Mafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Mafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game Overview
January 13, 2022
2 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game Overview
We want so much to say about Mafia II: Definitive Edition, that we decided to pack this information into several paragraphs.

One view by Mafia II: Definitive Edition It is enough to understand that this Remaster was not created in order to fill the content lost in the process of production (and it is necessary for this a full-fledged remorse, and not just Remaster), to patch the holes that arise in the history of the hole and smooth the strange game-designer solutions.

The plot, control, features of the physics of machinery and combat system and interaction with the game as a whole are absolutely identical to what was before, and the goal of this reissue is only one – tighten the textures, refresh the effects and, in general, to improve the picture not too much for 10 years. Cut out the effects of NVIDIA PHYSX, but it is hard to call them necessary or at least important for the atmosphere.

All additions implied to the cocktail. Restoration work here, unlike BIOSHOCK REMASTERED or Batman: Return to Arkham, held with maximum attention to the original atmosphere – so that the palette is not shot down, too dark shadows or litwords did not appear. And therefore it looks like a reissue truly perfectly and broadcasts the very spirit of the 40s.

Mafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game OverviewMafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game OverviewMafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game OverviewMafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game OverviewMafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game OverviewMafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game OverviewMafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game OverviewMafia 2: Definitive Edition: Video Game Overview

Oh, The Weather Outside Is Frightful! And the completed plot into the transaction is not included, as they say.

Pros: And without that very beautiful and atmospheric game became more beautiful;You can play PS4 / XB1;Original localization immediately in place.

Minuses: All flaws are original Mafia II;The game for 10 years has not changed, so some mechanics are not felt very modern.

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