Feudal Alloy: Video Review Game
For some reason, we have a particular fun robot robots for some reason. Remember Vall and or Hero Machinarium. And when this robot throws off the head and pours the oil, then something far, native, from childhood, absorbed into the blood after watching “The Secrets of the Third Planet”, where the unfortunate inhabitants of the Woodles Planet saved. So, the protagonist Feudal Alloy It also depends very dependent on the oil and also got a misfortune: some iron villains robbed his village, where he cared about the old men – veterans of the mechanized battles of the past, listening to their bikes and dreaming himself someday go to a dangerous journey. Rather, he dreamed not he, and a fish that sits in his iron head and controls them ..
Cold calculations
Indeed, B Feudal Alloy fairly funny setting, and a pleasant hand drawn schedule at the level of high-quality cartoon configures on the corresponding way. However, unfortunately, abundance of jokes and funny situations here you will not meet. And the overall concept is very standard on current standards – this is a two-dimensional action platformer with pumping and indispensable elements of the metriculum.
Further is easy to submit. All the game we jump on platforms, overcome traps, fight, including with huge “bosses”, spend experience and coins, for which you can buy new weapons and new hands / legs / head / body – this is exactly what the elements of equipment are presented hereDifferent bonuses for damage, armor, oil reserves (health analog) and cooling rates.
About the latter need to say separately. In fact, this is endurance: the more often our hero hits a sword, the faster it overheats. And when the limit is reached, we will not be able to apply a single blow – you have to retreat and wait for the robot cool. The situation is saved by the reception of cooling oil, which immediately removes overheating. It is even better to drink it in advance, before especially hot crossing, to significantly reduce the consumption of “stamins”.Jump and beat here constantly.
Therefore, you need to carry the stocks of such potions. Another thing is that their acceptance is accompanied by a separate animation, it is impossible to interrupt – at this time the character defects. Accordingly, in the fights it is necessary not only to jump, donating from shocks, and monitor overheating, but also to impede the moment for the oil therapy.
Partly affect the situation can be avoic. You yourself decide what is better – wear everything, conditionally, damage, armor or reduced overheating speed / improvement of cooling efficiency. There are corresponding skills. As experience accumulates, we get glasses of abilities that can be distributed over three branches responsible for attacking, protection, or again overheating / cooling.
Without fanaticism
Even without constant jokes about robots, such a concept can serve as a basis for a great game. Especially since there are still many secrets, chests with coins or new equipment, branches on the map and places, wherever until time cannot get to get – you need to open a new ability to the plot, or find a special key card.
The trouble is that Feudal Alloy Very slowly harnessed. We run on about the same locations for a long time, we use only swords in fights and only one blow by default (no block, nor failure), fight with the same mechanical bees and small robots. There is little interesting plot – everything is some kind of identical. Get to the cherished chests sometimes very difficult.
Opportunities to get into the previously inaccessible places are limited only by throwing grenades, which explodes in some places and wooden floors in the floor. Yes, and the first truly epic “boss” in full screen appears only a few hours later – before that, we will be filled with a maximum of several times in the arena, where the enemies are raided by waves.
Then, thank God, everything will be – and new abilities to help get into other places, and more diverse equipment, and complex phased battles with “bosses”, and interesting locations, and cunning traps, and a block that you can not only prevent attacksbut also beat “fireballs”, brushed from the next trap.
But, I’m afraid, not everyone will do before that. Especially under the same medieval musical motive, from which soon from the ears, it seems, begins to go.
In battles you can and need to use different pomegranates and bombs.
The authors Feudal Alloy Funny netting came up, put a robot fishery into the head, introduced the cooling / overheating mechanics (which is the same endurance management), but did not come up with the same except for purely external things, the game will differ from other representatives of the now very popular genre. However, if you are not too picky and do not play daily in the metric, then Feudal Alloy definitely can like and brighten up a couple of winter evenings.
Pros: funny unusual setting;Cute picture.
Minuses: Too simple and standard gameplay for the genre;Little interesting abilities of the main character;primitive metriculus mechanics;unpretentious pumping;annoying music.