Stasis: Video Review Games

Home » Game Reviews » Stasis: Video Review Games
July 28, 2022
7 minutes

By Jonny Gamer

Stasis: Video Review Games
Another leaving with Kickstarter’s crowdfunding platforms got to a full release. The path from the beginning of the collection of funds was long enough – almost two years passed from the announcement. During this time, the project managed to acquire the publisher in the face Daedalic Entertainment and own page in steam and gog. We did not fail to get acquainted with the promising scientific fiction adventure.Stasis: Video Review GamesTerribly beautiful, terribly stylish and just terribly. This is all stasis.
Morning is not good

In the Point’n’Click Adventure Plot, as a rule, is in the first place, and something new in the gameplay from the genre has long been no longer expecting. Stasis no exception – we have the history of an ordinary person from a scientific fiction future that has fallen in very unusual circumstances.

John Marachek, who went to the space journey with his family, wakes up in the Stasis-Camera after exiting anabiosis. Awakening it at all is not happy – instead of the end point of the route, it is located on a completely different spacecraft, his wife and daughters are not near, and the local inhabitants are not at all hurry to make clarity in what is happening. More precisely, members of the crew “Grumleyk” (so called the cosmoll, which turned out to be the protagonist) and not at all, so it will have to go to search for loved ones, trying to pass along the fact that it happened.

In that something strange happened here, it does not have to doubt – not a single living soul, but it is full of dead with signs of violent death. The ship is a scientific, and a sophisticated player, of course, immediately guesses that another dangerous experiments with biological weapons, which rebelled against their creators, is probably guilty of the death of the crew. Abandoned ship, predatory creatures who killed most of the team, and crazy scientists who have experienced people … A complete set of sci-fi horror stamps, from “Alien” and Dead Space before the “event horizon”.

However, if you initially tune in exactly this and not wait from the game of some revelations in terms of the plot (and the developers still at Kickstarter promised exactly the classic NF horror), then the story of the “Grossing” looks quite organically, despite the common banality. Although, if you do not be lazy to follow the development of the plot, you can see some interesting little things that allow you to look at what is happening at a slightly different angle even after passing the game and get an answer to all questions.Stasis: Video Review GamesQuite typical for the game The ratio of corpses per square meter location.
The authors are not shy at all shy to do with the heroes of the game with the maximum cruelty. And it looks like everything “in an adult”, without any grotesque, and is not limited to an ordinary mesing of meat, which will not surprise anyone now. However, the “blood intestines” are also at the level: John constantly comes to dig in the semi-disconnected corpses (sometimes – directly in bodies, and not in things or clothing) in search of valuables, a couple of times it uses torn limbs, swims in a tank with biologicalwaste and wanders on sewage among human remains … solid abomination.

Judging by the memorization of the dead, among the members of the team “Grossing” one could detect no less disgusting people, and their number exceeds all reasonable limits. One for the sake of survival is ready to kill a person who considers him a friend, the other is not bent to conduct experiments on people in the name of science and crushes except because of the poor quality of the “material”, the third and at all psychopath, which prevented on the idea of superhuman. There is practically no adequate, and those that are, die much faster than their mercenary colleagues. However, judging by all the same records of magazines and eloquent bloody footsteps in each compartment, death sooner or later overtook every1.

The idea of filing the plot by throwing up the player of various notes and emails in the terminals is not new, and the plot itself turned out, to put it mildly, secondary. But in general, the story of “Grossing” does not cause the desire to skip reading all these records, letters and diaries. Moreover, it is this that will have to be engaged in most of the time in the breaks between the decision of the riddles and looking at the superbly drawn levels.

Creepy beauty

Stasis As if Returns the player to one and a half years ago, during the time of sunset the sprites, when the developers began to experiment with 3D with 3D, and old good sprites gradually went out to the background. The Brotherhood Created a classic isometric adventball, but it is not worth rejunished before this is not worth it, even if with the games of that epoch you are connected exclusively positive memories. “Classic”, in addition to the most beautiful locations, includes the absence of any distinct interface, a terrible main menu, low according to modern standards permission and animation of the level of the last century.Stasis: Video Review Games“Doctor, and I can play a violin after surgery?”
On the other hand, the unique atmosphere of the game create manually drawn levels, and the low resolution of the picture is their only drawback. Some asks on the desktop as wallpaper, some generally made so good that it seems as if it’s not a “back” of a computer game, but the most real picture. Everything is asked in the same gloomy-technical style: Futuristic equipment, somewhere broken, and somewhere continuing to work, despite the lack of people, puddles of blood, flickering emergency lighting and darkness of abandoned compartments … spoils the impression except that the gait of the main character – hismovements look unnatural and do not fit into the overall picture.

As for sound accompaniment, it is remembered in the main frequency sobs and the cries of John himself about what is happening around. Music comes into business quite rarely, but where it goes to the fore, has to be solely to the place.

Without surprises

In terms of gameplay Stasis It is unlikely to surprise any1. Standard process for the genre: run on locations, look for items, come up with how can they be used, but decide various riddles in the form of mini-games. No variability of passing is not – everything is purely linear. It is worth carefully reading records left by the deceased ship’s team, otherwise it will not be possible to find some kind of mysteries. The latter are mostly logical, fit into the entourage and contribute to the creation of the very gloomy atmosphere of what is happening. Fortunately, there are almost no brainball problems here “like using an ax and pillow to repair an electric generator”, but in abundance of all sorts of manipulations with corpses, rotten incension, cut off the limbs and other unpleasant actions.

From such a close neighborhood with already dead and still alive (but not at all hospitable) by the inhabitants of the ship John may well solve all the problems with one fear, simply ending with him. In any case, the player has such an opportunity, and you can make a suicide with the help of almost any found item – just use it on the main hero. Next will follow a small roller, where the maratk kits himself with a variety of ways. Nothing special – “Fich” for the sake of “Fichi” and another touch to the constant feeling of hopelessness, which causes Stasis.Stasis: Video Review GamesIf you are tired of playing, then you can originally check out the main menu.***
You can master the game in one evening. Passage occupies exactly so much time so as not to bother. There is nothing new here, as expected, no – the developers promised a classic Advenchuru, and they kept their promise. Nevertheless, Stasis There was a place to be excellent design and a not essential plot, and the very “soul” thanks to all of the above – at least fasten.

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