Omori: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Omori: Video Game Overview
June 8, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Omori: Video Game Overview
If Steam distributed awards for the highest growth in popularity in 2020, Omori I would definitely be among the main applicants. The game came out at the very end of December and after a few days I acquired almost cult status, typing more than a thousand extremely positive feedback. However, it is not surprising: Omori Announced back in 2014, and for six years around it there was a devoteed community. Why the cult status? Here is the names of the games with which it is compared now – Undertale, EarthBound, Yume Nikki And End Roll.Those who “in the topic” have already run to buy Omori. I’ll explain everything else now.

Loneless is crud!

As in the above games, the main characters in Omori – these are children who live, play and fight in the fictional worlds or even in their subconscious. We play for the boy named Omori, who closed in himself, almost does not come out of the house and does not communicate with real friends (in any case, at first).

In the girl out Yume Nikki, living locked in her apartment, there were only a diary, a TV and a game console. At the boy is End Roll – Only bed, pre-written video and syringe. Omori – cat, laptop, drawing album and napkins for tears. He lives in the so-called white space, where in addition to the above, there is another door – it leads to the world of fantasies Omori, where it is always waiting for the right and best friends.Omori: Video Game OverviewWhite space is the transition between real and fictional worlds.
They play hide and seek (there are many children’s playgrounds), watch the photo album, where they fool together, hugging, learn to make crowns from flowers and so on. Perform instructions of other kids or funny creatures (find a floral puzzle, kill 25 rabbits), fight with animals and plants, fall into unusual locations. They can even climb the stairs into space, where they will be held with one planet, and the other (Pluto) will save from cosmic pirates and will be consistent with it that it will become their personal teleport for rapid movement.Omori: Video Game OverviewThey dreamed of becoming cosmonauts?

Alone at home

Omori – The thing is very big: one prologue here takes hours 5-6 and is saturated with events that would be enough for a full-fledged game. And not everything happens in surreal worlds. Periodically, Omori comes out from there and it turns out in the world real, where his name is Sunny, Mom is almost always at work, and he is almost always alone in a big house.

Sunny will soon have to move to another city, but before that, Mom asks him to meet with old friends – these are the same boys and girls that we see in the fictional world, but here they are real and not all are so friendly. Here we also explore locations, carry out instructions (bring medications from the pharmacy for old aunt, collecting rubbish, scattered around the area, find the missing garden inventory) and drown – only not with animals and planets, but with children and even friends.Omori: Video Game OverviewIn reality, you can also find an album with photos All the same friends.

Sad fairy tale

Yes, it may seem that Omori – This is an exceptional game about fantasy, adventure and children’s friendship. This promise is obvious – they say, it is necessary to be together, it is impossible to become an egoist and so on. But in fact, everything is much more serious, grown and terrible than driving a dance under calls “Guys, let’s live together!”.

Quickly it becomes clear that the main character is being tormented by nightmares, that he is always afraid of something – then spiders, then stairs. He is pursued (or see him) frightening or a ghost, or demon. And many key points of the plot, access to new important locations are related to overcoming these fears. Although sometimes the only way out becomes … suicide. Yes, yes, you need to choose a knife in the inventory that Omori will make Harakir9.Omori: Video Game OverviewAt such moments it becomes somehow not.

Skeletons in the closet

But the game is not about depression for the sake of depression and not about the propaganda of suicide, but about adoption and overcoming. Our hero survived the personal tragedy, closed in himself and, as it turned out, did not leave the house for a very long time and did not see friends with friends. What happened why his and the boy named Basil pursue nightmares, how they are interconnected and with what happened to Sanny’s sister? Why did their yesterday’s girlfriend become embittered and rushes to guys with fists? Omori: Video Game OverviewLittle picture gives big emotions.
The story intrigues, strains and often scares, becoming truly terrible. And the players are already discussing different versions, which happened there. In the philosophical sense, the chief hero has to fight with his fears and inner demons, with egoism and the consequences of their actions.

But from all this, you can get and completely bright, positive emotions – depends on the ending that earned. In addition, in addition to the tears and very touching situations, there are humor, and funny refills, and purely gican, mandatory things for such projects like oldcual mini-games. Omori: Video Game OverviewJet Dragon as a house? Here it is ordinary.

Depression for pumping

Against the background of history, the gameplay looks like not excess (some comment on the spirit “I want to silence the gameplay for the scene”), then, in any case, auxiliary. He is designed to help stories, fasten this sad adventure.

In fact before us, as in the case of Undertale And EarthBound, not quite traditional, semi-permanent Japanese RPG, where you can fight not only with planets, but also with tape recorders, for example. We carry out quests, exploring the locations, collect or buy consumables, pump out, we have a machine gun, we participate in step-by-step battles (the nearest landmark for them is a series Wizardry).Omori: Video Game OverviewHere you can choose the equipment, and the active skills that the characters will use.
At the same time in fights there is a unique system of emotions. Characters – both ours, and enemy – right in battle become sad, happy, evil, frightened. It works on the principle of the game “Stone, scissors, paper”: happy stronger than embittered, those stronger than sad, and sad – happy. Screamers are deprived of the opportunity to apply the skills.Omori: Video Game OverviewIt even has to fight with computer programs.
Accordingly, you need to use the skills that “hang” on a fighter one of the emotions or, on the contrary, take it off. If the enemy, for example, is embittered, then you can make someone from the wards happy, and it will apply evil more damage.

Not always, however, it is used – many battles win and without exercises with emotions. But in key battles with bosses, this mechanic will help to cope with difficulties. Omori: Video Game OverviewIn the real world, Sunny peers become enemies.***
Authors warn: “This game contains images of depression, anxiety and suicide and can not approach all the audience”. Omori It tells a really difficult story in the emotional plan, but also very rich, intriguing, instructive, touching, able to cause different feelings. And the abundance of quests, unusual worlds and locations, humor, interesting characters and situations makes a game of truly fascinating and diverse adventure, and not a tearful emo fairy tale.

Pros: history;Characters;Setting;gameplay;scale;style;music.

Minuses: side quests for the most part rusties.

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