Buried Stars: Video Review Games
What is the difference between almost any anime, be it role-playing game, TV series or visual novel? Excessive louposity of characters, fed outfits / hairstyles, hints for sexual perversions and in principle repealing eroticism? Yes, including. But also – and this is much more important – they are very often distinguished by bright, colorful heroes and exciting, rich plot surprises, which can unfold in non-trivial places and circumstances. This is how, for example, in visual novel Buried Stars, which recently reached PC.
Show must go on?
Aistoria here clings immediately. At the popular show of musical talents, Buried Stars happened a disaster, and in a literal sense – for unknown reasons, the scenery, walls and ceilings began to collapse in the midst of direct ether. And if the audience and technical staff managed to evacuate, then the five main participants in the action that came to the finals of the show remained among the debris. And while the rescue team is trying to get to them, they themselves are looking for answers to the eternal Russian questions: who is to blame and what to do? And why the voting, which of them is better, still continues?
Meet the top five shows the show.
The company, I must say, it came to the noble – almost all our cockroaches and dark spots in the past. One girl, the former group in one of the musical gang, was involved in an unpleasant scandal and now suffers to panic attacks;Another, ex-dancer who possesses a great voice shows himself a secretive and fairly aggressive egoist, followed by someone from obsessive fans. One of the guys, as it turns out, was distinguished by a tendency to violence at school. And we play for the young man who destroyed his group for the sake of participation in the show – in this, in any case, he is accused of some of its participants who send messages through the local social network.
And here is our main character.
Yes, by the way, not only the vote continues, but the discussion in social networks does not subside for a minute – and our heroes can participate in it due to their smartphones implemented in the form of hours. True, for some reason all external contacts disappeared – you can only get involved with each other. And some functions are not available, these participants are confused, and there is generally a lot of strange.
Naturally, a corpses appear after a while, mutual accusations begin and suspicions, sometimes comes to the hands-written. Cherry on this gloomy cake goes messages from seemingly a dead character “You’re next!»And the view of the hanging friend.
Guy, something similar to Joker? With him clearly there will be problems.
In general, classical, but this is no less exciting and intensive situation, which the scripts are very competent – the one who we most suspected, may be innocent (although it’s not an angel, of course), and the other you think the leastwill be just obscured. But does it mean that it is he who is the main villain?
The events of the past characters are shown by such stylish sketches.
As a result, the whole story wildly delays. Especially since it is easy to go on the wrong path and get the wrong ending from the series “Everyone died, alone remained, and that the hospital needs”. Therefore, it is often necessary to start anew or reboot in search of the right path and other endings for almost every character. At the same time, your previous actions can be taken into account in new attempts – events are not just changing, but at the very beginning of the game, with other things, you will receive a message from an unknown with hints to what he knows what you did in another passage.
Art here is very pretty.
Word will help
From what action does the outcome of events depends? As in most visual novels, mostly we communicate and choose a replica. In this case, you need to collect keywords – topics for new discussions – including social networks, where they are also allowed to respond to messages. Or we find these keywords during the inspection of the corpse – yes, there are lung detective elements.
Messages from people working at the show itself are especially valuable.
The main part is when we need to talk alternately with each character practically all available themes. In the process, something may not like or vice versa. Or we will be offered to make a choice – for example, decide whether to pull out the found corpse from under the wreckage, or it is better to get away from a dangerous place. Someone performs in one option, and someone – after another.
We often have to calm others.
These and other decisions chosen topics are what they answer and what we see – all this affects the level of trust / distrust of the main character, as well as at his own mind. If the latter drops to zero, then either the game will end, or, if it happened already in the late stage, the plot will continue to ride without our participation and exclusively to the tragic junction.
The game constantly counts the results of our actions and even gives the current rating of participants.
And the level of trust allows you to activate the talk of aunt-a-a-a-aunt about the personal, during which other characters tell something about their past, share emotions, even something is recognized. Or, if confidence is missing, they may not refuse to talk to you. All this affects the plot and ending. And if you open all five stages of personal conversations with each of the heroes, the epilogue will change.
It is very interesting to learn something new about each of the participants.
It is clear that if you wish, you will find reimbirths – someone will seem that some characters are revealed better than others;There are stamps, and in some cases guess in advance which rifles may eventually shoot. But all this by and large, small quirks from the category of subjective sensations and the Wishlist, so that everything is perfect, – to the same category also applies to the desire to see a little more diverse and active gameplay (for example, in the spirit of the ideologically similar series Danganronpa).
But in general Buried Stars captures and does not let go until you save everyone – well, or almost all. It is both horror, and a thriller, and a detective, where there was a place to talk about people and about music, for sharp social topics, for parody and satire on modern Internet and media acultation, on show business. In general, a complete set for an excellent anime series – and in many ways this is exactly what this game is supplied, designed for many hours of passage and overlap.
Pros: exciting plot mixing thriller, detective, horror and satire on the Internet and media acultation;Coloric characters;Many endings that we determine our actions and solutions;Magnificent art;Proper musical accompaniment.
Minuses: stamps and in plot lines and in the images of characters (although they are, stamps, much less than in many anime series);someone may seem that the gameplay here is too small.