Lego Worlds: Video Game Review

Home » Game Reviews » Lego Worlds: Video Game Review
August 16, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Lego Worlds: Video Game Review
After a deafening success Minecraft The most logical step was to create something similar, but in LEGO style. W TT Games And Warner Bros. For awareness of this fact, it took several years – in June 2015, Steam appeared in “Early Access” LEGO Worlds. Over the past time, it was added to her enough additional content so that the final version (available also on the consoles) was able to captivate for a long time.Lego Worlds: Video Game ReviewManage the ship, unfortunately, will not give.

Right constructor

And S Minecraft The game has little connected, at least in the story. In practice LEGO Worlds – This is a mixture Dragon Quest Builders And… No Man’s Sky. But you should not immediately put a cross on the game – from creation Hello Games Here are only the best elements, namely procedural generation of planets and flights from one location to another. Although the levels here are far from so huge – these are small worlds, different from each other with vegetation, landscape and inhabitants.

The main hero, managing a funny cosmic ship, visits his first world at the beginning of the passage – “Pirate Bay”. There the player meets the basics LEGO Worlds, or rather, performs simple orders for the sake of gold blocks used to improve the ship. When the desired number of blocks is assembled, the character gets an increase, and the vessel can fly to the planets. Approximately the same structure was in No Man’s Sky, Only here it is more understandable and requires more work.

The main subject in the inventory of the future builder’s master (namely, this title hero gets in the final) – the tool of the researcher. With it, you can study almost all objects and put into your encyclopedia, then if necessary at any time create them. Models, creatures, vehicles, buildings – all this is fixed and available on each planet. Even the appearance of people is almost nothing prevents copying into the album to change into the costume of a gangster, traveler or a gingerbread man.

But these guys are becoming available only in cases where the player performs the tasks of a particular person. Someone asks to take a picture of it against the background of the building, someone’s house is destroyed and requires repair, and some want to see more animals around them. Sometimes people need to build, the drawing of which is not at the hero, – in such cases it is possible either to search the subject on the same location (in half the cases it is exactly there is somewhere nearby), or throw this business and find a task easier.

And in this charm LEGO Worlds – No one forces something to do something that takes a lot of time or quickly bored. In any selected world of opportunities for obtaining gold blocks, a lot: there are hidden deep courses, there are elementary tasks, there are multi-step orders. Tired of looking for green frogs, there is no possibility to build a vacation van – depart, go, looking for other entertainment and achieve success.Lego Worlds: Video Game ReviewIf there are no vehicles around, you can rinse a pig or crocodile.
Even in terms of management of restrictions, little. The character is trained with a double jump and can worry on any surfaces, even by trees. It saves in situations when the treasure chest is buried very deeply or should be climbed to a huge statue. IN Minecraft I would have to build stairs and spend a few minutes wasted – there is nothing to do here anything like. The boxes mentioned above are not worth missing – there will be possible to find not only blocks, but also weapons, musical instruments, decorations and other useful things.

The only thing that grows a little in these worlds is the similarity of tasks issued by their residents. Wherever you are, be sure to find a guy who stuck on a small island and needs help. The same happens with the creation of certain items – they just need to put, because someone wanted so much. There is no plot here, and the instructions are usually given by one phrase, so you failed to diversify side tasks with some mini-stories the creators failed.

Thirst to travel

But the authors did not put such a goal in front of them, because first of all LEGO Worlds – this is a game of study. On the search for new interesting worlds, the sketches of which we manage to see on a galactic map in front of the delay. If you don’t want to jump from one knocker to another, jumping over the lava streams, you can press the button of the random planet again and detect the place Pretty. Surprises abound, and the further the ship can fly, the more they will be. At some point, not small islets will begin to meet, but the whole cities – for hitting one of them, they even give the appropriate “achiveness”.

And wherever the character has found, the tools for changing the world will remain the same and will work as well. Thanks to the ability to change the landscape “Multitule”, the hero is able to increase and lower the level of land, as well as to align and smooth it – seek kirk and shovels or collect resources there is no need for. For the construction of buildings, a huge variety of different options is offered, including hundreds of blocks of blocks, panels, slopes, tiles and fasteners. Some of them carry monsters with them, which sometimes get out of the ground and no danger to the player do not imagine – they are enough to catch up and sow, taking the reward.Lego Worlds: Video Game ReviewTo bring liveliness in the encyclopedia is useful – at least for the sake of possible orders.
You will probably interest: is it possible to engage in the game construction and change of your own world, not flying out of the angle in the corner and not performing tasks? It is possible to do this, but only if before this was collected by hundreds of gold blocks. Getting the title of Master-collector is to some extent the finale of the game, after which it is possible to continue the study of worlds, but it will not be so interesting. That’s just the “sandbox” mode, to which the fans are accustomed Minecraft, Where it would be more logical to make accessible immediately – at least in order to attract their attention. But no, you first have to end the campaign.

“Create everything that comes to your mind,” said in the description LEGO Worlds in Steam. But the first few hours do it not really need. Yes, some people ask to build a house for them, but to spend power and time for a pretty building is not required – enough to put four walls and build a simple roof. Build beautiful statues and carefully pick up blocks to boast before others or rejoice at your talent yourself, too, strange – in a few minutes you will still fly to another planet, and that is unlikely to come back. All this is more fascinating in the “sandbox” mode, which developers for some reason do not allow immediately.

And only there fully and use the possibilities of construction, and set all sorts of decorations, and do the correction of the roughness of your world. The interface is very convenient even on the gamepad – in the case of painting, for example, you can choose one of the hundreds of colors and set the diameter of the brush. And when copying certain sections of the Earth or buildings, a transparent parallelepiped appears, which allow you to expand in different directions to capture the entire necessary surface. The camera sometimes gets up in not the most convenient position, but the rest of the discomfort does not cause.Lego Worlds: Video Game ReviewEverything necessary in the inhabitants of the worlds is shown in a special cloud near them.***
LEGO Worlds it would look much advantageous if the developers allowed players to choose the preferred mode immediately. Then lovers of “sandboxes” would be satisfied, and wishing to pass a campaign with constantly emerging goals and tasks. In its current form, the game will have to do with the second category of users – the first will have to spend a few hours for the local seizure of “plotts”. But it will not be boring anyway – a variety of locations, constantly emerging surprises and simple management make an adventure very exciting.

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