Patapon Remastered: Overview Video Games
Sony continues to reply classic Japanese arcade on PlayStation 4 – Following Parappa The Rapper And Locoroco Realiza “Remaster” Patapon. And among all these three games, the adventures of Patapon are most appropriate today – even though they came out about ten years ago, nothing like the market never appeared. Yes, and the reissue turned out to be excellent and very high-quality, so on the PS4 game with PSP does not seem to be antiques.Without constant hunting tribe not survive.
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IN Patapon, As in the original 2007, the player meets the Pataponian tribe – funny one-eyed creatures wearing various types of weapons and arrange all sorts of rituals. Once they were a prosperous people, but lost their influence after the army attacks the stronger tribe of Zigatonov. And now without an experienced leader, they can not have almost nothing, although they remained brave warriors, ready to go to battle at any moment. A player comes to the rescue, whom everyone is called Vladyka, and only under his leadership, Patapons will be able to get to the end of the earth (Earthend) and return control over the entire nearby territory.
Producer Patapon Hiroshuki Kotani (Hiroyuki Kotan9) told in one of the interviews how difficult it was to come up with a convenient and understandable detachment control system. If you make it too simple, it will soon become boring. And the constant demonstration of the buttons to be pressed, went against the idea of a tribe that does not understand the player’s language. Therefore, creatures react exclusively to the user executable music. There are four main sounds activated by pressing a square, circle, triangle and cross. One combination causes Patapon to move forward, the other forces them to attack opponents, and subsequently they learn to defend themselves and retreat.
Therefore, passing the mission, you need not just thoughtlessly press the same buttons, but to understand what action it is best to fulfill at the moment. Move forward, try to destroy the obstacle, come closer to the crowd of Zigatonov or not to pull out and attack from afar. During the battle with the “bosses” everything becomes even more difficult, as they are able to apply a very big damage, and from time to time to activate the defense literally needed. In most cases, you can predict when approximately mandeship attacks, so after one combination you dial the other, then the third, then again the second – and so to the victorious end.
Pressing is counted only if they were made on time, so without a good feeling of rhythm to play in Patapon undesirable. It costs one time to get bored, and the soldiers will move, they are frozen on the spot or even be on the ground, and during the battle with a major opponent, it will not lead to anything good. But if you enter the correct combinations several times in a row, the pathapons will enter the FEVER MODE mode – they will become a little more difficult to manage (to keep track of the rhythm is not so easy due to a large number of sounds), but they will be more aggressive and dangerous for enemies. In addition, only in such a state, they can call fire and wind – the first is useful in the heat, and the second will allow you to further throw the spears.The strengthening and tower of the enemy usually fall apart.
These knowledge will be useful in plot tasks, but in side mini-games it all depends on speed and attentiveness. In one of them, the player manages the cook standing on a large speaking chane surrounded by many vegetables. Task – to press the circle in time so that the chef waves a knife and breaks the food flying from different sides. In another mini-game, management is identical, but you need to water a huge flower in time or even entertain a small revived mountain. The award will be useful resources. Well, about how to unlock all this, you can read in detail in the network – a lot of guides, and in the game itself such secrets are not disclosed.
Beyond missions and mini-games too have something to do. Materials and resources obtained during the colors, as well as dropping from time to time the currency is spent on the creation of new soldiers with the help of the Tree. Their characteristics are determined by the quality of the subjects used to call, and at some point, without a serious army, the tasks will not succeed. Especially great difficulties may arise in battles with “bosses” – they will spread Patapons rather quickly, but the remains falling out of them will be able to pick up and with their help to revive fallen warriors on the basis. The detachment is divided into three components, and only the player decides, take him archers, guys with axes, spearbaders or bards at all. In addition, each of them can be equipped with more advanced types of weapons or armor, if they are in inventory.
The complexity increases already at the very beginning – literally on the third mission of the player is forced to fight the “boss”, although the Patapon squad consists only of a couple of weak beings. It becomes noticeable one of the flaws Patapon, Swimming from the original, – the need to rebuild the same tasks for the sake of collecting resources and the acquisition of new soldiers. Not everyone knew about randomly generate levels of ten years ago, and therefore to access the following tasks, you need to spend time on the same outbreaks, which spoils the pattern of the narrative and does not quite appropriate.Dinosaur will soon die with a flame – it is advisable to take a defensive position.
Another problem is a clear explanation of what needs to be done to obtain new opportunities and progress, sometimes missing. Someone will certainly argue with this – they say, guess everything is most interesting. But this is true only in cases when everything is done more or less logical. And if, after the first “boss”, access to the desert, which is impossible to pass due to the inability to call rain, is quite difficult to understand that it is necessary to find some item on one of the previous locations. At some point and at all will have to kill a certain animal, about whom no one speaks about anywhere. But all this, unlike the “Pharma” missions, the impression spoils slightly – after all, in the era of the developed Internet, find the necessary information is very easy.
Looks like a reissue for the current standards very cool – characters, backs and interface elements were completely redrawn and look excellent. Only videos suffer from low quality, but here they are very small, unlike the same Parappa The Rapper Remaster, which half consisted of them. Patapon, Probably, it will remain stylish and does not endure outwardly even after a dozen years old – the heroes and surroundings are too unusual in it. There is no complaints about musical accompanies and various sounds – the age of them did not affect them.
In rhythm games it is very important to prevent the input delay. Personally, I have never experienced any discomfort – to enter the rhythm I managed without any problems, and if something at some point was not so, it was only my wines and inattention. Perhaps the delay becomes noticeable when using some special columns, but in the headphones everything is exactly in order, and when listening through the speakers of the usual LCD TV, these shortcomings were not seen.And so the rain is called here.***
Patapon Remaster You can advise not only to nostalging fans, but also a new audience unfamiliar with a series for one reason or another. The game still remains unusual and original symbiosis of rhythm arcade and strategy that works almost perfect. It has a couple of shortcomings associated with the complexity and not quite logical structure of missions, but all this does not make it bad. Judging by the fact that Sony Already launched into the production of “Remaster” Locoroco 2, Reprint both Sikwelov Patapon Surely then will see the light. And there, you look, and to the new part of the series not far.