Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Home » Game Reviews » Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview
August 24, 2022
8 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Run, people. Or tolerant – I caught up with autumn depression, and maybe I will repeat. As in the recent review of Behind The Frame, I will say this: games are different;Some – for entertainment and fun, others – to train memory, brains or shallow motility. And there are games for the soul. Here is Opus: Echo of Starsong – from these: amazing, emotional, sad and beautiful mix of visual novel, quest, resource management and pumping of the ship, on which he and she travels on space and listen to the songs of the stars.


About the songs of the stars is not a metaphor and not the figure of speech. In the world Echo Of Starsong People hunt for a rare and valuable substance, known as Lumen (Lumen) – it got from the ancient alien civilization and is in the mines and among the ruins on asteroids. The possession of them leads to power and wealth, therefore, due to Lumen, grandiose wars were arranged – there are many fractions, states, clans, private companies, pirates, smugglers, and everyone needs Lumen. But how to find such mines in the huge belt of asteroids?

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

In the game, an unusual graphic style, and the setting also – there are coming and smoking capybars.

Therefore, the “Witches” play an important role – possessing natural data and past special training for girls, girls and women who can catch the sounds and melodies that publish full lumen asteroids. Witches sing in response, all this resonates and recorded – then the “star melody” gives earlyness, which directly investigate asteroids. With the help of recording, if you choose the right, you can manipulate the substance, open ancient doors and interact with the mechanisms.

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Now the witch will sing.

As you already guessed, he is running, and she is a witch. His name is Jun (JUN), he is a representative of one of the influential clans on his native planet, from where, however, he was expelled after the fault of JUN clan lost several asteroids with lumen. Now he, together with his loyal guard, is looking for a way to return an honest name, and the clan is valuable asteroids.

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Kay here looks like a samurai in the service of a young Mr.

The girl is called Eda (EDA), and she is also rejected by their. Together with the pilot and the nearest girlfriend, Remy (also a sort of bodyguard), she is looking for asteroids with lumen, but not for the sake of power and wealth, and to go on the trail of his mentor, who went to a big expedition and did not return.

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Their first meeting.

Through tears to the stars

The paths of the main characters crossed when due to the unscrupulous merchant who sold fake star melody, and Jun with a security guard, and Ed was captured by smugglers on one of the asteroids. From there they fled together, then for their heads appointed a reward. They, of course, began to work together to fully reveal a very important and ancient mystery in the depths of space.

But do not think that it is a dust, full adrenaline cosmic adventure with a love intrigue. Yes, there are a lot of events: killers and pirates hunt for our heroes, Jun and Edi may accidentally blow up an asteroid and be in the open space, then the inner passions begin to embroil them, and Remy frankly dislikes JUNE.

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Together the heroes will survive much.

But first of all, it is very sad, full of tears, dramas, music and poetry the story that we actually tell the old Jun before your death. For many years, he came back there, where they spent time with Edo to remember and, perhaps again hear her beautiful voice that she sang among the stars.

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Even when loading saving, we first see the old JUNE.

In general, here a lot is built on memories. After all, at first we don’t really know anything about the heroes, neither they are about each other. Therefore, events in the present are constantly intermitted by flashbacks, talking about the difficult childhood of heroes.

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Memories are all black and white and very stylish.

And after all this, barely survive during an explosion asteroid, Jun and Ed can sit nearby, look at the stars (or on the radiance of lumen), give each other promises and talk about colors – that’s why I said about the fact that there is in this storypoetry.

Well, of course, the magnificent music and voice of Edy, which she performs the star melodies, play a huge role in creating an atmosphere, – he really is very beautiful and soulful. By God, listening to this, especially in the final, I want to start a stupid male ..

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Where is my handkerchief?

Gameplay is there, ion does not interfere

All this, of course, immediately clings and leaves no indifferent, especially since the authors are surprisingly in detail and interestingly worked Opus: Echo Of Starsong, inventing for him a bunch of fractions, his religion and so on. As a result, you just sit, look, read and listen as enchanted. That is why I told about the visual novel – she is not here in an aliest traditional, but his own, unique (although with anonymous anime, of course). You can still compare it with an interactive animation film.

In any case, it is the plot, the atmosphere, the characters and their relationship here to solo. But there are gameplay. First, during the study of asteroids, we solve simple puzzles when you need to open the door or interact with mechanisms patching lumens. To do this, choose and activate the star melody, and then correctly select lines.

That’s how it looks like.

About the same principle of Ed writes melodies. And there and there it is possible and you need to focus on sounds and music, which they calm down, then grow and pour into the song when we follow in the right direction.

You can’t listen to listen, but you need.

Lose it’s difficult here, but everything is done beautiful and atmospheric. In addition, dynamic scenes occur, when, for example, JUN need to run away from enemies and open the doors on the go, using star songs, – here and tension occurs.

Secondly, Jün, Ed and Remy travel among asteroids, shopping and other stations on their ship, but not swallowed – fuel is spent on flights.

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

First you need to get the coordinates of the destination using the scan.

In addition, in the process they can meet pirates, head hunters, merchants. Or, for example, someone will ask EDU to sing on the radio or help with the movie about the witches. Every time we ourselves decide how to do – you can, for example, try to deceive pirates, giving out yourself for others. Success depends on the cast of a cube. If you are not lucky, then on the ship the pallet, and it will lose part of the trim.

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Gradually, we will increase your chances when throwing a cube.

Fuel and armor reserves allow to restore at stations for money. And we earn them, selling found during travel materials. At any time, if there is enough fuel, you are free to go to one of the points on a star map and look something valuable. True, the sets of the researcher are spent on it, and they are also not infinite. The maximum volume of these sets, as well as fuel, armor, radar and scanner range will increase when we collect the necessary resources and Remi report that the ship is ready to upgrade.

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Can be rolling enough fast.

Neither in space, nor on the asteroids, the game does not have difficult tasks before us, and there was no such purpose in the authors. The story is in the first place, and these light, not straining elements of the quest and resource management are designed to dilute what is happening. Another thing that would like more diversity in the same puzzles that are constantly repeated.

Opus: Echo Of Starsong: Video Game Overview

Cosmos here is also beautiful and stylish.

Once again I am convinced that in the pods Steam you can find a small (or even big) masterpiece. And in the case of Opus: Echo of Starsong, you can not say that this is a unworn diamond, everything is completely cut here, dancing and works. Completely chic, piercing on emotions and tears plot, characters, atmosphere, music and voice are complemented by a gameplay designed to diversify what is happening without distracting from history itself. At the exit got the game is the same sad and beautiful, like a starry sky at the beginning of autumn.

Pros: fascinating and emotional plot;And the setting itself, and the characters are well worked;Not straining, but tangible gameplay, which complements the main dish well – the plot;The game stylishly looks;Unmatched soundtrack;Beautiful and soulful voice of heroine.

Minuses: gameplay, in particular puzzles, lacks a variety;No Russian language.

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