Dungeons 2: Video Game Overview

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June 20, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Dungeons 2: Video Game Overview
While the true evil keeper of the gloomy dungeons is languishing somewhere in the deepest departments, chained by publishers and the market to their cell, his numerous imitators are trying to follow the traditions of the series in their own way Dungeon Keeper. And if the authors War for the Overworld Made a bet on the maximum similarity with the original (sorry only, the game is still difficult to name – rather beta-version), then, for example, developers Impire And Dungeons wanted to seriously revise the canons. Let’s just say, it turned out not very. However, Germans Realmforge Studios in Dungeons 2 spent a good job on errors, although they did not refuse to experiments with the format.Dungeons 2: Video Game OverviewIn addition to the campaign in the game there are multiplayer and “Skirmish”.
Purchase and Duma

In the first Dungeons, I left in 2011, because of these experiments from the classic “Guardian of the Dungeons”, in fact, only the idea itself remained: “I am evil, and I manage my own gloomy panels to fight with hateful and boring good”. Yes, many elements were on the spot: for example, Mount Employee (this time, small goblins), which on our orders were mined gold, looted new corridors and cleared the place for different premises – workshop, library, torture or prison.

The latter, understandable, was intended for good heroes, which in the same way periodically descended into our dungeon, trying to reach their bright handles to his black heart. They met them, as it should be, traps and different monsters, designed by us.

However, besides them – and it was the first innovation Dungeons – The guardian himself actively participated in the battles. This is not just an instigation spell: His evilness here was equal to the hero of the average RPG, which runs, kills, “pumping out”, throws spells, learns the skills and applies them in battle.

In addition, the game turned into a certain trimming simulator of the gloomy dungeon – we all adorned our draws, set the chests with gold and built workshops with libraries only in order to raise their prestige and ignite the interest among the pre-fermenters. And the more fire was in the eyes of the hero caught in this trap, the more he produced a special energy of the shower, striking in prison or peak from pain in torture.

All this would be funny if it were not so boring. The game quickly rolled into the routine. In many ways, because our minions, different monsters in the evil service were deprived of individuality, character and needs – this is only a cannon meat designed from pentagrams to beat the heroes passing by. Yes, everything was served too seriously, in the spirit of gloomy fantasy.Dungeons 2: Video Game OverviewOn the surface periodically it is necessary to fight with neutral monsters.
Pluralism and publicity!

Developers needed four years to admit: classic ironic format Dungeon Keeper Suitable for such a game is still better. Therefore B Dungeons 2 There is no more keeper running on dark corridors, the power of the shower, the prestige of the dungeon and the “feeding” of the heroes. And most importantly, there are no meaningless and merciless creatures frozen in one place – there are only evil and sometimes very capricious.

You can play for one of two factions – for demons or for the Horde. We will build the premises that are not needed to attract heroes, but for our own goals and for our creatures. Orcs, for example, need a brewery – otherwise they will simply refuse to serve. The thirsty of the greenstocking is worse than fighting and slightly runs to the cherished barrel. Demonams need a lounge of admiration – to satisfy their vanity there. Representatives of the horde can be training and occupy in the arena, and, for example, demonic mistress best feels in torture. Otherwise, those and others, bored, will be at best to bring some boards to the walls of the dungeon, at worst – will begin to beat the unrequited unfortunate stretch or imps that fulfill the entire draft work. And if you have no money in the treasury, then the creatures will be announced at all.

In addition, there are all sorts of workshops, forge, laboratories where new premises and “upgrades”, spells, traps are being studied, made materials for them, and so on. You can also do, arrange, open and close different doors, and the demons will definitely be with tentacles.

Here is the ability to customize with the painful slaps of lazy wards, global spells (from the general collection and blows of lightning around the enemy to magic of mass lesion) and the special abilities of some “units” – for example, goblins-killer may be invisible for a while and apply monstrousPowerful blows.Dungeons 2: Video Game OverviewYou can grab the ward and move to anywhere inside the dungeon. But on the surface of this can not do.
Get out of dusk!

Certainly, Dungeons 2 Do not hide War for the Overworld With regard to the right, full-fledged reproduction of mechanics Dungeon Keeper, – Lack of depth, diversity, creatures and rooms. But the game has two undeniable advantages.

First, it is an interesting plot campaign, weathered in parody and humorous colors. Humiliated and offended absolute evil (here it is called), disassembled by blond and concluded in the underground dungeon, gradually restores the former power and is going to be revenge – and the “mushy” it will understand, will be terrible. In the process, we are looking for new allies and gradually destroy offenders, glorious good heroes who are walking around the parks in Fay’s companies and recreate touching rhymes to disgust.

All what is happening ironic-pathetic comments on a funny narrator. Periodically, he addresses us (“We correctly understand each other? You now need to build a workshop and hire goblins!”), Remembers the” Lord of the Rings “(” Oh, sorry, this is another text!”), Picks other games Realmforge Studios (“Oh, this hidden advertising!”) And in general in every possible way.

Secondly, in Dungeons 2 there is something that does not have one follower DK, – Adventures and battles directly on the surface. IN Impire We could only send our fighters on the tasks through a global card, and then reap the fruits – here they directly manage them during the ribs to the upper world: we bring together warriors to the group, they attack everything that moves, storming the camps and bases, we select someBottles and artifacts. And we still perform different concomitant quests, for example, we liberate a group of NGA from the conclusion.

According to normal RTS, all this, of course, looks primitive, but such a game gives salvage and freshness. And generally opens the second reservoir. After all, as a rule, we are forced to simultaneously monitor what is happening in the gloomy draws, fight off from the attackers of the dungeon of goodness and perform some tasks on the surface. Very, you know, burtrite ..Dungeons 2: Video Game OverviewThe game looks pretty, but here is optimization … ***
Dungeons 2 – This is a clear example of how you can and need to do work on errors. Not too successful first part was redesigned, and as a result, they appeared imperfect and not too optimized, but still very bright, cheerful and exciting game.

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