Radiation Island: Video Game Overview
Snow-covered Canadian expanses, forests with bloodthirsty savages, post-Soviet settlements populated from the dead, – in the games it became very fashionable to survive. Not so much and now it is necessary that the project in the blink of an eye has taken a worthy position in the charts of digital distribution stores. Put in the graph “Genre” the magical “survival”, and, even if the game is not finished, is chosen by bugs, departures and has an inadequate price, as well as inadequate community, it will still shoot! Fairly absolutely for all platforms.
And on the PC, you can still somehow erupted yes to find pearl grains in the pit, the benefit of the material is enough. But how to be lovers of mobile gemina, as well as the unhappy who does not want to break away from his beloved entertainment for a second, even on the road or on boring work? Of course, there are on mobile phones and tablets and old good Minecraft And Terraria, But we have already seen this. From the last original, mobile projects in the head does not come The Survivor: Rusty Forest, And it would be better if he, the right word, was forgotten soon. Maybe at least “survival” Radiation Island a little psyche psyche?The form of the archipelago something remotely reminds ..
Island of bad luck
Atypical Games It is possible to swee the lovers of large games for small devices a very competent approach to the development: its games are relatively inexpensive (and even after the jumping of the world currency relative to the native ruble prices are still not so bitble), huge and technological. Say that the “island” on the full squeezes from the tablet (and on the tablet it is clearly more convenient to it than on the ph1) all the juices – it means not to say anything. The battery charge confidently rushes down, on the back of the panel you can warm breakfast, and the FPS in particularly downloaded moments will seek quite significantly. But in return, the player is available to a huge and beautiful world with a curious story, juicy paints and worked surroundings.
By the way, it is an adequate story in the sandbox we expected to see the least. No, by the standards of cinema, the local plot line would go except in the militant, but against the background of endless single-line introductory (“all zombies became”, “Your plane fell”, “You woke up in an unknown place”) Progress is noticeable. The main character becomes the direct member of the Philadelphian experiment, during which the American destroyer “Eldridge” moves in space for the archipelago of the artificial islands in the Sea of Devil. Once at the land, our protagonist is trying, of course, to survive, and at the same time to unravel the secret of the islands, on which the Japanese military base was once located. In this, he will help scraps of diaries, explaining the situation around the mysterious base, well, the faithful rifle will not be left without.
Tower? Tower!
And although we all have been used to it for a long time that the game about survival usually do not have the finals as such, here it is, as well as the tangible goal. Simple seating in place in Radiation Island Success does not achieve – you will have to constantly move around the islands, to absorb information about them and, most importantly, to explore the numerous towers with which the islands are quenched. Their number is enough to spend in the game for several hours, and to disable at least one device is not so simple – you need to know the access code, which, in turn, also need to find. Such a healthy filling of locations can not but rejoice – there is always something on the island than to do, except for gathering branches and hunting for animals.The picture in the game is very pleasant, beyond doubt.
Thanks to the rich history of the military base, do not have to worry for a different survival inventory. Almost all that is available in the “crafting” mode, can be found in one degree or another on the map: in the chests subject to destroyed buildings, or just on Earth. Food, antiragonal costumes, tablets and grass – Standard survival set.
In addition, the game implemented a worthy arsenal – from the boomeranga to the machine gun. Cartridges will always miss, and create them very problematic, so you need to use weapons with the mind. And you will have to use, because the hunt for a bear with a bow and quiver of arrows – the occupation is not too safe, as well as stripping the tower from the cheekyless. Climbing away from the starting point, you can also forget that once you hunted with a hatch for hares or sheep.
Separate theme – transport, more precisely, its unexpected availability. He is really appropriate, and some of his representatives, for example, deltaplane, and at all cause something similar to delight: to consider the beauty of the island from a bird’s eye view – one pleasure.And will give a shoot too!***
But even in this game there was a one thousand and one conventions that realism kill on the root. The character always wants to eat, it is capable of frozen on an even place, collect cartridges from iron ore and sulfur. Enemies, and beasts, and infected Japanese are foolish. And at night, every time it is terribly cold and you can warm up far from every fire. It is clear that these are all assumptions left to make the gameplay more dynamic and, maybe a bit clearer and easier, but the eyes rushes.
Multiplayer, made in the image and similarity Dark Souls, Alas, refused to work, despite the conditions performed, and this is not a single case – the game’s reviews in the App Store have shown that only chosen can play online. The rest will have to drive time to the saving update in Singleer. And nothing to do with it – you have to put up, because the game definitely costs your attention. Even recommend not ashamed.