Nono Islands: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Nono Islands: Video Game Overview
February 14, 2022
5 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Nono Islands: Video Game Overview
Nono Islands You can call the perfect summer game for mobile platforms. Exotic Islands with Aboriginal Masks, similar to Indiana Jones, the main character (or heroine), the treasure cards and the mountains of gold – this and much more decorated in bright colors and looks very pretty. And at least an externally, the game is very similar to Temple Run, There are no common in these projects.Nono Islands: Video Game OverviewSometimes “Checkpoints” coins can be found at levels, but it is a big rarity.
Step into the abyss

The player chooses the floor of his hero and immediately turns out to be a small labyrinth from islets and traps. To make a step forward, you need to click on the screen, and for turn – to spend your finger. At first, such control seems strange and ridiculous, but later it turns out that such a step-by-step puzzle works fine. And let the first attempts to succeed will lead to ridiculous deaths, very soon to what is happening.

Oslands are different from each other here: on yellow and gray most often you can get up without fears, red mean that there is a risk, and there are and moving in different directions of the platform. Drown, turn out to be eaten by spiders, jump on a spear to get out of the ground and make other nonsense here is easier simple, if not to be attentive.

The game literally forces to be extremely concentrated and think over all its steps. Every world here is divided into six locations with another central, opening for collecting all treasure card fragments. Starting from the first level, the user must reach the sixth alive and healthy, and if he perbs, starts everything from the very beginning of the world. This can be avoided by putting “Chekpoint” at the beginning of some of the locations, in order to return not so far. But they are too little, and they give them not so often.

System, we will be honest, absurd. Especially if you consider how easy it is to get confused and not to go there, where I wanted, without the ability to cancel the action. I clicked on the screen more than you need;turned not to the other side;The game misunderstood the player’s desire to move back, instead of what he went forward and fell. There are no such situations too much, but if one such error will move progress and forces it to return to the beginning, it will not be too nice.Nono Islands: Video Game OverviewEnemies do not react to the player, but simply go to the circles, so difficulties almost do not cause.
Of course, you can buy all these “checkpoints” and not think about them once again. And then the question arises: whether it pulls Nono Islands on a paid game and do you need to spend money? Yes, and no, respectively. No matter how stupid system is, with the right and reasonable use of control points (for example, only at the beginning of the fourth level in each world) to survive their deficit. Buying a version without restrictions will cost 169 rubles – not too much amount for a high-quality and exciting game, which will probably continue to add new content.

There are several dozen levels here, and for surely, some of them have been starting to cross the for the sake of additional bonuses. For example, the treasure card fragments mentioned above, as well as pieces of totems, developing as a result in small statues adorning the islands. Collectible objects, of course, would like a little more, but in this case, the structure of the levels would significantly complicate. And without it in late stages are becoming more and more extensive.

Jumping skulls are added to the aborigines and acupunge. Then monkeys try to flatten the traveler with their paws. Spiders kill him from one bite, octopuses are covered with giant tentacles, but the turtles transport him on his back from one platform to another – at least someone here does not try to kill the main character. All this is so bright, fun and zadorly looks that death mistaken often does not even cause irritation. If, of course, it does not have to spend another half an hour to overlap.

The game is trying to encourage the user as soon as possible reach the finish line using a timer flashes at the top of the screen. The author of these lines very often tried to complete the passage, so as not to lose the second and beat his own record, but very often it ended in failure. No matter how you get used to management, it will be not too fast here “Professional” here, so we do not recommend the readers to hurry – there will be no additional gifts in the game, for how many seconds.Nono Islands: Video Game OverviewWhen the platforms around are rising, they are lowered, the passage becomes much more difficult.***
Nono Islands It turned out to be an original and rather complex tactical platform. If such a combination of words you see for the first time, the game must be trying to try – this is an unusual project, at the same time high-quality performed. True, his distribution model is a bit strange, but accustomed to pay for good games, it will not seem absurd. The rest you just need to quickly get used to management and not die by mistake many times – then I will not have to give money to any1.

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