solitaire Conspiracy it becomes even better – to solitaire approach otherwise and even start thinking of tactics. Combinations can be the most different: First you send the agent to raise other spies to the top of the stacks, then you grab the naval and blast the other stack with it, you kidnap the cards, pull them out ..

Without the agent’s ability to get this ace would be not easy.

The gameplay does not tire, since the soliter in principle can not bother for a long time, and here the player regularly twist new detachments with unique skills, and also show good videos. Music and the picture is also pleased, especially when the cards unfolding on the table are shown from different angles after the briefing. Soundtrack makes you remember the films about James Bond and other spy paintings – then the violin will sound, then the whole orchestra, and the compositions each time becomes louder and rich in the end of the party.

After the titers, you can continue to perform tasks, and you can look at the main menu and see there are two additional modes. In the “Battle” it is necessary to choose up to four detachments to take part in the match – it’s just entertainment for those who have come for a couple of minutes to kill time per party in the Picture.

Much more interesting “countdown” mode, which requires to withstand as many waves as possible for the allotted time. For the use of agents’ abilities and for the transfer of cards to the center of the table, seconds are added, and the final result is entered into the world table of records. There will be an understanding of the gameplay mechanic and the ability to quickly make decisions, thinking about several moves in advance – for the sake of this mode, I have repeatedly returned to the game after the plot passage.The Solitaire Conspiracy: Video Game OverviewFor each level also give a new color scheme for the interface. ***
The Solitaire Conspiracy – Successful attempt to refresh the classic card game, accompanying her spy history and excellent style. It is a pity, not the best ending and the game of one of the actors spend a little impression, but about the time spent the time you do not have to regret – innovations, forcing the parties to the parties, more tactically, rather than in a classic soliter, make a familiar gameplay more more exciting. And for the sake of additional modes and new records, the game will want to run after passing, more than once.

Pros: intriguing plot and good acting game Greg Miller;The presence of unique abilities has a familiar soliter more exciting;In additional regime with waves and timer, I want to return for new records;excellent visual style;Orchestral soundtrack is very similar to music from famous spy films.

Minuses: One of the actors clearly reads the text from the televofer, which spoils the atmosphere;Not the best ending.

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