Foreclosed: Video Game Overview
Foreclosed transfers a player in a cybernaya world, where people are clearly poorly lived. It is difficult to find a wall that would not be written by the words No Future, rare passersby reluctantly go to contact with the main character, and in general the atmosphere is so-so – everything is simultaneously pretty and gloomy.
Intrigues and investigations
Here and the protagonist Evan Kosnos is not very good: nothing is good: nothing to pay for an apartment, his employer announced bankruptcy, and the judge decided to convey the identifier of the hero to trading, finally depriving his personality. Menantal fence does not allow the character to go where it will do, the service weapon has selected. It remains only to break at the appointed hour to court, otherwise it will be announced.
Soon it turns out that the situation is confusing – according to the founder of the company in which he worked as a hero, suppliers began to demand a fee for non-existent debts and business collapsed. To find out who stands behind it, the protagonist has established an experimental firmware – with its help he can crack the devices, overheating the implants of opponents and even use telecinez.
Not the best news in the morning.
The storyline with the intriguing principle turns out to be a banalcule about the evil corporation that wants to dive everything around. The choice of replicas in the dialogues does not affect anything (or the consequences of invisible), the characters do not have time to reveal for 4-5 hours of timekeeper, and in general, the occurrence in the game quickly dishes.
It is a pity that it happened, because in the visual plan Foreclosed Tried to make special. Sources of inspiration are obvious. When you see the screen separation into several pieces and square clouds with the text, Max Payne comes to mind immediately. Either XIII – the local comic style something similar to what was in ancient shooter Ubisoft. Without interesting decisions, it was not worthwhile – the angle changes, the riding elevator is shown with the help of a slowly descending frame. But when the dialogues do not fond, and the plot of the stars from the sky is missing, the effect of such moments is not the same.
Often the game really looks like comic.
Want it better
Unfortunately, the gameplay is also more disappointed. The game is an action from a third party – we either shoot, or decide the uncomplicated puzzles. The second is done more or less well (although it does not cause enthusiasm too), but the battles are issued in the game an amateur project made by people, who have very little.
For stunning, it is not necessary to approach the enemy close – enough to be near.
The only weapon here is a gun for which after pumping can be set three of six available modules. If you are awarded enemies in a helmet or with a shield, and you do not have the appropriate modification, it will be difficult to win. Another module significantly increases rapidity, the other makes the bullets attract to opponents, even if you miss a little. That’s just with modifications that change the behavior of the weapon, the gun is at times faster overheats – hide and wait for cooling is not very fun.
The most upset opponents – more stupid enemies still look. If they started to shoot at you, it will last long and stubbornly produce projectiles at the same point, standing still. The most brave can slowly approach you, but immediately stop if you start a shootout, – even the shelter will not try to find. They do not use grenades, they do not have special gadgets (except for the shield, but you simply need to install the desired module), and others do not really differ from each other.
And so – throughout the game.
So that the blanks are more fun to kill, there are abilities – you not only have enough items and throw them in the enemies (thanks to the generous autonomy), but also raise enemies over the earth and grant them in the floor. Sounds cool, but in Control, such fun were much more spectable and not so quickly bored. Which is not enough here, so it is a slowdown in time, and everything would look more spectacular, and an uncomfortable aiming on the gamepad would not be so annoyed.
The game resembles a vinaigrette from other people’s ideas, which is nothing more to offer. There are even stealth episodes here, in which the character crashes on the ventilation mines, can imperceptibly cut down enemies and turn off the turret. But since the game is linear, in the same mines you get enough for the sake of finding alternative paths, but because it is necessary on the plot.
If you make the enemy fly, it becomes absolutely helpless for a while.
Foreclosed wants to love, especially for her stylish tag maneer, but everything in it crumpled, unfinished, made at the amateur level. As soon as you start to find pluses, they immediately come across the curve of the combat system or with other shortcomings, because of which there is nothing to remember after the final.
Pros: Cute graphics;non-standard manner of the narrative;Pleasant soundtrack.
Minuses: Due to the stupidity of artificial intelligence, the shootout quickly bore;Pistol overheating prevents enjoying weapons modifications;uncomfortable aiming;The plot is not fascinated.