Tales From The Borderlands Will Return To The Shops February 17

Home » Game News » Tales From The Borderlands Will Return To The Shops February 17
September 23, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

In 2019, Creation of Creation TellTale Games began to disappear from stores. Later a new company bought the rights to the brand TellTale, as well as games The Wolf Among US And Batman: The TellTale Series. As a result, these serials returned to the sale, but Tales from the Borderlands, The remaining Gearbox Software, last years was not available. It will change February 17.

Gearbox announced that Tales from the Borderlands Again will appear on digital shelves – the game can be bought on PC (Steam, Epic Games Store), PlayStation 4/5 and Xbox One / Series. Earlier, the network was walked by a rumor, as if Advenchu was reissued along with an additional mini-episode and a regime of comments from developers, but in this case there is no such speech.

Recall, Tales from the Borderlands – This is an interactive series consisting of five episodes. Action takes place between events Borderlands 2 And 3. Starring – Fionasch Fionas and programmer of the company “Hyperion” Reese. Gameplay, as was customary in late TellTale, Impact – Explore Locations, participate in dialogs, solve simple puzzles Yes, go QTE.

Tales from the Borderlands Returns to Storefronts February 17! Set Between Borderlands Follows The Stories of Rhys, A Hyperion Suit, and Fiona, A CON ARTIST, On a Quest Borne of Greed But Destined for Greatness. PIC.Twitter.COM / 6L1O5FTM0I

– Borderlands 3 (@Borderlands) February 10, 2021

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