Civminer: Video Game Review
Name, description and screenshots CivMiner deceptive – although everything seen and read strongly reminds Minecraft, with hit Mojang The game has little in common. If in Minecraft there is freedom of creativity, the possibility of research and much more, which makes it unique and unique, then CivMiner offers one of the most stupid and monotonous game processes on mobile devices. And yes, the author knows about the existence of such a genre as “clicker”.If you look at the abyss for a long time, then the abyss starts peering in you ..
Click for victory
The new user who has running the game, comes up with its name and name of the terrain where he will dig. Then he sees the land consisting of several cubes. Click a finger to the cube once – the crack will appear in it. Attach your finger again – the cube will fall apart, leaving the material from which it consisted. Punching through the Earth, the player gradually reaches the stone, then gold, and after all new and new resources are found, including oil.
Immersion income occurs when destroying six nearby blocks. The more valuable resource, the one is obvious, it is more difficult to break it, but in any case everything is solved by pressing – the question is only how many times it should be d1. If the player is lucky, and he finds a lot of rubies, he can improve his tool (although it is necessary to complete learning, so it will not be able to miss this opportunity).
Local mines are divided into conditional floors. As soon as the character reaches the finish, the blocks are destroyed, and “Boss” gets out of the bowels. This is a big cube, every time changing only the color and the number of lives. The camera at the “battle” is very shaking with him, and it is possible to defeat it only with all my power pushing my fingers. First, there is enough one, then you have to connect the second, but soon it will not be able to win the monster – the allotted time will end too quickly. Then the character will drop a little back, giving him the opportunity to prepare better.
And the preparation here lies in all the same tool improvements. Initially, the player is issued in hand only a shovel, “upgrades” of which are worthwhile penny. Investing rubies, the user gradually increases damage. 50, 100, 150 precious stones – all this is recruited for days. But if you want to play at all without any problems, pay real money still have to.
For example, buying a hatch will cost 2 122 ruby. For six thousand such stones, developers are asking for 1,190 rubles, and for forty thousand – 5,990 rubles. Collect them without investing? You can spend on this week, but is it worth it? In principle, such a question arises with the usual passage of the game without microtransactions: why carry out so much time?Bosses here have the same complex.
Thoughstly pressing on Cuba can be fascinating in the first hour, but after the stupidity of the gameplay reaches its apogee. You click, click, click, the game reports enough rubies to improve, click again, you find one of the rare artifacts, the benefits of which are almost no, press again. “Klikers” will certainly have the right to exist, but they should have interesting goals. Here you meet with the same “boss”, changing only textures, and click on the same Cubes, with time feeling yourself with a poor because of the high prices for “upgrades”.
Cip to death
There is also a system of clans here, allowing to become a member of one of them, communicate with other users and jointly produce resources. There is both a record table, taking into account how much oil has collected one or another player. If you get into the top ten leaders, you can get plenty of rubies, but to achieve the results of the current champions is extremely difficult. Again you can sit around the clock in CivMiner and try to become the best of all, but success in this game is clearly not what it is necessary to brag.
IN CivMiner Even there was a place for some kind of PVP regime. One player pumps off the other oil, as quickly as possible by pressing the fingers on the screen. The second he opposes him, making the same thing, and can prevent an attempt to steal the resource. Such a gameplay is bored after the first attempt to try the regime – by God, it is better to press on the cubes than to deal with such nonsense.
If for some reason CivMiner Tighten, the user has the opportunity to make her name in history. Having found a unique stone, he will forever be his primer discovere – when someone finds him next, he learns that he has been chirking his shovel before him. But it will have to look for such blocks for a very long time – all lying on the surface have already found journalists or players of the first day.Another player does not understand that the fast pressing of two fingers instead of one can save his oil.***
CivMiner Maybe lovers of “Klikers”, but there will be little here. Make a gaming process a little more cheerful and add more exciting goals – and the game will become worthy of attention. At this stage, when passing is constantly asked: what I do with my life?