Crown Trick: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Crown Trick: Video Game Overview
July 25, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Crown Trick: Video Game Overview
In one of my recent reviews, I complained about the dominance of “Rogaliks”, which, they say, already fed up. However, this genre is good and amazing in that periodically there are very cool games here, which make something new and unusual in the genre, where it would seem, everything is already invented – THE BINDING OF ISAAC, Rogue Legacy, Children of Morta, Darkest Dungeon… now this series can be safe and Crown Trick. What are the reason for the success of this game?

Memorable characters and unusual setting

IN Crown Trick We play an Ellie girl with a speaker crown on the head. And all the main action and battle occur in her nightmares, that is, while she sleeps. The fact is that Duke Vlad, whose heart is filled with greed, held a ritual of sacrifice in the dimension of nightmares, discovering deadly fears and horrors the path to the usual world. And now the danger threatens to both measurements. And we need duke stop. All this, Ellie told the same crown that calls himself the guard of nightmares. Crown Trick: Video Game OverviewVlad is almost defeated, but Ellie breathes on incense.
As you can see the authors Crown Trick Pretty nontrivially approached the classic for “Rogaliks” Fabul about the struggle of a beaver with a donkey. No, the essence, it is clear, the same – we pass the room at the room, the floor outside the floor, we defeat ordinary enemies and bosses, we sweat and go on. But the entourage itself is unusual, style and music – bright, and all this immediately attracts.Crown Trick: Video Game OverviewThe crown here for the word in the pocket does not climb.

Many objects, relics and development options

The key to the success of any “Roganic” is how interesting, a variety of relics, artifacts and weapons each time fall to us so that we can develop a character, “sharpen” it under one or another tactics. They can completely unfold the situation, so each passage is different from the previous. The most striking example is THE BINDING OF ISAAC.

IN Crown Trick With this, everything is more or less normal. All weapons differ from each other and direct damage, and at how much it increases the power of the skills, and the radius of the defeat: shotguns, for example, beaten by three enemies, located within one cell in front of Ellie, spears – on two cells in a straight line, rifle andRifles – immediately by four (and the enemy on the fourth will receive the most damage), axes hurt everyone around and so on. Plus, everyone varies with passive bonuses (aspects), increasing the chance of critical damage, protection or evasion.Crown Trick: Video Game OverviewAnd some, as you can see, can some parameters increase, and other reduce.

Periodically come across merchants and slot machines, where you can buy or win for earned gold new, more rare weapons. Or throw one of his aspects. Both in stores, and in the chests after victories over especially strong enemies there are various consumables, as well as relics of varying degrees of power. Some give a critical chance to all skills, others allow every fifth ability to activate for free, without waste of magic points (OM), the third accumulates the chance of critical attacks as usual and so on. We also find the drawings of the weapon, which will appear in the following passing.Crown Trick: Video Game OverviewThere is here and your roulette.
Yes, many relics, if a long time to linger on the same levels, begin to repeat – it rushes into the eyes. But already on the following their list will be updated or new sources of fresh sensations will appear. For example, you will be offered a damned artifact – it gives one of the rare relics, but at the same time he hangs the effect of bleeding, which will disappear only after the murder of the first enemy. Risk is noble? You decide.

In place and random events offering, for example, at their own peril and risk try an unknown potion. Or try to pull out like an extremely useful artifact. And then it can happen and here is such a trouble:Crown Trick: Video Game OverviewRisk during such events has often.
In addition to gold, we earn the fragments of the soul, which you need to spend in the so-called Renaissance Hall after Ellie wanted – this automatics will occur after lesion at the level. Although there is allowed to teleport and just like that, at will.

Gold can earn and thus.

So, in the hall we put fragments of the soul into passive upgrades – they increase the chance of rare weapons or meeting with the merchant, allow you to save more collected golden after the defeat, give a chance to find an additional relic in the chests, increase the damage from objects and so on. For this, the banker, blacksmith, trader potions and saleswoman. Crown Trick: Video Game OverviewTrue, first these characters need to be found and save.

Here is a very strong combat system

But the main argument of the authors Crown Trick – This is, of course, combat system. First, she is turning out, but at the same time it is unique in its own way, not looking at JRPG, XCOM and other classic landmarks. And our baby Ellie, and enemies move on one cell per course, and they do it at the same time.

It is allowed to skip your stroke to let the enemy be closer, to the distance of the blow / shot or in the radius of defeat skill. And you can also use teleport (“quick transfer”) to instantly (without the cost of turning points) to leave the lesion line and be at the enemy behind the back – or to overcome the abyss. This allows you to sick, lure and deceive opponents. Crown Trick: Video Game OverviewTeleport charges accumulate as successful actions and damage.
Secondly, it is possible to use natural elements and their combinations – shed water to the tile, to lure the opponents there and throw in wet lightning or, for example, blow up a barrel with butter, and then throw something fire there. Or even collapse whole streams of lava.

Practically in each room there are containers with poison, water, oil and other possibilities for activating the whole spontaneous rust of “Debafs”. These effects are enhanced with weapons, relics, but especially – consumables and skills that are practically all refer to one or another element.Crown Trick: Video Game OverviewThis happens almost in every room.
At the same time, the Ellie itself originally no skills. It must win strong bosses that are then becoming available as families – they make it possible to apply their unique abilities. True, more than two families cannot be taken with them, and their choice over time becomes more. Therefore, it is very important to select not only weapons and relics so that they supplemented and strengthened each other, but also combinations of skills so that they are able to relate to different elements and tactics. Crown Trick: Video Game OverviewIt is always a difficult choice.
For example, if you have one familiar oriented attack, then it is better to take the second one who allows you to effectively defend or, for example, call for a servant. And if you put on long-range cannons, it will be logical to take skills on stunning and paralysis of enemies at a distance. Variants set.

In combat system Crown Trick There are other funny “chips”. Each enemy has granted glasses – the more damage they do, the faster they ends, and then their enemy devoid will be automatically stunned. At the same time, Ellie begins to accumulate the range of defeat, reinforcing the damage of our attacks. And here it is important in a row, with each other “Thumb” opponents so that this bonus is even more powerful and acted longer.Crown Trick: Video Game OverviewHere the enemy is almost crushed.***
Crown Trick Demonstrates an excellent example of how it is possible with the fiction, a light and taste to approach the creation, it would seem that another “Rogan”. It was after such games that my skepticism is again dispelled again and I am again ready to pick up the right tactics for hours – you don’t have to miss all this time.

Pros: memorable characters and setting itself;in its own way a unique combat system;Many types of weapons, relics, curses and random events;a large variety of bosses;Bright picture.

Minuses: Sometimes the range of relics and items begins to repeat.

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