Hybrid Wars: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Hybrid Wars: Video Game Overview
July 13, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Hybrid Wars: Video Game Overview
Praphrazing the classics, you can say: “Speak World of tanks – imply Wargaming, speak Wargaming – imply World of tanks“. It so happened that the Belarusian studio is known primarily by its “tankers”, despite the fact that there are enough other projects in its asset, as the triumph debium issued long before WOT, So that appeared after. And let n World of Warships, n World of Warplanes to height “Peace of Tanks” have not yet reached, any announcement from this company is still an event. Even if this is a project WG Labs, engaged not familiar to the IMO-Action Studio, but cooperation with third-party developers.Hybrid Wars: Video Game OverviewImmediately striking meter points and icon with the number of lives – Retro now in fashion.
Hybrid Wars – the second (before it was Master Of Orion) game of this unit Wargaming. This time it happened without “early access”. Whether it went good and what happened as a result of collaboration WG Labs and teams from Chelyabinsk Miass Extreme Developers, – Read in our review.

Cyberpunk that we deserve

2060th year, land is managed not by state, but corporations that are not bend to use any means to achieve their goals. Global information networks penetrate all aspects of human life, and without high-tech devices and machines it is impossible to do anything or in war. Fight in this non-smart future will love and know how: many models of military equipment, from walking robots to submarines and helicopters managed by artificial intelligence – the main weapon of corporations in the struggle for world domination.

Hybrid Wars – Here is the main sign of this era. Nevertheless, there was a place for a person here: Alex Carter, a former tester of military equipment and its big expert, comes to serve in one of the corporations.

In the role of Alex, the player will have fire, water and copper pipes, to defeat all enemies, save innocent and punished guilty. Scene B Hybrid Wars Not in the first place, even the developers, apparently, agree with this – the prehistory is practically not disclosed, and in the actions of the actors sometimes it is sometimes difficult to trace at least some logic. When describing the history of the main character, even the styled phrase about the cliché will be a complimentary screenwriters: everything is conditionally divided – these guys are bad, they must be defeated. However, this attitude to the plot is quite justified – at least it is strange to wait from the game in a similar genre of some literary heights. But honestly, Hybrid Wars would not lose anything left without any story in general, – here it is far from the main.Hybrid Wars: Video Game OverviewThe helicopter has very peculiar control, so fighting it harder and more interesting than using ground technology.
In the air and on earth

In the first place is the action, and not extensive reasoning about the fate of the main characters. On the screen, the constant movement, everywhere it burns, explodes, shoots – End through the crowds of enemies has to have, almost without ceasing to fall out of all available weapons (despite the fact that the cartridges are not endless here). Familiar S Mechwarrior 3050 And Desert/Urban Strike It is unlikely that they will be mistaken if these games were the main factory of developers. Similarities in everything – from the appearance and animation of equipment to the gameplay itself. Many enemies who want to deal with the main character, and the faithful combat vehicle that can show any opponent who is the most important. Each mission is a task chain to execute which, as a rule, it is necessary to reach the desired point and activate any device or destroy certain enemies in a given area. Sometimes you have to accompany the ally or wade into the opponent’s rear to capture the combat technique necessary for the task, but the point in any case is unchanged: click on the gay and try to kill all the enemies.

You can fight in different ways: take the place of the pilot of the fighting car or rely only on your own forces of your hero. In the second case, we get pretty hardcore gameplay – you need to plan your actions in advance, sometimes retreating and trying not to spend ammunition. When using the technique, everything is much simpler – yes, there are many enemies, but they are noticeably weaker, besides, finding another helicopter or robot instead of the failed.

In addition to four different types of combat vehicles (fur, helicopter, tank and titanium), available for control, in the extermination of hundreds and hundreds of enemies should help “Customization”. You can configure the gear of the main character, and each model separately. Special revelations, however, should not be expected: we mainly increase the “health” or alert of the main and auxiliary weapons. In addition to Carter, two more heroes are available, each with its set of skills and a branch of development: Cyborg Jason Wood and former mercenary Ivan. At the first there is a drone assistant, providing an ammunition replenishment, and the second, with its appearance, explicitly sends to World of tanks, uses a power field that can be restored in the field with dr1. The campaign is nevertheless in all the same, and the progress of passage will be separate for each hero.Hybrid Wars: Video Game OverviewIn fact, this is a game about jumping. In addition to jokes. This way of movement fully justifies – the review becomes a little wider, and sometimes you can cut off the goal.
Forward to the past!

During the fulfillment of plot missions, it will have to be pretty survived in the light – there are deserts and tropical islands, dense urban building and coniferous forest. But everywhere the process is familiar – shoot everything that moves, gradually moving towards the next goal of the mission. To admire the surroundings of once. Yes, and, frankly, there is nothing: the graphics here are to be the epoch, from where they drew their inspiration developers.

After viewing the entrance video and the launch of the first mission there is a desire to check: the game exactly came out this year, and not a dozen years ago? Not a port with “Mobilos” and not reissue some classics? Unfortunately, by no means – modern Shoot ‘Em Up in vision Extreme Developers this is that it is not turning modern to call it. Extremely conditional degradability is an extra example: machines, power lines and other trifles can be broken, but it is possible to laugh at home and explosions to change the terrain – no longer. But as if the game was transformed, be in it such an opportunity! Maps seem big and open only at first – soon it turns out that the movement is limited by rocks or forests, to overcome which will not work even with rocket engines.

It can be said that the graphics in such fun are not the main thing (a very controversial statement, but it is permissible) that the cooperative regime allows you to forget about the monasses and passing the levels with a friend much more fun that the developers have not yet completely revealed cards – they promise new regimes, newHeroes and technique … But it will be only words, in no way abolish the bladder conclusion – with all its advantages, Hybrid Wars late with the yield of ten years as in the technical plan and in the gameplay.Hybrid Wars: Video Game OverviewBackward graphics does not interfere with the game to slow down during large battles.***
If a little-known studio from Miass claim is difficult to predict, then many questions remain to the publisher: from WG Labs nevertheless waiting for more, at least – no worse debut Master Of Orion. It remains to hope that their next project will be more appropriate for a decent track list of the employee.

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