Legrand Legacy: Tale Of The Fatebook: Review Video Games

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August 11, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Legrand Legacy: Tale Of The Fatebook: Review Video Games
Remakes, Remasterov, continuations, spin-offs and just new Japanese role-playing games recently comes out so much that all this reminds some kind of insane epidemic, arranged by nyashful bragless boys and girls with violet hair. However, not always these games make the Japanese. For example, Legrand Legacy: Tale of the Fatebookounds Developed Indonesian Studio Semisoft – as recognition in love with a JRPG genre, but with a fresh look at some aspects of the gameplay.Legrand Legacy: Tale Of The Fatebook: Review Video GamesGraphics in battles brings memories of games with PlayStation 2, but for someone it is just an extra reason to nostalgically to cry.

Amnesia against telepathy

Setting, plot, his feed – everything is quite usual. There is a world, the title legland, who is resurrected in anticipation of a local apocalypse – a circle of illness, war, terrible prophecies, curses and some silent stones in the sky that do not promise anything good. And there are heroes that this world is understandable, must save.

Protagonist TALE OF THE FATEBOUNDS – The young man named Finn, who, as it should, does not remember anything about his past. He turned out to be a slave and got on the gladiator’s arena, where, when he was death, suddenly splashed out of himself unknown force, simply in the local champion powder.

Impressed by this, Finna bought a strange old telepath, communicating with young people with the help of thoughts, and asked to accompany him in a dangerous journey through the desert in order to get to the sick daughter and give her the necessary medicine. Naturally, everything will go wrong, and it is planned, and will fall out in the epic adventure.

Peasant and virginity problems

The plot is developing, as it should be in JRPG, strictly linearly, and yet follow him interesting. In all, the drama is constantly felt, even a blast, the future is covered in fog for a long time, and the riddle of the past of the Finn itself has a lot of intrigues. Besides, in Legrand Legacy There is a well-prescribed world inhabited by different, sometimes very unusual, races, including sparkling lions and the same telepaths, – tritely I want to know something new, communicating and moving on the plot.Legrand Legacy: Tale Of The Fatebook: Review Video GamesIn cities where the drawing picture and three-dimensional characters are combined, everything looks very pretty.
And there are still no indifferent characters who are the will of fate and local god Lira that and the case join us. They differ from each other with characters and sometimes quite persistently show them. For example, a strict and very important blonde Aria first almost forces the Finn to help her, and then he doesn’t turn to him anything else as “Hey, a peasant, you will carry my things!”. Erica, the daughter of the older-telepath itself, on the contrary, modest and seemingly fragile, but it can incite everything alive if you bring it out of myself.

It immediately contributes a special perch in relationship between local savings of the world. An amazing thing, but in the game from independent Indonesian developers conversations between the characters and the heroes themselves are spelled more interesting than in LOST SPHEAR from Square Enix, which came out at about the same time. They can even discuss the problem of virginity – someone is probably faded, but personally for me is a sign that the characters turned out alive and nothing human is alien to them.

Stone, Scissors, Paper and QTe

However, more often than communicating, the heroes have to fight. Battles unfold in a fairly interesting step-by-step mode – during their turn in the first phase, we choose the action that we want to perform (attack, using spell or subject, protection), and in the second, actually carry it out. At the time of the attack turns on QTE when the arrow runs in a circle. If you press the button when the pointer turns out to be in the desired zone, the blow will be more powerful, more efficient and it will be more difficult to interrupt it. Something similar was in Shadow Hearts on PlayStation 2, but with several other conditions.

At the same time there are three different types (cutting, stuck and crushing), and spells belong to seven elements. And all this must be taken into account: the elements and the types of damage relate to each other on the principle of the game “Stone, scissors, paper”, and opponents are resistant to something, but for something, on the contrary, vulnerable.Legrand Legacy: Tale Of The Fatebook: Review Video GamesAccumulating energy in battle, each character can spend their murderous attack.
Another highlight of the local combat system is the ability to move fighters along the rated field. Initially, on a separate screen, you determine the construction of subordinates, put forward, conditionally, swallows, and behind – Mages and Archers. After all, here, just like in the series Disciples: “Truckers” can not be attacked near. And directly in a fight you can move someone to another position, given the specific situation.

Interestingly, the fact that by winning in battles and “pumping out”, we do not automatically increase the characteristics of the characters, as usual happens in JRPG, and manually distribute two free points between force, dexterity, endurance, intelligence and luck. This is important because new special techniques and spells require a certain level of a parameter, that is, you yourself determine what potentially want to learn.

From fisherman to the commander

In addition to promotion in the plot, dialogues and battles in Legrand Legacy there is something to do. Traveling between important locations on a global map, we are constantly visiting more or less large cities. And there are always an alchemist with cozy beds other than traders and hotels with cozy beds, which can be made by affordable potion recipes, and a blacksmith capable of seen new weapons. All this is the various materials that take us mainly on the results of battles. The main thing is to remember that everything cannot be shoved in the inventory – it has a weight limit, so something often has to be stored for special characters.

There will definitely find a NPC couple offering a side quest, which is already a pleasant surprise against the background of most representatives of the genre. Of course, it is basically simple orders for delivery or destruction of something, but exceptions happen. All the way, for example, we communicate with a strange person who seems to persecute Finn, appearing in all cities and telling various facts from the history of the world. After communication, he definitely leaves … nut. Who is and what is the nut here, – intrigue that persists long.

IN Legrand Legacy There are still many mini-games – and fishing, and a dueling simulator, and throwing knives. There are even battles with endless waves of opponents in the arena, passing in the style of the usual action, without any phases and step-bypass. But the most interesting thing is the simulator of the commander when the heroes, crashing on the detachments of different types, move through cells on the map and fight with enemies. It takes into account both the type of terrain (cavalry, for example, receives fines in the city) and vulnerability / resistance of detachments in relation to each other.Legrand Legacy: Tale Of The Fatebook: Review Video GamesBattles with “bosses” in the game, understandable, with excess.***
IN Legrand Legacy: Tale of the Fatebookounds There are problems: the graphics for the most part looks outdated (although art, videos and drawn views in cities are really pleased with the eye), control when moving the hero on locations seems to be crying, and the battles with constantly reviving opponents can be tired, even despite the ability to dilute their miniGigs. But in general, this is a comprehensive JRPG, which for someone will cause nostalgic memories of favorite games from childhood (we are primarily about Shadow Hearts And Suikoden), and for someone will become a pleasant discovery, allowing you to touch the very classics. At the same time there was a place for their own ideas, and for the original, well-developed world. Well, to repeating battles and to the fact that without “Grinda” (he, by the way, not so stern) in such games, not survive, the connoisseurs of the genre have long had to get used to.

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