Amid Evil: Video Game View
Heretic, Hexen, Wolfenstein Zd, Quake, Oak 3D – In these hits of the past, I played in the late 90s in the editorial board of St. Petersburg newspapers. In free, and often during working hours. Then there was a wild passion QUAKE III ARENA And Unreal Tournament, years later – Painkiller, Doom 3, Doom, and then my muscle reflexes (stretch, shot, again stretch, press the button, reach the first aid kit, jump and shoot a shift under my feet!) went into deep hibernation. Solid RPG, strategies, quests … But seeing screenshots and reading the description Amid Evil, I felt like in the soul, in that area that he was responsible for nostalgia, something moved, and asked the game to review. But I did not launch it without skepticism: Well, what am I retroshter now? I also Super Neptunia Rpg Watch it is necessary!
Those who have already played in Amid Evil, can easily present further. I woke up in two hours, looking at the carcass of the first defeated boss, squeezing in the trembling hands smoking the staff from the shots, with five units of health and one only a matter of me: what, nafig, “neptune”?
Of course, for those who follow the genre, the current success Amid Evil, having almost 100% of positive reviews in Steam, did not become a surprise. Her authors have already done a popular mod RETURN OF THE TRIAD for Rise of the Triad (shooter 1994 from 3D Realms), and then produced too much positively rated in Steam Retro FPS Dusk.
But even they probably wondered how powerful the game was released. Although it would seem that it is easier – take familiar formulas Heretic And Hexen, All this fantasy topics, axes, swords and peas, specially make monsters as much as possible “pixel” – and voila, nostalgic “meat” stew for old mans is ready!
However, the authors much more thoroughly approached the development. They came up with seven truly different worlds. There are our champion through the portals located in the hub location, our champion is sent, the only mortal for many years who passed the test by the Black Maze, got a sacred ax in his naked hands and is now ready to save everyone from the power of evil. In each of these worlds – its atmosphere, design, architecture and unique enemies.
Traveler Club on the Worlds
You can run around the classic castle, shoot flying cattleware (let them call here otherwise), periodically jump into the water from the bridge, climb along high steps to the center of the hall, where it is waiting for a meeting with the boss, descend on platforms from open areas, where above the wallsCastle hanging moon, in dark cases. And in general, feel familiar – the familiar “heretical” medieval. Every world consists, as a rule, from four levels with a mandatory boss at the end.
But in the next world, you can be on strange, hanging in the emptiness of the castles – they are decorated with multicolored stained glass windows and are connected by long bridges. And among the enemies there are spiders, snakes and very angry samurai, which, unlike their analogues from other measurements, are able to tumble, leaving the attack.
Different pain pain
Developers implemented B Amid Evil Really cool weapons. In addition to the already mentioned ax, there is a classic staff for such games shooting magic charges;Sword, who do not cut, and throw in enemies;a trident attacked by zippers;Bulaw, from which the stars of stars are cramped and hurt.
Yes, every weapon has an interesting story. For example, the local analogue of the Ranker, according to the description, actually shoots into enemies … planets, which pulls out of their measurements and reduces to the size of the projectile. There is also their BFG – a big fancy gun, scorching with huge areas, which are discharged in all around.
So, as in Heretic, Each weapon in Amid Evil In addition to the main there is still a reinforced version. The fact is that the whole road we collect the soul of defeated enemies. And when they are accumulated enough, it will be possible to turn on the local rage mode. And here weapons change its properties. The ax turns almost in chainsaw, the staff pours enemies with water, the charged sword’s blade begins to ricker from the walls and enemies, the rocketman shoots no longer with planets, but the sun. And the BFG analogue (called The Aeturnum) sucks the opponents in a real black hole.
For each weapon you need to collect your charges (actually ammunition) of different colors, and each will be especially useful in its situations. There is, it is clear, more powerful – but also charges for him less. Each of you will have their favorites (for me it is a sword), but to say that some weapon in Amid Evil frankly unnecessary, it is impossible. But the crossbow from Heretic really lacking.In old good traditions, together with the game immediately comes a set of cheats, including “God’s Mode”.
From corridors on the arena
I often remember Heretic, And it is easy to explain. Amid Evil, as a retroshuter about fantasy, the Middle Ages, the battle with the participation of axes / staff and about the main character, which was once called the heretic, it is clear where it metrates. Here, as I said, and with a weapon, the situation is similar, and with the collection of multicolored “mana” – some charges that are on levels, even purely look similar to what we have seen in the 1994 game.
But purely on dynamics and building levels is already more like the first Quake And Doom 2016. That is, “heretical” corridors here are practically no – instead of them arena, many open spaces, where more dynamics, expanses and vertical gameplay. IN Amid Evil We are constantly riding on the up-down platforms, we climb the long branching stairs under the very ceiling, while shooting enemies from the staff of the enemies from the staff, and from there somewhere you can jump down – into the water to find new health and charges on the bottom.
And the game itself, despite the fact that the enemies and all objects are specifically covered with defiantly “pixel” textures, it looks elegant – beautiful, stylish and fairly modern: there are cool effects, paints, attention to detail, interesting architecture and spectacular species. It is not surprising, because Amid Evil On Unreal Engine 4.
For memory waves
From such a combination of “Old School” and our time, a game is obtained, which, I am sure to hobbly even those who did not hear Heretic And Hexen. Walking a nostalgic tear, we run, fight, stretch, collect gold and silver wrenches from the gate, health spheres, charges, strengthening (like increased health, invisibility, invulnerability or possibilities to fly), overcome traps, spend souls and competently use rage mode. The latter is especially useful in fights with bosses, which are very colorful here and with their own characteristics.
All at the same time dynamically, beautiful and somewhere even modern: the graphics do not cut the eye, as in the same Dusk, – On the contrary, I constantly want to do screenshots. Although most often no time: enemies even at the normal level of difficulty give. Well, according to the results of the passage of each level, we give statistics in old good traditions, forcing me to break your head: where I missed another secret?..
Local BFG works very effectively.
Amid Evil – This is the portal in the past. As the hero passes through the portals in different worlds to defeat evil, and we ourselves pass through the game to return at 20 years, when the trees were big, every new game was surprised when you were still dreaming plans to conquer the world, and in the evenings after work was delayed, watched as the editor shoots Cramemon for a working computer, and waited for his turn. And even if this portal personally does not start you so far, I still advise you to try the game – this is the best retriboevik, who is able to transfer the spirit of “meat” shooters, without wounding your feeling of beautiful.
Pros: exciting gameplay at the junction Heretic, Hexen And Quake;perfectly referred by the spirit of “Oldskul” shooters;a variety of locations, enemies and weapons;good balance of complexity;excellent level design;Nice picture;Powerful musical and sound support.
Minuses: I would like more options for weapons and strengthening.