Pirates Outlaws: Video Game View

Home » Game Reviews » Pirates Outlaws: Video Game View
July 20, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Pirates Outlaws: Video Game View
Card “Roglik” SLAY THE SPIRE I became already a game in some kind of cult and even exemplary for many other developers – more or less explicit clones overlook constantly. That’s Pirates Outlaws can be attributed to such. But the authors approached the process not without their own ideas, with a scope – and with pirated romantics.

Somewhere we have already seen

Yes, in this game we act as pirates, flibusers and the corsars of all the masters who explore thematic locations on their ships. Only no 3D, purchasing booklets and transportation of sugar or coffee between the islands – as in SLAY THE SPIRE, Travels pass schematically, on a flat map. From the start to the final boss, there are several ways, where we are waiting for battles, “points of interest” with random events, shipyard, where you can relax, to get and repair the ship, as well as shops where you allow to buy, improve or remove cards and acquire relics.

We choose the hero with their deck and try to pass an adventure. Naturally, the first time is rarely obtained – every test is broken into three stages, where the bosses are stronger and stronger. But even in case of defeat, we earn reputation points that allow you to open new heroes and new locations. In addition, progress is preserved in passage, and it brings us to the opening of new cards.

All this in places literally repeats seen in SLAY THE SPIRE Up to the presence of curses that can not be played, armor cards, bottles with potions and the aforementioned relics, giving passive bonuses, like recovery after death once per game or receiving money for every loss of health glasses. The number of relics that the character can carry is limited.Pirates Outlaws: Video Game ViewAhovah’s situation: no cards, nor ammunition, and very cold.

Bottle Roma – for the Boea!

However, B Pirates Outlaws There are also their “chips” in addition to the pirated topics, which brought into the game, for example, intoxication maps. An analogue of energy that is used for all actions here are ammunition. But for attacks of melee weapons, they are quite logical, they do not need. From here it seems to be the conclusion that when taking new maps, preference should be given to exactly what ammunitions do not spend. The only problem is that so we lose many extremely useful actions that allow, for example, to restore health or hang on enemies negative states. Therefore, it is necessary to comply with the balance and pay special attention to those actions that can instantly restore ammunition at the current go.

On this truly interesting mechanics, the difference between the heroes in Pirates Outlaws are more than more than in SLAY THE SPIRE. Someone’s ammunition initially less, but more of a melee action, someone restores two health points with each recharge, someone is able to automatically restore one ammunition when reset or removing the curse and so on.

The heroes are different ..

Heroes B Pirates Outlaws really a lot, they turned out interesting and different, unique. There is a ghost capable of restoring two health points for each used ammunition, but losing all armor at the beginning of the course. There is a damn captain, the whole strategy of which is based on the collection of relevant negative cards. The tolder of the bears in the battle actively helps Kosolapiy, and the girl-alchemist right in battle can mix cards.

I especially liked the musician who knows how to switch in a fight between three status: “Masking” allows you to activate vampirism, “Speech” restores ammunition, and “Duel” increases damage. Interestingly, the final of 14 heroes is … Chicken, serving here such a berserror – when receiving damage, it accumulates his “militia”. Pirates Outlaws: Video Game ViewSome random events are extremely useful.

… but some more

Naturally, with such a number of heroes, it is difficult to observe the perfect balance between them. A pair of characters seemed to me frankly stronger than the rest – especially a swordsman who could not apply armor and has the smallest ammunition, but it is able to shy, abduct life and actively “spam” melee cards. Play it easier, more efficient, but not a fact that more interesting. Other heroes are more difficult in mastering, but they have their advantages. Although in any case the balance here is striking with worse than in SLAY THE SPIRE, where the heroes are only 4, and not 14.

With difficulty, there are also problems – some bosses calling for minions or increasing our damage with each turn, clearly look excessively strong, and at some point they may seem at all impassable. Of course, this is not the case – much depends on the random and from the correctly selected deck. But also from spent time – get ready for the discovery of new steep heroes, cards and relics, you will need a lot of grint and fight in duels with the same enemies.

On the other hand, about the same, we are practically engaged in all CKS, especially mixed with the “balcons” – in this, in fact, their essence. By the way, in SLAY THE SPIRE bosses me also often seemed invincible.Pirates Outlaws: Video Game ViewThis girl can even cope with three.

Adventure Time

IN Pirates Outlaws Not only heroes are many times more, but also adventures and tests. Six locations are available to us (they will open up gradually), divided into several stages – here and the pirate bay, and the island of Cherepov, and the damned islands, and the cleft shower and other thematic cards. Plus isna, where you need to put records, keeping the hero as much time as possible.

On the maps there are tasks like “I hide seven sailors”, “defeat all the bosses”, “Explore the Pirate Bay” and so on. For them are special awards. Performing one of these missions, I received one bad book, and since then all the time, until I refused the task, the curse was acted against me – the hero was his health if at the end of the course remained without ammunition. But so more interesting.

Where a pirate without a ship?

From the same opera and special conditions operating in some locations: for example, “cold” will be copied in the northern lands, the number of which causes the hero damage for each additional card. Somewhere you can get into the whirlpool, who either drop back, either postponing, on the contrary, closer to the boss. This is especially important when you have few points of action. This, by the way, was also not in SLAY THE SPIRE: The ship has a limited number of OD, and if they are not left, then with an enno probability he will go to the bottom. Therefore, it is important to competently calculate the route and repair the vessel in time, restoring the stock of 1.

Some random events can land the ship to reef – it will also take action points. Alas, random meetings are often repeated – try to open the chest, agree to become a bodyguard, fighting with pirates, climb into the cave, where in search of relics we decide, go right or left, but every time we lose health glasses … and everything in such a spirit. But the range of such events is small and in SLAY THE SPIRE.

Even the combat process itself is borrowed from SLAY THE SPIRE.
As you know, clones are different. Pirates Outlaws, With all the similarity SLAY THE SPIRE, successfully demonstrates his own face – there are new mechanics and in general there are more maps, locations and unique heroes. Although the problems with the balance also more. However, in this genre without balancing patches, no one has yet accounted for – the authors now work on this.

Pros: Fascinating gameplay;many really interesting, unique heroes, cards and locations;very nice cartoon graphics;Great work with sound and music.

Minuses: Some heroes look clearly stronger;There are problems with the balance of complexity;Randa and unsuccessful cards can lead to premature damage even with an excellent deck (although it is the trait of all KKA).

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