Die Young: Overview Video Games
Games about survival – this is usually pain, darkness, constant search for resources, fires for recreation and cooking, construction of fortifications and so on. As well as death, death and once again death to learn mistakes and try again. IN Die Young Also there is something of it, but the authors emphasize that it is not a classic game about survival. Our main task here is to escape. Therefore, the rate is made on the dynamics and parkour, why all this periodically want to call “Mirror’s Edge Outdoors”.
Extreme tourism
Although tie Die Young largely resembles another game – Far Cry 3. A group of young people come to relax on a picturesque island in the Mediterranean Sea, and there begins shock, nightmare and horror. Home Heroine, Typical Komsomolka, Beauty and Athlete, Lover of Active Recreation and Cheerful Companies, Detects Himself almost buried alive at the bottom of a deep well. Some of how to choose, she begins to look for her friends, but finds basically the corpses and the terrible men with huge axes, which seemed to escape horror.
Now the girl needs to escape from the island as soon as possible. Key task for the whole game in this is to run away. How to do it where to run what kind of ruins? And in that fortress who? And where are my friends? I don’t care if it was not clear, the game offers complete freedom of research of the island – except to jump into the sea and just float for understandable reasons will not allow us.
Fast Study
But at the same time the authors do not throw a player in alone with himself and unclear goals. Delighted to the aforementioned ruins, or fortresses, or some other house? The game will immediately put in the diary the appropriate check mark and will suggest to explore this place. And there I will definitely find something important or useful – new equipment, another note, shedding light on terrible things, wrapped around, the corpse of the next friend or girlfriend ..
There are many such interesting places, and they are all compact enough. It is possible to preserve and cook in fairly frequent fires. So there are no amelessly long wanderings on dangerous locality, when the character periodically falls from fatigue, hunger or dehydration. Everything is subordinated to the dynamics and the story that unfolds on this strange and terrible (albeit very beautiful) Sushi Block. And with each detected and studied point on the map we are approaching the solution to this problem.See such a poor girl accounted for.
Hide and run!
It is to maintain a high pace in Die Young no special resource deficit. A lot of water sources, plants for creating the found recipes of the aid kits and other useful preparations come across every step and are going literally on the run. You can hunt animals, cut meat and skins – the first need to fry on the fire, and the second will go to the manufacture of weapons or, for example, bags that increase inventory and the inventive limit.
So our heroine rarely suffers from dehydration, and there is no special level of hunger and is not at all – it is actually equal to the character health indicator. And again, almost every step come across bushes with fruits, which are simultaneously treated, and thirst quench.
Another thing is that the weapon made by us (for example, knives) breaks enough quickly, and the girl itself runs for a long time in very easy and not protecting clothes – at first there are no shoes. And the whole game we are engaged in finding a more advanced equipment, which is often near the corpses. At the same time, even if you find shoes on your body now already the dead girlfriend, then it will be only one sneakers, and the second will still have to beat off the dogs.Put the block in a fight with him, having only a stick or knife in hand, it is useless – you need to run!
About benefits and harm
Therefore, a light run to name what is happening in Die Young it is forbidden. Men with axes kill literally a pair of shocks, and there are other enemies, and different aggressive animals like wolves, boars and the same dogs. And even rats are very painful biting. Sometimes it is useless to run away – and the dynamics is replaced by stealth, hurrying in high grass and throwing stones to distract the attention of enemies.
In addition, the girl gets injuries after falling. And jump to her, as I said, has to constantly. In all these ruins, fasteners, houses, caves and mines we jump and climb on the walls, stones, boards, roofs almost the same way they did in Mirror’s Edge. This mechanic is well implemented, there are really complex areas requiring coordination and agility. So parkour in Die Young succeeded.
What do not tell about optimization. Graphic itself in the game is excellent, bright and picturesque. But here the local downloads can last long for a long time. Experience from time to occasionally, scripts break or even saving.
Frequently jumping in very dangerous conditions.
Despite typical of indie games (and not only for them) technical problems, Die Young Looks very cheerful. It is favorably different from many other “survival” with a high pace and focusing not to constantly hungry and die in search of resources, but on the study of the island on the way to freedom. It turned out really beautiful, dynamic and atmospheric thriller with elements of survival, and not vice versa.
Pros: tense story;high pace;The island is interesting to explore;Relevant elements of parkura and stealth;an abundance of crafting opportunities of a variety of items;pictorial picture;Quality sounding.
Minuses: Survival mechanics are simple against the background of other games of this genre;Bad optimization, departures and bugs.