Halloween Monsters were guided in Red Dead Online

Home » Game News » Halloween Monsters were guided in Red Dead Online
June 24, 2022
1 minute

By Jonny Gamer

Halloween Monsters were guided in Red Dead Online
Rockstar not going to do single DLC for Red Dead Redemption 2, so UNDEAD NIGHTMARE 2 We most likely not wait. Have to be content with small – for example, the Halloween event in Red Dead Online.

In the network component started a time limited PVP mode “under the cover of the night”. Two teams face in it – predators and hunters. The first – immortal mandes whose strength lies in masks that can be found on the map. Accordingly, for victory, hunters must collect all the masks and kill the remaining creatures.

“Under the cover of the night” is open until November 12. Until November 3, the regime participants will give three times more gold than usual, and twice the RDO dollars.

Besides, in Online A new legendary order has been available – you have to find the excess of the former mayor of Tobin Vinfield, who hides in the area of the Robbers Pier.

Finally, the Halloween masks and a 30 percent discount on Tesaki, machete, tomahaws and throwing knives appeared in the multiplayer western. Details – on the official website Rockstar Games.

Teaser “under the cover of the night”.

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