Alder’S Blood: Video Video Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Alder’S Blood: Video Video Overview
September 16, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

It so far it turns out that many recent releases I have to describe on a closed scheme: such a game is found with such that and such. You excuse me, but with Alder’s Blood It is better to do without unnecessary prefaces so that readers immediately are interested in it: here you can see the features and Darkest Dungeon, And XCOM, and even Bloodborne. But as a result, it turned out?

It is difficult to be a god

Once Darkest Dungeon And Bloodborne, it is clear that action Alder’s Blood happens in a very dark world, and we play monsters for hunters. And they themselves are not very people, but the generation of the situation that led to a catastrophe. People killed God – and after that his desecrated flesh and blood scattered around the world began to generate darkness, which poisons all around and creates monsters.

At this moment, different clans of hunters appeared. They are very sensitive to darkness and capable of abandoned monsters. But they themselves are vulnerable to it: the more hunters fight and kill, the faster we are weakened and in the end go crazy. Therefore, they are better to sacrifice them in advance to pass part of the power of the new.

Yes, yes, everything is very severe and adult. In the appropriate style and is very cool – reminds noar-comics in the spirit of “Helleboy”, “Lucifer”, “sand man” and “city of sins”, and if we talk about games, then The Blind Prophet. And the story is also very interesting and dark.

Mystery becomes apparent

We play for the leader of one of the hunting clans, the nearest associate of whom first suddenly disappeared somewhere, and then it was found half and blind. But he discovered something important associated with the disaster and the body of the deceased God. Now there is a chance to save this doomed victorian world.

Alder’S Blood: Video Video Overview

The interface here will not name especially convenient.
At the same time, the leaders of different fractions begin to contact us, scientists, military, businessmen and rulers who shed light on the situation, behave their own searches for a recipe for salvation, but they definitely want something from us and, as a rule, they hide something – well, for exampleWhat are members of a secret society who has conducted bloody occult rituals. Some and they flew at all from the coils and ready to revenge the monsters, sacrificing thousands of soldiers.

We begin to work on the faction, raising our reputation in a particular group – you have to fulfill the task for it, search for missing patrols and important artifacts, investigate the attacks of monsters on the village, help with provisioning and so on. At the same time, keep the Ear Egor and each time they face new secrets and skeletons in the cabinets. In general, history clings.

Consumable coin

If with a plot, atmosphere and style in Alder’s Blood everything is fine, then directly with the gameplay is not so unequivocal. It would seem that all components of success in place: pumping, step-by-step battles, survival elements (we spend provisions for movement on the map and on the maintenance of hunters) and the opportunity to break the camp at any time, where someone will guard, someone – relax,Aluminating wounds, and someone – to produce resources or crafting equipment.

But if you look at, then several strange solutions are found. Take, for example, mechanics donating hunters. The level of darkness is constantly growing, even in battle, which increases the power of monsters. And after each mission, the level of “corruption” is growing, infection of hunters. But, as I said, using the weapon, killing monsters or getting damage, they themselves become weaker – they have characteristics, they begin to see and run, slower to recover on the privala, they drop the level of endurance, the slots from the inventory falls.etc.

Alder’S Blood: Video Video Overview

Enemies are usually always more and they “thicker”.
It seems to be an interesting mechanic reminiscent of Darkest Dungeon, BUT B Alder’s Blood cure these disabled people impossible. And they become so almost everything is very fast. Therefore, the rotation is very high – you do not have time to get used to someone, pump it, and the character is already on the verge of an amissism, and its weakness outweigh all the advantages. A sacrifice makes the stronger than the selected newcomer, and new recruits have to hire constantly. That is, in all this, of course, something is – this situation is placed in the gloomy atmosphere of desperate and doomed survival. But from the point of view of the gameplay, this is a controversial mechanic that does not allow you to feel the return from the pumping of characters.

If you shoot, you turn away

Hence the second ambiguous decision. This seems to be tactical RPG, where you can find, buy or make a bunch of cold and firearms, actually punishes us for trying to fight and use the whole arsenal. If you do this, then the hunters will easily weaken and turn into sacrificial goats. Therefore, missions directly on the destruction of someone in Alder’s Blood Little – we basically need something to find, take, explore, and in such situations it is better, more efficient (but not more spectacular) to act “in stealth”, hiding in high grass and trying to bypass enemies.

In the process, you can not only throw stones to distract the opponents, but also use sound traps, throwing the network paralyzing on one move (to escape). Moreover, it is necessary to develop the sixth sense to faster to detect monsters, and follow the direction of the wind, which drives the smell of your wards – Cranks are able to teach it. And besides, they hear perfectly (even as you recharge the weapon). Even among the opponents there are very unpleasant and unusual creatures that perform the role of chambers of tracking, which, it is worth falling into their field of view, raise anxiety.

Naturally, in almost every mission you have to kill someone if the enemy is completely preventing and does not give them away. And the farther in the forest, the more opponents on the map, the more stronger and the more difficult to hide. Especially considering the fact that all active actions and moving out of the limits of the zone available in your stroke is actively spent endurance – if it falls to zero, the ward will be immobilized for one move.

Alder’S Blood: Video Video Overview

So yesterday’s newcomer begins to weaken ..
The tasks themselves are very monotonous – mostly “come out of point A to the point B, and then to the place of evacuation”. More or less interesting situations and conditions when, for example, it is necessary to free from the cells of people or when darkness constantly gives rise to your back of the new monsters, very little. So it turns out that it’s really not allowed to listen, and stealth, with all interesting mechanics (I’m about the wind and smell first), it turns out quite boring. There are, of course, exceptions, but they will repeat, much less than I would like to.

Ate meat peasants, but little

Not brought to mind and survival mechanics. Food can be calm and in large quantities to extract, breaking the camp in the city. Chances that someone in the process attacks, zero – at least three or four days or all week over a night, get out and hide the resources. Yes, and, as a rule, no one particularly customs. And eat our wards on a privala little, especially if you studied talents that reduce the need for food.

As a result, it is not necessary to take care of feeding – it is not clear why this mechanics generally introduced. So ascend some restrictions and fines for a long rest. Yes, and Kraft looks for the most part – many items can be obtained as a reward or buy, good and with money problems, as a rule, is not observed. Basically, they need to be spent on the hiring of new hunters, but many Yunsians are cheap, up to 200 coins, and in characteristics differ little from those that are ready to work for 800 or 1,000. Yes, the last originally cooler equipment, but I repeat, already in the middle of passing it is quite easy to get, to buy or make almost everything you need.

Can notice and immobilize at any time.
Initially, I was set to put Alder’s Blood “Boasually” – an interesting story, concept, style and saturated atmosphere immediately striking. But according to our standards, the game where everything is fine with the plot and style, but there are many questions to the gameplay, – this is, of course, “passman”. Just do not think that in this case it is a bad assessment and call not to play. Vice versa, Alder’s Blood At a minimum deserves attention. Simply, not all gameplay solutions made me arranged. It is quite possible that someone will enjoy one scheme to hide from enemies and constantly change its wards. Well, or it will not be a critical obstacle to the junction of this gloomy and intriguing story.

Pros: fascinating plot;Interesting setting;saturated atmosphere;chic comic picture;Atmospheric music.

Minuses: Many gameplay solutions look controversial;monotonous missions;Survival elements seem to be sewn for a tick.

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