Hob: Video Overview Games

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May 19, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Hob: Video Overview Games
Studio Runic Games Founded by the authors of the first two parts Diablo With the participation of a person who made Action / RPG Fate. And she became famous thanks to the dilogy Torchlight – Cartoon and very high quality cl1. All the same “Diabla”. After that, the developers decided to move away from the usual genre and do something new. And apparently, ideas simply saw them: the authors as sources of inspiration for their new project were called and The Legend of Zelda, And ICO, And SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS, and much more. But in the end, perhaps the best definition for Hob Word became words Max Shafe (Max Schaefer), one of the founders Runic Games: “This Metroid Inside the Rubik Cube “.Hob: Video Overview GamesIt is often necessary to descend and under the ground.

“Go there, I don’t know where, I don’t know what”

The influence of all the above games in Hob clearly felt. From ICO And SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS (and also from Journey) The narrative methods are taken. There are no dialogues and characters that give any quests and direct instructions, the story is revealed non-verbally, through the study of the world.

We play for a kind of biting creature, the floor and appearance of which is difficult to identify. At the very beginning, no less strange golela releases it from imprisonment, and we find ourselves in a colorful, cartoon world (the style is clearly guessed Torchlight), which, however, is infected with some kind of SIZY. Spruce and disgust – when contacting her, the hero is very painful, and when the tentacles, sticking out of the vague mass, grabs his hand, goes back quickly cuts off our protagonist the upper limb.

Next, waking up with a metal prosthesis instead of hand, we go out into a big open world, we get into the sword putting – and in fact we turn out to be provided by yourself. Around the clutch is bad, some strange metal structures, mechanisms, levers, platforms, power fields, adjacent to violent vegetation, bunciful little animals like giraffes-mutants and with aggressive krakoyabrami (differently and you can’t tell!) attacking us.

What is this who is this where I am who is to blame and what to do? Not really understandable. Naole only nodding the head indicates the approximate direction of movement. It is clear only that this strange marvelous world clearly needs to save. What we will do the whole game. The final clarity that it was and what happened here will come only in the final, where we will have to revive the huge iron giant and make a difficult choice.

Fist in peace!

Analogies S The Legend of Zelda And Metroid even more obvious. Our hard-timed hero with a metal hand runs through the huge world, the “Zeldovskaya” pleasant childhood, exploring him, opens up new areas, fights, solves the riddles, becomes gradually stronger and opens up new abilities.Hob: Video Overview GamesNext to small enemies is almost always some large-caliber son.
By winning particularly strong enemies, he gets some green coins (they can also be found in the caches and in the altars), for which in special places you can buy different improvements – a mechanical shield, a fencing combos, a powerful sword with a sword on running and so on. We also find the drawings for the “upgrade” costume and arms and various items that increase the reserves of health and energy that is spent on the use of abilities.

By the way, about skills. With them just connected Metroid-component Hob. As we pass, we get new improvements for our metal hand, let’s say a powerful blow, teleportation or the ability to use it as a hook-cat. They not only help in riddles and in battles (hook, for example, perfectly beaten parts of the sheathers in enemies), but also need to enter previously inaccessible areas of the world. So, with a powerful blow, you can destroy the walls in the places specially set for this and press the buttons, opening the passage.

Clean and rule!

IN Hob more mysteries and platformer elements than battles. All the game we jump, crawl along the walls as in Prince of Persia, Skump for some incredible designs and almost literally you find the world around me, something including restarting, removing the power barriers, taore charging devices in cells, turn the levers and so on. Did not cost, of course, and without exercises with drawers.

At the same time, remembering the word Max Shafe, Cited in the beginning, from all of these our manipulations the world really changes, rebuilds, as in the cube Rubik. Huge massive structures come into motion, forming new tracks by which you can run somewhere, climbing or falling walls, opening new and closing old passages, and so on. At some point, we completely fill the territory with water and begin to actively engage in water procedures.

But all these purely technical, mechanical exercises are not separated from the study of the world, but are included in it, they are an integral component. We do not solve some detached puzzles, and we are looking for ways, how to go further and get to another purpose, so no tension arises. Is that sometimes it comes up the feeling of some monotony, when once again you have to look for a button or charge something / discharge.Hob: Video Overview GamesThis world is full of strange mechanisms.

Kind with healthy

However, this feeling quickly passes – so nice in Hob play. Here everything is implemented at the highest level. It’s nice and interesting to explore the world, look for a whirlpool with all sorts of drawings and improvements, develop a hero, solve riddles and open new areas of the world.

Battles are also implemented perfectly – the combat system is simultaneously understandable, dynamic and at the same time far from primitive, making a big bet on fades and reaction. Yes, even jump over the platforms and crawl on the walls, without having a gamepad in the hands (that is, on the keyboard), too nice – so comfortable control and camera.

And all this – in a very colorful, Zeldovsky, as I said, the world, where any electrical installations are adjacent to green groves and waterfalls, where horned giraffes and sad golems are roaming, where you can stroke a bizarre little animal and get forThis is a special achievement where krakoyarbra with a screech run away from a walking robot in which we climbed. And where you can just sit on the edge of the cliff and for a long time to overcome impressive landscapes under meditative music ..Hob: Video Overview GamesThat’s how we get new abilities for your mechanical hand.***
Hob in the indi sector – almost the best, which was in the Metriculia genre and Zelda-such games since Ori and the Blind Forest. Playing it, you feel the same sense of permanent admiration, pleasant surprise, comfort and joy from how the world is revealed before you, opens something new, interesting, unusual.

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