Deathtrap: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Deathtrap: Video Game Overview
April 5, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Deathtrap: Video Game Overview
Remember, B The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 2 In some side missions, we set turrets and traps and defended something valuable from the attacking monsters waves? So, Studio Neocore, The creators of that humorous-gothic Action / RPG decided on the basis of this mechanics to make a separate game in the genre of Tower Defense. And quite succeeded.Deathtrap: Video Game OverviewA set of skills that use the hero can be changed in the break between mission.

IN Deathtrap No Wang Helsing and his faithful catharina’s companion, there are no jokes, semi-permanent dialogs, full scene and research. And there are three heroes to choose from (sorceress, mercenary and arrows), concentrated Mechanic Tower Defense and a simple plot. According to the plot, on the border between the worlds of demons and mortals there are ancient fortresses and outposts, and there, specially trained keepers protect portals through which the evil is trying to break through. In the role of these keepers and players.

That is, on different cards – and they open as the previous ones passing – we are engaged in the same. In front of the battle, all sorts of traps and exercises in specially designated places, spending a certain number of crystals for this, and then we give a otmashka and start in the sweat of the heroic person to wear on the map (or use portals for quick movement) to personally distribute tumaki twisted monsters.

Everything is quite usual. Each of the three keepers uses its own battle style. A magelon with long hair freezes ice arrows and “encourages” with lightning of the mass lesion, the arrows in the hat are palette from a revolver single shots or a reinforced volley. And the harsh mercenary in the lats chopped enemies into the cabbage to the sword or demoloses all the ones on their own body, fiercely rushing forward.

For the murder of demons, crystals are given, which can be given new traps and turrets right in the battle. Monsters rod strictly along the highlighted red line, but with each new wave of these lines becomes more – portals from which the evil appears, most often not one and not two. If one creature gets to the gate that people lead to the world, it’s not scary. But if twenty – all, start again.Deathtrap: Video Game OverviewNew turrets and traps open up gradually, as you succeeds.
Traps a lot – you are alone!

but Deathtrap – this is not a rapid handicraft based on your own series. This is a very interesting statement in this genre, which, like, for example, series ORCS MUST DIE!, Displays Tower Defense to the level of “big” game. Neocore Created a full-fledged RPG hybrid and arcade strategy.

We, as in other games of this genre, we get for the passage of the card experience, and then, before the next mission, we can improve everything that will do. And here is really a lot of options for “pumping”. Many traps and turvers – some frozen, others fry with fire or shoot with lightning, they will slow the third, from the fourth when the enemy approaches monsters or archers, and so on.

Almost every means of defense has its pros and cons, that is, it acts better against some opponents, but ineffectively against others. And everyone has several degrees of “pumping” and improvements that are added different bonuses. The same with the skills of characters. On the battlefield allowed only six, but besides them there is another mass of additional skills giving passive effects. All this allows point to configure your own tactics and produce a unique game style.Deathtrap: Video Game OverviewAt the end you will be waiting for the “boss”, and some of them also use dirty acceptors, for example, you freeze your turret.
Add here more and the ability to influence the characteristics of different equipment. The “doll” of the character (and in many respects and the set of objects) moved from The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 2. Moreover, as in a full-fledged RPG, it is allowed not only to attend the store in the break between missions, but also to earn any bronoronifers, sours and magic pendants are completely free – right during fight. On many maps there are neutral monsters, guarding treasure keys. Or some special killings on which the kill quests are issued. If you perform them, at the end you get the chest, from where the usual, rare, and if you are lucky, then epic things. Or even a recipe for “craft” – then in a special menu create a new subject.

Die – so together!

However, even all this role mechanic is not important. More importantly, that Deathtrap constantly challenges, and when you accept it and defeat it, will throw a new one, and new, and new. After passing all the cards on “hard” with a maximum rating (three stars), it will be possible to play on the same levels with new, more ferocious enemies. And so – three more times!

Then allowed to personally change the conditions of the battle – add, for example, more crystals at the start, having received more severe opponents in return, and so on. Finally, for masochists, “endless” regime will open, where, it is clear, you need to hold out as long as possible and dly die.

If there is a friend next, you will probably live a little longer. Deathtrap Supports a cooperative to four players, and he, believe me, gives very strong emotions. True, here you need to act a cooler and clearly distribute, who controls which inputs to which zones cover. Finally, there is a PVP mode, where one acts as an attacker, and the other – the defender. This is also a special and largely unique experience.Deathtrap: Video Game OverviewPower Supply!***
Deathtrap also looks stylish and pretty – about how the same The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 2, and in some places and better. True, and some flaws from there also moved. The value of a number of skills is doubtful, and the interface is sometimes interferes with the locality – the “mouse” is that and the point is tormented to please in the icons, and not in the chosen point on Earth. But still Deathtrap – Certainly, a very decent strategy in the genre of Tower Defense.

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