Mother Russia Bleeds: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Mother Russia Bleeds: Video Game Overview
September 28, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Mother Russia Bleeds: Video Game Overview
If you make the game “Under the Starin”, then one pixel-art is now clear enough to notice your creation. The public spoiled by straight and indirect remakes of the classics, pickyly approaches the choice of another product created in the image and likeness of the hits of the 80s – 90s. They look at the plot, and on the game mechanics, which should be cooled than the predecessors, require quality sounding and musical accompaniment. With this situation, the source sometimes remains only the appearance, and everything else becomes under the conditional “modern product”.

Mother Russia Bleeds, On the contrary, it left very close to the sources of inspiration of its authors – Double Dragon, Streets of Rage And Renegade, – And not only in terms of graphics. But whether it went to her benefit?Mother Russia Bleeds: Video Game OverviewThe usual street of the usual Soviet city. We have a little revolution here, and otherwise everything is in order.
Having left them all

Before us, the most ordinary Beat ‘EM Up is a genre, in many respects glorified by the series listed above. The gameplay is uncomplicated and does not require tense work of thought – there is a linear level, there are enemies on it, there is a protagonist (or heroes), which should pass this level from beginning to end, destroying all the opponents. From weapons – fists and boots, sometimes it is possible to choose from the defeated enemies knives, bits, reinforcements, or even “firearms” (the last, however, a big rarity).

Enemies weak and not boast of great mind, but there are many of them. Sometimes so much that they are barely hard to see the character under its control, and after the next bout of the body killed, the floor will rip the floor with a solid carpet. In addition to ordinary opponents at the end of each level we are waiting for a battle with a particularly strong representative of the enemy camp – “Boss”. As a rule, each of such rivals, in contrast to the faceless ordinary fighters, has, except for a bright appearance, just as non-standard battle style. Sometimes you have to take into account the location where the fight occurs – it can be how to help, and it is possible to prevent (or all at once).

All of the above has met hundreds and hundreds of times in countless games of this genre both on various consoles and PC. If you search than what Mother Russia Bleeds stands out from a slender series, then in the list of differences will definitely not be a gameplay.

Publicity, Perestroika, Acceleration!

Leaving the gameplay in the usual framework, developers from French Le Cartel Studio Full strength was played out on the rest, giving the will of fantasy when creating a plot and visual style. The place of action is the Soviet Union of the Perestroika times with all the attributes inherent in this era, but they are brought to the extreme absurdity. You have to visit dirty prison cameras and urban slums, a nightclub for “new Russians” and the mansion of the party elite, to ride the train and stroll through the railway station. Perhaps all this really existed in our Soviet past, but clearly did not take those forms that came to the screamers. The prison was the venue of strange experiments over living people, in slums, more similar to some Negro ghetto, lawlessness and violence are flourishing – street fighting and drug addiction here. The train becomes the place of this battle between “Gopota” and the police, and the nightclub and is at all the place of collecting lovers of sadomasic pleasures in the most extreme forms.Mother Russia Bleeds: Video Game OverviewWith the slogan on the transparency you can argue.
Add to all this that began (not without a player’s help) in the city Revolution and regular drug addicts attending the main characters – it will be complete surrealistic picture that does not have the slightest relation to reality. Of all this contributes, of course, graphics and musical accompaniment. Pixel-art pixel-art, but opponents, ranging from dirty homeless, ending with very incomprehensible and frightening creatures, as well as locations (especially in prison) cause almost physically tangible disgust.

Despite the name, overwhelmed cranberry thickets in Mother Russia Bleeds not to find – Balalak and Bears with bottles of vodka here will not be here, even the hats-Ushanki in prison guards look quite natural. Apparently, the developers decided not to spend money on such a banquality, sending all the forces to create as much as possible and disgusting version of the USSR.

Under to be what is happening and the main characters: Four friends, in for once wearing normal Russian names, – Boris, Ivan, Sergey and Natasha. As you can see, it cost without cranberries, although in terms of names and names, even some serious projects are often sinning. But in the rest of the characters, it is impossible to call in any way. They are engaged in street fighting, during which they are not shy to demonstrate the animal cruelty, scoring opponents to death with bare hands. In addition, all four indulgence of an extremely strong drug – “necro”, which will still play its role in the history of the main characters. Despite the fact that they seem to be on the side of the “good”, something in what the four is almost no different from their enemies: Boris, for example, as ridicule uses a throw of his own excrement in the opponent.Mother Russia Bleeds: Video Game OverviewNight club. Party in full swing.
“Cut, shoulder, swinging, hand!”

You can take each individual level by any hero, but for some reason the network regime is not, unless, of course, do not count the possibility of connecting more pairs-troops gamepads to play on one screen. And this is perhaps the most important drawback MRB. Beat faces in friends, sitting on one sofa, no doubt, excellent fun, but where to take partners to those who prefer the usual multiplayer? But the passage alone is very different from the cooperative: the enemies are weaker and less, but nevertheless, in certain points, it can cope with one almost unreal. Yes, you can give control to the rest of the computer, but this is not at all something – there is no fun, and in terms of countering enemies they do not demonstrate some special heights (it is understandable – otherwise the player would have become not needed at all).

Another noticeable flaw is an extremely poor arsenal of techniques used in battle. Kick leg, hand, grip, punch in a jump, podcast, damp and powerful punch – and this is four allegedly different characters! Combine strikes will not work either – it is possible to throw the enemy after the capture. No, very same solid fighters developers did not decide: each of their own values of four parameters – forces, speeds, range and jump, but a special difference in a fight between, for example, Natasha and Ivan you practically do not feel. Especially since acting from an efficient template is only necessary during battles with “bosses”. Otherwise, everything is standard – a blow to the jump, we hide enemies from ourselves, while driving from bullets, if there are arrows among opponents, beat those who are closer, legs, and against a big crowd we use a powerful blow.

Even weakly rusting with ease withstands several hits, so you have to deal with each individual. As a result of some kind of bloody bath, when the crippled enemies will fly out in different directions, it will not work out. It’s a shame – in the same Hotline Miami, which is repeatedly remembered during passage MRB, it was much better. Here everything is slightly tightened and somehow too measured for a similar genre. You can accelerate briefly, adopting a dose of “nero”, mined from bodies of defeated enemies, but the effect of the Berserka ends rapidly, and the drug himself, which is always lacking, it is better to spend on treatment.

But in a couple of places they give us to raise – for example, we spread firearms into abundance or give the main heroes of swords. But such moments are much less common than I would like.Mother Russia Bleeds: Video Game OverviewA couple of heavy heap in skillful hands – a pledge of a lot of victory in a fight with any opponent.***
If not stretching the passage Mother Russia Bleeds For a long time, and try to run all levels at once (a few hours are enough), it will not have time to borrow it, and the process of a breaking breaking of enemy skulls will make it clear. But here to take a campaign to re-either fight in the mode of the arena against increasing waves of opponents wants far from all. Everything that is worthy of attention can be obtained at the first pass, and the lack of multiplayer and the extremely poor tactic turn MRB In an ordinary game for one evening (but a very fun evening), which will fly out of memory the next day. The work of the Frenchman can remember that the atmosphere of the insane world in the perverted style of the late USSR. Worthy, but the genre love not at all for it.

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