Battlelore: Command: Video Video Overview

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January 26, 2022
4 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Battlelore: Command: Video Video Overview
When a very notable strategy from the famous company appeared on mobile trading platforms Fantasy Flight Games, my curiosity was not the limit. Created based on BattleLore, known in the circles of fans of board games, step-by-step Battlelo: Command Promises to reproduce the fascinating mechanics on the screens of smartphones and tablets. For those who have never thrown the dice, explain that developers from Fantasy Flight Games It was repeatedly able to exceed the original stands when creating their virtual version, thanks to which they won the special confidence of fans. In such mobile ports, there is another weighty plus – for example, the application BattleLore Price ten times lower than the cardboard original.Battlelore: Command: Video Video OverviewOn BattleLore tablets looks an order of magnitude more interesting than on paper.
Now your move, sir!

We start with hiring troops on the manner of single battles from the series Total War, where there was also the total cost of the army, and it could not be exceeded when adding different “units”. Then on the map we show your tactical skills in the placement of the soldiers of the near and far battle, support troops and so on. After the cards are played with bonuses for wisdom points (there may be one of the participants here). Now the most interesting is the choice of the battle strategy: which of the three flanks will attack, what to defend. The decision is accepted only once, and nothing cannot be changed to the battery finals.

Significant difference between mobile application BattleLore From the offline version lies in visual visualization of event development options on the screen of your gadget. By the way, each move is tied and ends in four phases, which sometimes painfully calculate on the field. The developers have noticeably accelerated this process of thought. Once by choosing a strategy, we progressively approach the fight with the opponent. The field consisting of three main traffic corridors allows “units” to hide in shelters, defend, attack with attacks and even maneuver. If you managed to hide, the enemy does not attack, but if they closed the corner – minus one detachment. Successful actions bring wisdom glasses that are spent on the drawing card at the beginning of the battles.

The full collection of rules has dozens of possible options for the development of events. All of them are painted in the form of laws of the fictional universe (though, in English) in Encyclopedia. To familiarize yourself with it at least superficially, because even an attractive graphic component of the game will not save you from the need to master. After you can safely immerse yourself in the plot, which tells us about the war between the forces of Evil (Undoubted) and Good (Human Race). BattleLore presents two basics of the Universe – Battle (Battle) and Knowledge, Wisdom (Lore). Will have to learn how to find a balance between them to defeat the enemy.

For the mobile version, special quests were created with curious scenarios. For their implementation, new opportunities for improving the army are opened, the types of troops are expanding and all sorts of bonuses. Tasks are recommended to be held both in single-user mode and in multiplayer. The latter, however, is possible only on the local network. It makes the application close to the traditions of the tanks, which is customary to play with friends at personal meetings. After all, this is all the “paper” romance of such entertainment!Battlelore: Command: Video Video OverviewQuests no less entertaining element BattleLore: Command than step-by-step battles.***
Over time Mobility Battlelo: Command Washing will grow at the expense of addons. Developers promise to release additional content with new factions and objects in the coming months. Such a move will only benefit the strategy, because there are no things to buy for real money at all. Yes, the version for iOS and Android compared to competitors is expensive to customers, but at times cheaper than the original stands. And let the app will not replace all the impressions from the original version of BattleLore, but will help you understand whether such mechanics are interesting at all.

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