Darkest Dungeon: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Darkest Dungeon: Video Game Overview
July 28, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Darkest Dungeon: Video Game Overview
Darkest Dungeon Even before its official release, being in “Early Access” Steam, has acquired almost a cult status. Where else have you seen Dungeon Crawler, in which the next dungeon is examined by no four valiant heroes: Elf there, Paladin, dwarf and man, – and coward, paranoid, masochist and syphilic?Darkest Dungeon: Video Game OverviewIn the battle of where the character is located, the availability of certain abilities is often depends on.
The most gloomy city on earth

No, at first glance everything is quite familiar here. There is a global card with five dungeons and ruins where we choose which task to go next time. The more often we successfully carry out a mission in a specific region, the more new quests there and the closer we are to the final “boss” of this location.

In the city-database, you form a detachment of fighters who will go to another collapse, equip them and supply it with all the necessary provisions. Heroes, are understandable, there are different classes, and they are trained with unique skills – Arbaletchitsa, Dick Cark with Alabard, Festival-led. There is even a jester and some geek, capable of taking an animal. For successfully committed missions, they receive determination points (analog “Exppass”) and gradually approach the new level.

There, in the city, there is a guild, where we “pump” the skills of the wards;Forge, where we improve their weapons and armor;hospital;Gypsy selling different useful artifacts;Tavern and monastery (talk about them later). And yet – the house of the forester, training in special camp skills, which is used during privals in some dungeons and allow you to get to strengthen their characteristics, increase the chance to catch monsters by surprise and so on. All buildings and buildings can be improved using materials for this assembled during trips.

Bread and light!

Before each crash in the catacombs, it is necessary to stock up not only with all sorts of bandages and flasks, but also torches and food. Hungry characters lose health glasses, and the level of lighting (torches are gradually rotten) affects the chance to catch monsters by surprise or, on the contrary, to get into the ambush – it is also quite familiar for the Games of Dungeon Crawler genre. Like the fact that the location of creatures, chests and other good in the catacombs each time is randomly generated.Darkest Dungeon: Video Game OverviewIn critical situations you can run from the battlefield and throw a task, but then the heroes will experience increased stress.
Directly in the dungeons, we are understandable, carefully look at your feet, so as not to please the trap, open the chests and boxes in search of the silver zlat. And the battles are most reminded what we see in JRPG: our and enemy fighters stand opposite each other and are waiting for their turn to attack, use the skill or move to the place of comrade. At the same time, in fights, the game constantly throws a cube, checking the chance to avoid a critical blow and so on.

All this is complemented by a stylish hand drawn picture, an excellent sound, allowing to feel, as it can be terribly and uncomfortable in dark closed rooms, and in general, a properly sustained with a gloomy atmosphere.

Banda Outsiders

This would have already enough to release a high-quality dungeon “Rogali”, but developers from Red Hook Studios Let’s go further and added to the usual characteristics of characters such indicators such as stress resistance and different psychological traits – both positive and negative, such as congenital alcoholism or paranoia. It would be possible to say that it was peeped in Rogue Legacy And in the role-playing system The Dark Eye, but there was no concept of stress. Well, in general in Darkest Dungeon All this entertaining psychiatry has been worked out much deeper.

The fact is that stress during the campaign fighters are experiencing almost constantly. I got into trap, rogue torch, did not have enough food, missed a particularly strong blow? Stress will be copied, the heroes of mothers, and now the brave crusader or the warrior is tested for decisiveness and the results receive some unpleasant feature like cowardice, masochism, egocentrism, paranoia or increased aggressiveness. No, there is, of course, a chance that he will acquire unshakable or super-essentiality, but at first, most often this checking your wards fail.

And all these hysteries are directly reflected during the campaign. For example, the masochist will refuse treatment and in battle, and on a privala, and the egocentric will rake the treasures found – that is, you will not get them. As a result, your wards passes their turn to attack or, on the contrary, come out from under control and sweep the colleagues with the cries of “Rise, Zrahed, you interfere with me aim!”.Darkest Dungeon: Video Game OverviewEven relaxing on the privala here is scary.
In addition, swearing in the chests, checking the corpses, alchemical tables and bushes on the subject of something valuable, they can pick up some disease. And there is also a chance to get a gap from the accumulated stress and injuries. In general, stay alive and keep the mind in Darkest Dungeon very and very difficult.

On honored rest

On the tasks are brave heroes, and they are returned, patients, falling disabled people. And you drag them to remove stress, treat sores and get rid of bad habits in the Tavern (there is a bar, a brothel and a gym), in the hospital or to the monastery, where you can clean both prayers and self-keeping.

And some characters due to congenital habits are ready only to specific rehabilitation procedures. Alcoholics, it is clear, rod in the bar, some prefer gambling, and especially loving comrades agrees only for a trip to the brothel. And not the fact that all this will cost without consequences. In the same brothel there is a chance to pick up syphilis, and in the game hall your fighter can blow a large amount from the total budget or some valuable artifact, having received a new character in return – “bad player”.

However, many of the procedures will no longer help. The cemetery of the fallen heroes is constantly replenished, and every week (time here is constantly) you look into the wagon of the diligence in search of newcomers, ready to high in your prefabricated person. But those who survive, mothers and remain with you for a long time, become the most native people on earth. After all Darkest Dungeon creates strong attachment to characters. With some robber-veteran, syphilitic, alcoholic and paranoik, who passed with you, not one thing of the hardest job, you will wear like a native – treat, give it the best artifacts, regularly organize preventive breaks in the restaurant and nervously run from the battlefield,If only he, which expires blood, who lost control of stress, did not receive a gap.Darkest Dungeon: Video Game OverviewThe invisible narrator constantly commented on what is happening, but the further, the more often it is repeated.***
In the “pumping” and the development of characters and is the main meaning Darkest Dungeon. In this and the main plus, and the main minus of the game. Yes, feel a psychiatrist and nanny in the service of mentally unstable heroes interesting. But to ensure that you start regularly winning, including especially large “bosses”, will leave the strength and nerves. “Pumping” goes slowly, resources for the treatment of fighters and improve buildings constantly lacks, and before the final dungeon is still very and very far. And you are forced once after a time to train your wards on more easy tasks, which, understand, repeat and sooner or later come. No one spoit, Darkest Dungeon – Game is excellent, atmospheric and largely unique. But whether it is slightly shorter and more diverse, it would be even better.

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