League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview
March 10, 2022
6 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview

As usual, I went to the store in the headphones, and this time “Fred” “King and the Shut” looked around. Usually you want to drink. But I came home and decided to launch “League enthusiasts-losers”. And now I have another favorite song in my headphones – “Walk” Kati Judah. And I want to do not drink under her, but to call a person who has not seen it for a long time, to just meet her, take a walk on the autumn park, chat. And there, you see, it is possible and … However, this is a completely different story. But what is this “League Enthusiasts – Losers”, which made me change my plans so sharply?

If a friend went down ..

“League Enthusiasts – Losers” – This is a game made practically alone in the Moscow game designer Jan Basharin, who even wrote music himself (separate thanks from me). The main characters are 40-year-old losers of Vitya and Volodya, who live together on a removable apartment (no, they are not these most, and open friends since childhood – it also happens!).

One of them is a children’s writer, whose books do not accept publishers, the second – plumbing. They have no family, money and normal work, at a meeting of classmates they listen to the success of their peers. And already at home listen to the dissatisfied words of the owner of the apartment, which threatens them to evict for non-payment.

League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview

Drawn everything very soulful.

But Vitya and Volodya are not dull, and with enviable enthusiasm, they are accepted … Search the treasure. Yes, that’s so simple – and they went, they say, look for a treasure, also too much. Create a metal detector from an old man-neighbor, who is looking for in the house of capitalist spies with their listener, and go to the park, where they eventually find an icon, a horse figurine and a cookie box. But Vitya and Volodya are not dulling and arranged by the guards in the museum where they hope to find a map of treasures ..

League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview

At first I was sure that the action unfolds in St. Petersburg.

Yes, it looks like this as ridiculous, but touching. Instead of solving your problems or ask for help from a classmate, who herself suggests her, they assure each other that everything will work out, come up with fantastic treasures and, together with a neighboring defense, launch from the roof of aircraft or playing the rain in the boats.

League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview

One of the best scenes in the game. The airfield can be controlled.

Naturally, children adore them – and in the end, half the days of the children, who realized the problems of Viti and Volodya, go with them to look for treasure. And then the heroes together with their mothers will sit in the kitchen, drink tea and there are waffles.

League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview

Yes, the mouth of the babies and here the verbole.

Just live

Gameplay is practicing. Although it is not formally a “walk simulator”, but the quest. We move the characters within one and two-time screens and sometimes solve “Riddles”. Just like that in quotes. Rent a dog from a tree, repair an airplane or bike, make a boat, put the shelves – it’s not even puzzles, but hints on them, because everything is solved by a couple of movements in a few seconds. Even the place where it is necessary to put the shelf or fasten the wheel, the author carefully suggests.

League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview

And here it is necessary to carefully hold a goat named the daemon on the kitchen table. Ridiculous, funny – and nothing complicated.

It is clear that this is a conscious decision of the creator. “League Enthusiasts – Losers” – not about puzzles, but about the atmosphere. And the main thing is not the process of removing the dog from the tree, but the fact that Viti and Volodya will appear on the nickname, whom you can iron, and then you have to wash in the bathroom. Just under nice music melancholys to control the airfront flying over the roofs, it is more important here than to solve confusing puzzles.

League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview

Why was it called a nut – it is not clear.

We stopped doing big, good nonsense

At first everything seems ridiculous – characters, dialogues, situations, “riddles”. I even slipped the thought: why I play it at all? But the author quickly (the benefit of the story is very short here) achieves his – immerses us in the cozy, lamp atmosphere of heat, soft irony and kindness, raising the children’s soul from the depths, not even remembrance. It is no coincidence that Yang himself, speaking of the “League”, recalled how he loved in childhood (and she still likes) to walk in Moscow.

League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview

When was the last time you rode a tram?

Of course, there are many infantilism and absolutely ridiculous situations. Actually Jan Basharin made a game about myself and about other such adult children who are looking for the mythical treasure and simply believe that everything will be fine.

League Of Enthusiastic Losers: Video Game Overview

But it is in such a context that you can remind us that there is a park under the blue sky outside the window, there are live people who we may have not been seen for a long time and who can give us a heat particle;that it is not necessary to do everything is absolutely correct to be happy, and you can make cute nonsense – for example, instead of Disciples: Liberation start “League enthusiasts-losers”..

All “League Enthusiasts – Losers” – This is the same sweet stupidity, which is sometimes more closely and more more than the next verified “correctness”. And it’s not even a game, but rather a very warm sketch, perfectly suitable for songs Bulat Okudzhava And Yuri Vizbra about your favorite city, walks with friends and about what is so lacking cold in autumn. Therefore, the song “Walk” is withstanding in the same style. Just listen to her – this is better than my words will tell what this game is what she wants from you and what is trying to remind. Just change the “Moscow” on your hometown and put on the repeat.

Pros: Very kind, warm and ridiculous story, which from this absurdity only wins;memorable situations and characters;pleasant picture;Music.

Minuses: The game is very short;Primitive puzzles (however, it’s rather an artistic technique).

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