Codex Temondera: Lost Vision: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Codex Temondera: Lost Vision: Video Game Overview
April 26, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Codex Temondera: Lost Vision: Video Game Overview
Codex Temondra: Lost Vision Positioned as a game that boldly combines the strengths of classic Japanese and Western RPG. I will say right away that I did not see the most courage and very strong sides, but in general the combination was quite interesting and something fresh.

15 years later ..

First of all, freshness blows from history. This is not the next typical heroic saga on the salvation of the world / Princess / Kingdom, and the thriller on the investigation of the mysterious cases of the death and disappearance of people – they dissolved right in the air, and then their bodies were already without an eye. And everything begins not with amnesia and battles with rats in the basement, and from the nightmares of the main character, which all 15 years since the death of the mother cannot get rid of them.

That tragedy happened in the city of Norwich, which is in the kingdom with the ungually name of Perditis. It was there that began mysterious disappearances. Our hero, whose name is Raik, decided to leave the city and together with a friend of childhood Selenaya went to the capital of the Kingdom. There, as a result, became the captain of the guard, and Selena – a certified magician.

And after 15 years later, they will find out that people began to disappear in Norwich. Naturally, our heroes take extraordinary vacation and return to the city of their childhood to figure it out, finally, in what is happening.

Useful skills

All this does not mean that the plot focuses solely on mysticism, – there will be penetration with hacking in the gangster log houses, and stripping long branching caves, and the hunt for wolves, and meetings with fabulous creatures like harp. And yet in the plot, I repeat, there is a certain freshness, and its mystical focus is supported by the corresponding side quests. One of the first – penetration into an abandoned house where the ghost settled. The task it turned out long and interesting – had to rush between different locations and solve riddles, starting with reflections on how, in fact, to this house.Codex Temondera: Lost Vision: Video Game OverviewThis screen with a “doll” character and classic inventory refers to the traditions of Western RPG.
Generally, B Codex Temondra In the quests there are many mysteries that – and this is just in the spirit of the Western school of role-playing games – require the use of different heroic skills. Interacting with active items, we can perform several actions – apply strength, intelligence, dexterity, view, open. Somewhere it is necessary to just unlock the door or a chest with good, and somewhere – to climb the boxes, find a secret lever, a key or a keyhole. Success depends on skills.

According to Japanese GOST

From JRPG, the authors took typical step-by-step battles that do not stand out for anything – the characters stand opponents oppositely and in turn merging the opponents, they go into defense or use special skills. Is that those who are on the front front of the attacks can not until time to beat those who hide behind the backs and from there watering all that arrows, then poisons, then fiery balls. The formation of the detachment, as it should be, can be changed.

The role-playing system is also standard enough and not very rich (although not primitive) – it is again closer to typical JRPG. We pump the characteristics of the characters at the expense of special points issued when receiving new levels. For them, we study new skills / spells. For the heroes of different classes, new abilities are gradually opening.

Japanese RPG moved and different colorful characters with violet or pink hair. Gradually, our squad expands, all new persons (and hairstyles) come into it, and more humor appears in the game. One of the new partners (naturally, by chance we found in prison), as a supporter of one religious teaching, about and without recalls a very important statue that she is looking for, which causes all the more sarcastic comments of the main character. Codex Temondera: Lost Vision: Video Game OverviewPretty drawn nyashki enough.
And Selena, for example, in response to the replica of one boss, who is interested in who are our heroes, begins to be presented in full – born and grew up there, a graduate wizard, the growth of such a chest size … This is not a humorous, and mystical and sometimesvery gloomy rpg, but such humor here is quite appropriate and even necessary.

Somewhere we lose, somewhere we find ..

But Typical for many JRPG Grinda in LOST Vision no – enemies at levels are not reborn. At the same time, the game is quite complicated – especially in fights with bosses, to many of which ahead of time it is better not to approach. Just win here need not at the expense of one pumping, and at the expense of the competent selection of equipment (it is very much here) and the correct tactics in the battles. Who and in what a number worth what weapon in the hand, whom first and foremost to attack, what skills are to use, – almost every battle it is important. Bosses, for example, just to crush the fire from all tools hardly, they are (and not only them) need to immobilize, stunning, sending, dazzling ..

On the other hand, even without Grinda run through the same locations (but already on empty) you still have a lot. Especially at first. The game, I repeat, not easy, the heroes often after the fight are in a half-conscious state with a minimum of health glasses, the potion in deficiency, there is little money, and the Luta, which can be sold, has been collected many. In this case, the inventory is not rubber, there is no own storage box – like the teleportation scrolls in the city. Which of all this conclusion? That’s right, our party is very often sent to the shuttle flight between the dungeons and the city, where it is possible to get into the hotel and sell unnecessary SKARB.

At first it seems that bosses are just a huge amount of health.
To admit, at first I have such shuttle tackle with annoying music and not the most convenient control (especially the mouse) are pretty strained. And the funeral Nabat “Traveling” already ringing in my soul Codex Temondra: Lost Vision. But gradually the game was tightened – with his story, characters, quests, abundance of locations and the absence of constant Grinda. Yes, and problems with money and potions the farther, the less. So I sincerely recommend the game to all lovers of good plot RPG – regardless of whether Japanese they or Western.

Pros: Mystical plot;Interesting quests;Coloric characters;Complex battles with bosses;Mute humor;No Grinda.

Minuses: There are technical flaws;uncomfortable control when moving locations;frequent signs from the battlefield in the city and back;Music though different, but quickly bored.

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