Legend Of Keepers: Career Of A Dungeon Manager: Video Game Overview
Recently, Evil Genius 2 was published – the continuation of the strategy about how we are equipping the database of evil maniacs, dreaming of conquer the world, put traps on kind heroes there, we train at the service and subwitting staff and so on. As you know, Evil Genius largely left the cult Dungeon Keeper, which gave life to many more games – for example, Dungeons, Impire and Dungeon Defenders. Now this series can be put Legend of Keepers, which has a very talking subtitle – CAREER OF A DUNGEON MANAGER.
Best work in the world
Yes, we immediately offer to build a career in the company “Dungeon” – one-eyed cyclop girl at the interview invites you to become governor of gloomy catacombs, full golden and treasures that need to be protected from adventurers. To do this, we arrange in two traps allocated for this, and in two others – Monsters groups (all sorts of orcs, skeletons, sukkuby, golems, vampires and other muck) for battles with adventurers.
This process, if not thought, not long.
Later it will be possible to post another very cool monster, like a dragon or a huge skeleton.
But even the dragons do not live here for a long time.
If good and greedy to our treasures, the heroes in the amount of three pieces will overcome all these obstacles, then in the final in front of their chests will be waiting for themselves by the managing – a big and main boss. In fact, this is an analogue of the heart from the “dungeon keeper” – if he perbs, the game will end. At first, only one class manager is available – a huge Warrior Centaur (he is the driveshchik). Then the clarification and engineer opens. And each of them bet on their class features.
Managers periodically can overlook the heroes with their spells or whips.
Centaur is available to the strongest monsters for battles with heroes – orcs, golems and so on. Yes, and he has enough hitpoons. The witch is particularly strong in spontaneous spells and fighters that are creating strongly. And the engineer, naturally, more efficiently addresses traps, uses drones, as well as skills and creatures, which are among other things to create a protective barrier for allies. In a similar situation, the Centaur, for example, imposes rage on his wards, increasing them not to defense, and damage.
Drones and traps – engineer main weapon.
If we overcome adventure, then we will receive money, new wards and traps. And for money and those and others you need to pump. Managing himself develops – when receiving new levels, you can spend talented points for pumping passive abilities. Of course, each of their class branches of skills – at the same engineer, for example, a separate group of peppers is devoted to the traps.
In the final, the chief boss of heroes (the intercessor) comes, after the victory over which we go to the next chapter, we get cool awards, and sometimes open new managers.
However, intercessors and veterans may come before the end of the current. With whom to fight – decide ourselves.
Corporate culture Evil
Ask residents of this Legend of Keepers Added pixel charm and mechanics “Rogalik”. If defeated, it will have to start all over again, but some bonuses from the past pass will move to a new babble. There is, understandable, and random, determining which adventures we will be thrown into the dungeon, what monsters and what traps we get as a reward and so on.
Plus, of course, the system of random events. And this is one of the main dishes Legend of Keepers. In the best traditions Dungeon Keeper and such games are served with humor. For example, you may find that your employees, that is, different skeletons, sucks, orcs and other creatures, watch pornographic magazines with the participation of people. And then you need to decide whether to leave magazines and motivate minions (motivated better fight) or remove and punish.
In general, the authors seem to be a pool on such genital jokes.
Or maybe the queen of spiders with a complaint that your wards were damaged by the web and spoiled something there – you need to fight with it, which will damage the manager, or pay. In another situation, the leader sneezed by a frightened man with the words that he came to revenge on something, “you need to decide, give it to torture (we get blood for it), spare (get tears) or to give employees, motivating them. Tears and blood are two more types of resources that are needed in some situations. And at a certain rate they are allowed to change the gold at personal alchemist.
After torture, many of your employees need a psychotherapist – the company “Dungeon” provides such services for which you need to pay, receiving bonuses to the motivation of the wards. In general, there are many references to corporate culture – there are also seminars for employees, and advanced training courses. You can even send monsters to the “business trip” – they will be unavailable several weeks, but will bring resources.
Look at such landscapes – the best psychotherapy.
In addition, they are allowed to lease unused traps;Send the wards to rob the surrounding farms and settlements, where among other things there is a chance to free the new monster for us (but also an increased chance to get wounds);Sell unnecessary fighters on the black market. This isides visiting merchants, coaches and engineer, pumping traps.
And so what will fall on the next week (all the passage is broken by them), – psychotherapist, coach, the opportunity to send wards on a business trip or to robbery and so on, – all this will be determined by random.
And you can send to the enemies of the curse.
Means against boredom
It is an accident in such games in many ways is intended to dilute the monotony, into which the “Rogaliki” fell. IN Legend of Keepers To routine, too, there are all the prerequisites. Traps and fighters are always offered to put on the same place, always three soldiers. Yes, in battles reminiscent of Darkest Dungeon, you need to take into account the one and others are applied, and what they themselves are stable or, on the contrary, vulnerable. And in accordance with this, pick up some of his wards to put against this particular group of comrades.
Spontaneous damage everything decides.
But the fights also come with time. Opportunities there are not very much – choose who of the enemies and what to beat, or we apply damage. Yes, and in this endless alternation “Random Event – Coach – Rubery – Random Event – Trade – Trainer – Psychotherapist” is also actually a bit of a variety. Especially at the 40th week and in far from the first chapter for the same driveshik.
Partially saves the situation of artifacts that can change the conditions of the game. For example, when moving to the new chapter I was given a subject, thanks to which I could post instead of two only a group of monsters, but they received +50% for damage and health. After that evening ceased to be languid. It is a pity that such artifacts rarely come across.
Even in the design of the backs felt humor of developers.
What to do? First, raise the complexity (the benefit here is very flexible settings) – on the standard heroes are not so often delivered by trouble. Yes, they are initially stronger than our monsters and overcome their resistance, but, as a rule, on a date to the manager they come in an incomplete composition and pretty. But at a difficult level, it will be necessary to more carefully treat what creatures and against which heroes to exhibit, and even think over the ligaments from fighters, traps and their natural effects.
Secondly, you need to connect modifications – authors Legend of Keepers Pay special attention to this and entered the support of Steam Workshop.
Our wards rarely destroy the heroes before the manager.
It is impossible to say that in Legend of Keepers We saw something fundamentally new. But Mix from different ideas and genres (here it is necessary to remember the Patriotic Iratus: Lord of The Dead) turned out to be enough fresh, and even seasoned relevant (most often) humor. Yes, there are problems with the balance and some routine of what is happening. Plus, in my opinion, the mechanic of damage to the martial spirit of opponents does not work at all, so that they run out of the dungeon, – too slowly the spirit falls. But either in the game itself there are solutions to some of these problems, or you can hope that they will still be, – the project is constantly developing.
Pros: An interesting mix of genres at the Dungeon Keeper and Darkest Dungeon junction;Mortigable for most of the humor;a variety of monsters, traps and events;Support user mods;Pleasant pixel picture.
Minuses: Balance is non-ideal;Places the game becomes too routine and monotonous.