Princess Kaguya: Legend Of The Moon Warrior: Video Game Overview
Speaking of exemplary Beat ‘EM Up, it is usually necessary to nourish in the direction of gray antiquity: Double Dragon, Guardian Heroes, Battletoads, COMIX ZONE… In recent years, lovers “to beat them all” have few reasons for pride – with the go I remember except that Ragnarok Battle Offline, Scott Pilgrim VS. The World: The Game Yes Castle crashers, in which there is a complete order with the animation and the combat system, and the role elements do not interfere. Meanwhile, Indian scene gives such games quite often: in words these are new kings of the genre, in fact – ordinary nations. Here are the creators Princess Kaguya: Legend of the Moon Warrior Promise the epic journey, furnished by Japanese scenery and equipped with a bunch of reference to the national folklore.The plot is served in the form of static pictures with signatures. Nothing amazing, this is indo-mordy (see. Karate Master 2 Knock Down Blow, Kings of Kung Fu: Masters of the Art).
Wheezing manuscript
Plot U Princess Kaguya matched Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds, That is a banal and kidnapping sister heroine. But the source of inspiration and prehistory differ – the evil Godhead named Omagadokov wrapped on the peasants of the plague and shameless spirits-minions. Salvation fell from the moon – some celestial Virgo quickly brought order, and the god sealed into the manuscript. Subsequently, the scroll erased the descendants of the aliens – so he found himself in the hands of the princesses of twins Kagui and Sakui from the Hayan era.
Kaguya – Seductive, but not a particularly intelligible girl. Favorite toy Kagui – Candama;she is afraid of britter-rabbits. Sakuya, on the contrary, closed and fearing. It is not surprising that one day Omagadoka knocks her out of conversations and … tightens into manuscript. Kahuya briefly thinking rushes to cut out her sister.
Boat lady and her kandam
Actually, all the action of the game unfolds on the enchanted paths inside the scroll, which kaguya as much as the corpses. Character models – Three-dimensional, background – two-dimensional, and in addition – a classic side view. The scenery of the trouble is mainly like in old parts Gauntlet, You have to admire the waves of “meat”. The roles of opponents perform supernatural creatures: flaming wheels, single-legged scrolls, clutched in a sheet of cats and others.
Unlike Guardian Heroes, Here you can freely move on the screen. But without restrictions, it was not necessary: in the arsenal only two types of weapons – kandam and onions, and the arrows are not infinite – the stock in the quiver is controlled by a special scale. At the disposal of the heroine also jump, kick and block. If the last to use too often, he “breaks”, forcing even the most cautious player once at once to rush into the pecked.Opponents in Beat ‘EM Up is not small. So perform a combo per 100 strikes – spit.
In addition to the “Normals”, programmed combo are available, but it is not necessary to teach them – almost everything is performed by the notorious “Buttonash”. Throwing a look into the upper left corner of the screen, you will find another one for another – Soul Gauge. It allows you to spend two “rush” – one for each type of weapons. The Yuzuki Usagi receiver looks in particular – the line of rabbits with bows materializes from the air and begins to beat the volley on the enemy … Well, the fully filled Soul Gauge initiates the berserka mode – the speed of movement, damage from the blows and the radius of attacks.
Slaughter in the style of “Nya”
However, you hardly have to activate “rushing” and “super”, because the varieties of enemies are not enough (finding an approach to each simplest simple) and they do not shine. Whether the kaugua arranges at the level of a natural slaughter, even “bosses” (except the “cheat” final) are taken out by a half.
Opponent bonuses, by the way, do not suck, and rare “consumables” are focused mainly to replenish health. As a result, there is not even primitive “pumping” and expanding the list of receptions. So it turns out that there are two incentives for overgrown with two – to knock out the “achiveness” from the category “eliminated 100 such ekayev” yes complete the stage with the maximum amount of glasses. Of course, it would be possible to look into the game, for example, for the sake of “secret”, however, the authors decided to smell their hand.
The situation aggravates the visual design Princess Kaguya. The main heroine is pretty, but … all four levels copy each other, and the animation will not name smooth. Ragnarok Battle Offline, released ten years ago, looks on the background of creation Zoo Corporation real masterpiece.Looking for the original “bosses”? Behind them – in Ragnarok Battle Offline. Princess Kaguya has a big trouble.***
Despite the label “Made in Japan”, Princess Kaguya Does not justify expectations. Before us is incredibly short face, not even trying to cause a feeling of carefree fun from the removal of the Horde of Enemies. Everything he is awarded for the passage of the story campaign is an additional regime where we are at the time of the mupam of unfortunate rabbits. Well, it remains to wait when from Steam Early Access will choose Onikira: Demon Killer – Another Beat ‘Em Up about feudal Japan and demons, but with interactive environment, puzzles and more solid set of weapons and levels.